












Is Christmas in Japan very different than in other countries?

Yes and no! On the surface, there are many similarities. Public places are decorated beautifully, we can hear Christmas tunes and there are Christmas trees pretty much everywhere. Oh, and let’s not forget about Christmas illuminations that are perhaps even better than in Western countries! On the other hand, in Japanese private homes, Christmas trees and decorations don’t seem to be as popular and common.

That’s interesting! I guess it’s because Christmas in the West is a religious holiday that’s significant on a more personal and familial level.

I see, that sounds like the celebration of the Japanese New Year. We tend to spend that time with our families and often travel to our hometowns. It’s a big three-day holiday!

Just like Christmas in Europe! So, what are some unique Japanese Christmas traditions or customs?

Good question! I think we’ve got to start with the Christmas chicken! It is truly a Japanese tradition that stems from KFC’s brilliant marketing stunt in the 1970’s. I bet you didn’t know about that! Another one is eating Christmas cake. That’s a soft, sponge cake, decorated with whipped cream and strawberries. Today, it’s hard to imagine Christmas in Japan without those two! Actually, the demand is so high that you have to preorder well in advance if you really want them!

No way! It’s quite different than in the West! What about presents? Do Japanese people give presents at Christmas? (note: “on Christmas” means on December 25th, “at Christmas” means “any time around Christmas”)
※「on Christmas」 は12月25日を指し、「at Christmas」はクリスマスの時期全般を指します)

Sure! Japanese people exchange presents but it’s more common between friends and among couples than among family members. That’s what you do in the West, don’t you?

Yeah! It’s mainly families but it seems to be changing because of the commercialization of Christmas…

I think I know what you are talking about. I guess that would be another similarity then.







もう一つ面白い「Poland in Japan (日本でのポーランド)」の出来事が2年前に起こりました。そのとき私は天神を散策していて、無印良品に立ち寄りました。店内では民謡が流れていて、特に聞き覚えがあるわけではありませんでした。しかし次の瞬間気がつきました、その民謡は実は昔のポーランドのクリスマスキャロルだったのです!数週間後、東京の無印良品のオフィスの方と話す機会があり、当然そのことを尋ねました。なんと、店内のBGMの選曲は中央で統括されていて、そのポーランドの曲は日本全国の無印良品で流れていたそうです!



先月の私のブログの終わりに、マライア・キャリーの「All I Want for Christmas Is You」の話をしました。正直なところ、前まではあの曲があまり好きではなかったのですが、今では楽しいクリスマスムードをもたらしてくれると思うようになりました。みなさんが素敵なクリスマスを迎え、素晴らしい人たちと過ごせますように!Merry Christmas everyone!









私の名前は、バルトシュ ヴィシンスキーです。







Christmas in Japan. 

Hello, everyone! The wait is over and it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas again. There are Christmas markets with Christmas trees, Santa figures here and there, and the familiar Christmas songs are played wherever we go. Let’s take a look at what some call the most wonderful time of the year, as seen in Japan and elsewhere. 

So, what is Christmas in Japan like? How is it different from other countries?

Celebrating Christmas in Japan has reportedly started only in post-war Japan. Still, despite it not being particularly ingrained in Japanese culture, Christmas has evolved into an important part of Japanese end-of-year traditions. For a foreigner living in Japan, Christmas may offer interesting observations and force comparisons. Let’s imagine what a conversation about Japanese and non-Japanese Christmas traditions would be like.

– Is Christmas in Japan very different than in other countries? 

– Yes and no! On the surface, there are many similarities. Public places are decorated beautifully, we can hear Christmas tunes and there are Christmas trees pretty much everywhere. Oh, and let’s not forget about Christmas illuminations that are perhaps even better than in Western countries! On the other hand, in Japanese private homes, Christmas trees and decorations don’t seem to be as popular and common. 

– That’s interesting! I guess it’s because Christmas in the West is a religious holiday that’s significant on a more personal and familial level. 

– I see, that sounds like the celebration of the Japanese New Year. We tend to spend that time with our families and often travel to our hometowns. It’s a big three-day holiday!

– Just like Christmas in Europe! So, what are some unique Japanese Christmas traditions or customs? 

– Good question! I think we’ve got to start with the Christmas chicken! It is truly a Japanese tradition that stems from KFC’s brilliant marketing stunt in the 1970’s. I bet you didn’t know about that! Another one is eating Christmas cake. That’s a soft, sponge cake, decorated with whipped cream and strawberries. Today, it’s hard to imagine Christmas in Japan without those two! Actually, the demand is so high that you have to preorder well in advance if you really want them! 

– No way! It’s quite different than in the West! What about presents? Do Japanese people give presents at Christmas? (note: “on Christmas” means on December 25th, “at Christmas” means “any time around Christmas”)

– Sure! Japanese people exchange presents but it’s more common between friends and among couples than among family members. That’s what you do in the West, don’t you?

– Yeah! It’s mainly families but it seems to be changing because of the commercialization of Christmas…

– I think I know what you are talking about. I guess that would be another similarity then.

I can imagine such conversation quite well! Don’t you? I hope so, but let us know in the comments! 

Personal experiences

Now, let’s move on to my Christmases in Japan. To be honest there weren’t many as Polish tradition calls for spending that special time of the year with our families. Those three years I was in Japan during Christmas were quite interesting though! First of all, Christmas Eve is a normal working day in Japan which makes it a bit more ordinary than in Poland. I knew it would be next to impossible to recreate my Polish Christmas so I spent the holiday in a completely different way as I traveled to some of my favorite places in Kyushu – Aso, Hyuga, and Takeo. One thing that, interestingly, links Japan to Poland during Christmas is the fact that it’s virtually the only time we can buy Polish gingerbread here. It seems so popular that it gets sold out pretty quickly! Perhaps you’ll be lucky and find some at your local Kaldi? Another really curious “Poland in Japan” situation happened two years ago as I wandered around Tenjin and went to Muji there. Some folk music played in the background, nothing immediately familiar. In a second though my jaw dropped as that folk music appeared to be an old Polish Christmas Carol! A couple of weeks later I had a chance to talk to someone from the Muji office in Tokyo and, quite obviously, asked about that. Turns out the choice of the background music is centralized and that Polish song was played in all Muji stores in Japan! 


Last month, I finished my blog talking about Mariah Carey singing about what she wants for Christmas. To be honest, I didn’t use to like that song but nowadays it brings a good, festive mood. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and spend it in great company! Merry Christmas everyone!

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