年別アーカイブ: 2024年

「What do you have in mind?」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「What do you have in mind?」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】


What do you have in mind?」というフレーズを聞いたことはありますか?
このブログでは、この「What do you have in mind?」の意味や使い方、類似フレーズについてご紹介します。このフレーズに関する私の体験も共有します。






「What do you have in mind?」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「What do you have in mind?」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】

誰かが「What do you have in mind? (何を考えていますか?/何か案がありますか?)」と尋ねるとき、その人はあなたのアイデアや計画を知りたいのです。


「What do you have in mind?」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「What do you have in mind?」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】


Jaimie: Hi Tim, I was thinking that we should start a Kensington Employee of the Month award and I know exactly who should get the first prize for September.

Tim: Oh, that’s a nice idea Jaimie, whom do you have in mind?

Jaimie: But of course you Tim, who else?!

Tim: Oh, I don’t know Jaimie, it’s a good idea but I can’t accept it.

Jaimie: You’re such a great person, Tim.



Jaimie: Hey Tim, do you want to hang out this weekend?

Tim: Sure Jaimie, what do you have in mind?

Jaimie: How about Chinese at that nice place near our school?

Tim: Sounds great!



A: We’re trying to choose a new paint color. What do you have in mind?

B: How about  eggshell white for the living room and baby blue for the kitchen?


「What do you have in mind?」の類似フレーズ


What do you think about…?(〜についてどう思いますか?)

Do you have any ideas for…?(〜について何かアイデアはありますか?)

How do you see…?(〜をどう見ますか?/ 〜についてどう考えますか?)


「What do you have in mind?」に関連する私の経験

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「What do you have in mind?」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】

What do you have in mind?」は、職場や友達、家族との会話で非常に便利な表現で、私はかなり頻繁に使います。
例えば最近、家族に娘の誕生日のディナーにどのレストランを考えているか尋ねました。(I asked my family what restaurant they had in mind for the birthday celebration dinner.)

Yakiniku would be great! (焼肉がいい!)」と一番下の娘がすぐに答えました。



What do you have in mind?」は、お互いをよりよく理解するのに役立つ便利なフレーズです。
相手が何を望んでいるのか分からないときは、ぜひ「What do you have in mind?」と尋ねてみてください。







Have you ever heard someone ask, “What do you have in mind?” It’s a way of asking what someone thinks or wants to do. We use it a lot in different situations, like at work or with friends. In this blog entry, I’ll explain what this phrase means, show examples of how it’s used, talk about similar phrases, and share some personal stories.

What does “What do you have in mind?” mean?

When someone asks, “What do you have in mind?”, they want to know your ideas or plans. It’s a way of asking for your thoughts on something. This question is used to start a conversation and find out what someone wants or thinks about a topic.

 Examples of “What do you have in mind?”

1. At work 

Jaimie: Hi Tim, I was thinking that we should start a Kensington Employee of the Month award and I know exactly who should get the first prize for September.

Tim: Oh, that’s a nice idea Jaimie, whom do you have in mind?

Jaimie: But of course you Tim, who else?!

Tim: Oh, I don’t know Jaimie, it’s a good idea but I can’t accept it.

Jaimie: You’re such a great person, Tim.

2. Planning a hangout

Jaimie: Hey Tim, do you want to hang out this weekend?

Tim: Sure Jaimie, what do you have in mind?

Jaimie: How about Chinese at that nice place near our school?

Tim: Sounds great!

3. Asking for suggestions:

A: We’re trying to choose a new paint color. What do you have in mind?

B: How about  eggshell white for the living room and baby blue for the kitchen? 

Other ways to ask the same thing

  1. What do you think about…?
  2. Do you have any ideas for…?
  3. How do you see…?

My experiences with “What do you have in mind?”

 “What do you have in mind?”  is a quite handy expression in conversations at work, with friends and family so I use it fairly often. It helps me understand what others want or think. It’s a friendly way to start a conversation and share ideas. For example, on one of my daughters’ birthday recently, I asked my family what restaurant they had in mind for the birthday celebration dinner. “Yakiniku would be great!” my youngest daughter replied quickly.


“What do you have in mind?” is a useful phrase that helps us understand each other better. It’s a friendly way to ask for ideas or opinions. By learning to use this phrase, you can improve your communication skills and connect with others more easily. So next time you’re not sure what someone wants, just ask, “What do you have in mind?”

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Happy Birthday to Kensington! – 祝ケンジントン英会話10周年!





ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Happy Birthday to Kensington! - 10周年おめでとう!
What is the purpose of your visit (あなたの訪問の目的は?)

Humble beginnings (ささやかな始まり)

Youthful exuberance! (若々しい活力!)

Rina and Aya! (リナとアヤ!)

Young but fun school (若いながらも楽しい学校)

Oh dear (おやおや)

Tough times through covid (コロナ禍の厳しい時期)

A somber mood (重苦しい雰囲気)

Life Online (オンライン生活)

Elderly Statesmen (ベテランの指導者たち)

Back and busy as always (いつも通りの忙しさに戻りました)









Hello there everyone! 

This month marks the 10th anniversary of Kensington Eikaiwa, so a big and slightly belated happy birthday to all of you!

Most of long term students (some of you have been with us from the very beginning) know how we started off small in a tiny apartment in Maizuru and with the support of all our amazing students, teachers, and staff alike, are still here 10 years later and busier than ever despite some major setbacks through the horrible covid era.

I don’t want to bore you with a massive back story so like on any milestone celebration,I have dragged up a few old pictures of us through our younger, more party-like early days onto the adult version of Kensington we have become today. There were so many to choose from it wasn’t easy but here is a look at Kensington over the years.

We are planning a large celebration later in the year and will be inviting former students and staff alike. We want to make it special so we are starting to plan it now and will hold it at the end of the year so please watch this space! 


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Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa




















Hakata Dontaku is a festival held every year around Golden Week. People parade down the main streets wearing traditional clothing. A lot of people visit Fukuoka for it.


Dontaku is a kind of festival in early May where people dress up in traditional prefectural garments and parade while onlookers watch.


Dontaku is one of three major festivals in Fukuoka held in May, and it involves hundreds of performers dressing in traditional garments and parading down the main streets of Fukuoka.















Hakata Dontaku Festival

Today’s blog post is all about how to explain something like Hakata Dontaku in English, and specifically to foreigners. We’ll be looking at a very brief explanation of what dontaku is in an English context, then we’ll look at some basic example phrases on how to explain it efficiently and clearly. Let’s get started.

What is Hakata Dontaku?

Most readers of this blog will already know what Hakata Dontaku is and its importance in Fukuoka and its culture so we won’t go into detail, but to be brief and if we were to explain it simply in English, it’s a special festival held in early May during the Golden Week in Fukuoka Prefecture, where tens of thousands of people watch and attend a festival involving traditional dances and costumes. Performers would walk down the main streets of Fukuoka City and dance as onlookers watched.

That’s a good summary, but how do we make that explanation more efficient when explaining it in English? How do we simplify it? This is an important thing to learn when explaining things to people, as much of the information we give is secondary to the key points, so let’s get into how to phrase this better.

Example Sentences

Here are some basic ways to explain dontaku with increasingly more complex English:

“Hakata Dontaku is a festival held every year around Golden Week. People parade down the main streets wearing traditional clothing. A lot of people visit Fukuoka for it.”

Here’s an intermediate form.

“Dontaku is a kind of festival in early May where people dress up in traditional prefectural garments and parade while onlookers watch.”

Here’s a more advanced vocabulary with a little more detail.

“Dontaku is one of three major festivals in Fukuoka held in May, and it involves hundreds of performers dressing in traditional garments and parading down the main streets of Fukuoka.”

Notice that when providing these examples, only key points are given. The name of the festival, what it is, where it is, when, and what happens there. This is all that is necessary when explaining any event or topic to someone. The most important principle is to keep things simple and clear. More detail can always be added when asked about those details!

Personal Experiences

Personally, I’ve never actually seen Hakata Dontaku despite living in Fukuoka for such a long time. I’m not really a festival-goer, but I do notice that whenever the festival is on, roads are very busy or closed. A lot of people tend to be around Fukuoka in May, though it is Golden week after all!


Hopefully with these example sentences, you’ll have a better grasp of how to explain things not just with regards to something like Dontaku, but also in general. Remember, keep it simple!

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「母の日」に使える英語フレーズ【Happy Mother’s Day!】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:母の日に使える英語フレーズ【Happy Mother’s Day!】





ケンジントン英会話ブログ:母の日に使える英語フレーズ【Happy Mother’s Day!】

「Happy Mother’s Day!」

と他の祝日と同じように「Happy 〜」を使うことができます。


Thank you for everything (いつもありがとう)
Thanks for everything you do for our family (家族のためにしてくれることに感謝しています)
Thanks for being my Mom! (私のお母さんでいてくれてありがとう!)


Here’s a small token of my appreciation for you. (これはあなたへのほんの感謝のしるしです)

a token of appreciation (感謝のしるし)」とは、ギフト自体だけでなく、誰かにに対して感じている感謝の気持ちを表します。



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:母の日に使える英語フレーズ【Happy Mother’s Day!】

「Mama’s Boy (お母さんっ子)」の私は、可能な限り母に会いに行くようにしています。
もちろん、ギフトや「a token of my appreciation (感謝のしるし)」を持って行きます。










Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day, a day to give thanks and show appreciation to Moms around the world, is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May. Just like in Japan, in America, Mother’s Day involves giving gifts, or sending postcards, and spending some quality time with Mom. In this blog post we’ll focus on some phrases you can use to celebrate Mother’s Day in English!

First up, we should start by saying “Happy Mother’s Day!” just as we’d say for other holidays. However, this time, you can also give your Mom a big hug  and tell her you love her while saying it. You can also follow this up by adding something like “thank you for everything,” “thanks for everything you do for our family,” or “thanks for being my Mom!”

If you’re giving your Mom a gift, you might want to say “here’s a small token of my appreciation for you.” This means the gift you’re giving represents how you feel about your loving Mother. “A token of appreciation.” not only refers to the gift itself, but the gratitude you feel towards another person. It’s sort of like the idea that “it’s not about the gift, but rather the thought.”

In my personal experiences with Mother’s Day, as a “Mama’s Boy” myself, I usually make sure to go and see her if possible. Of course, I’ll be bearing a gift, or a token of my appreciation. In the past, when I was a child, my Mom had requested that my brother and I each drew a picture of her for her to keep or put up on a wall for Mother’s Day. Although this tradition didn’t last past our childhood, it’s a core memory I have of celebrating Mother’s Day. My Mom still has some of those drawings or paintings around the house.

So this year, remember to not only tell, but also show your Mom how you feel about her on Mother’s Day. While Mother’s Day is a great time to do this, we should probably all try to spend as much time as possible with our Moms, and tell them how much we appreciate them anytime we can. As we all know, to the world, a Mother is just a person, but to us, they are our world.

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ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ





ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ

通常、2日以上の祝日(クリスマス、イースターなど)では、前置詞は「at」(例:at Christmas) を使いますが、ゴールデンウィーク (お盆も) は英語圏の祝日ではないため、「at」は使わず、「over」または「during」を使います。


What are you doing over GW?
What are you doing during GW?

Are you doing anything nice over GW?
Are you doing anything nice during GW?

What did you do over GW?
What did you do during GW?

I stayed at home and did a Spring clean over GW.

I went to my friend’s home and had dinner during GW.

Where do you recommend for sightseeing over GW?



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ


the time at the end of April / beginning of May when Japan has 4 national holidays in the space of one week



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ

おススメに使う動詞には「recommend」はもちろん、「should」「ought to」があります。

If you’re a fan of pop culture, I definitely recommend the Iwashita Collection; they have thousands of Showa era artifacts.

The Comico Art Museum has works by famous Japanese artists; you must go if you’re a Japanese art fan!
(Comico Art Museum には有名な日本人アーティストの作品があります。日本のアートのファンなら必ず行くべきです!)

On a day when the weather is good, riding a motorcycle is one of the best feelings in the world; you ought to try it someday.



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ

これまでゴールデンウィークでは、私はよく友達と一緒に福岡タワーの前にあった(今は中央公園に移転しました。) 九州クラフトビールフェスティバルに行き、外でおしゃべりしながらさまざまなビールを試飲していました。


「Comico Art Museum」に行き、杉本博司や草間彌生など、有名な日本人アーティストの作品を見ました。


ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ ケンジントン英会話ブログ:ゴールデンウィーク(GW) に使える前置詞・英語フレーズ







Golden Week

Golden week, the small block of national holidays, almost consecutively, and sandwiched between Hanami season and the rainy season, is the last “comfortable” time to head outside and enjoy the weather (if it’s not raining again) before the onset of Japan’s oppressive summer.

A time when locals and foreign residents alike, head en masse to Japan’s many outdoor attractions, go shopping, or simply relax at home.

Prepositions with GW

Usually, with holidays that are two days or more (i.e. Christmas, Easter, etc.), we use the preposition “at”, e.g. “at Christmas”, but as Golden Week (and also Obon) are not holidays in the English speaking world, we don’t use “at”; instead, we can use either “over”, or “during”.

Most often, we’d use it to ask about plans, e.g. –

What are you doing over / during GW?

Are you doing anything nice over / during GW?

What did you do over / during GW?

I stayed at home and did a Spring clean over GW.

I went to my friend’s home and had dinner during GW.

Where do you recommend for sightseeing over GW?

What is GW if people don’t know it? How can you explain it?

You could explain GW as being “the time at the end of April / beginning of May when Japan has 4 national holidays in the space of one week”, hence “Golden Week”.


This GW, I went to Yufuin for a day trip. It was super crowded. I went to the Comico Art Museum, which had artworks by Hiroshi Sugimoto, Kusama Yayoi, and other famous Japanese artists. 

I also went to a private museum – The Iwashita Collection – One man’s passion for all things retro. I highly recommend going for pop culture history, especially the Showa era. It also has one of the world’s largest collections of vintage motorcycles.

Recommending things

When recommending something, we usually add a reason (sometimes the reason has already been mentioned, in which case, we can just add the recommendation). Verbs that we use for recommendations include “should”, “ought to” and of course, “recommend”; for strong recommendations, we sometimes use “must”. E.g. –

“If you’re a fan of pop culture, I definitely recommend the Iwashita Collection; they have thousands of Showa era artifacts.”

“The Comico Art Museum has works by famous Japanese artists; you must go if you’re a Japanese art fan!”

“On a day when the weather is good, riding a motorcycle is one of the best feelings in the world; you ought to try it someday.”

During GW, I used to often go with friends to the Kyushu Craft beer (地ビール) festival, which was located in front of Fukuoka tower, but has since relocated to the part of Chuo park by the Naka river (near Pan Stock and the Kihinkan 貴賓館). We would sample the different beers while chatting outside.

However, these days I prefer riding my motorcycle in the countryside to drinking beer.

Last year, I did a mini tour of North Kyushu, taking in Mt Hiko, Yufuin, Kuju, the Aso caldera, and the Saga highlands.

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Instagram : @kensington_eikaiwa

Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa




「Do you want …」「Would you like…」「Shall we…」の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Do you want ...」「Would you like...」「Shall we...」の使い方


今回はその中でも「Do you want …」、「Would you like …」、「Shall we …」の3つに焦点を当てたいと思います。

「Do you want …」と「Would you like …」の違い

フォーマルな表現では「Would you like (to)」、カジュアルな表現では「Do you want (to)」が使えます。

Do you want …

Would you like …

カジュアル (家族、友人、同僚)相手をよく知っていて、同じレベルで話している場合に使います。フレンドリーでカジュアルです。 フォーマル (新しいクライアント、顧客、上司) ビジネスシーンでは最も安全な選択です。
Do you want to come to dinner on Friday night? Would you like to come to dinner on Friday night?
Do you want to go for a coffee? Would you like to go for a coffee?
John, do you want some cake? John, would you like some cake?
Do you want something to drink? What can I get you?’  would you like something to drink? What can I get you?’ 


「want to (wanna) …?」の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Do you want ...」「Would you like...」「Shall we...」の使い方

want」はフレンドリーでカジュアルな表現 (話している人たちは同じレベルで、誰も他の人を指揮していない、階層がない状態) ですから、Webサイトや販売ページで使われ、よく「do you」が省略されます。

Want to
learn more about this? Join our next online course!

Want to discover several exciting ways to grow your business? Click on the link below.

Want to be a fluent in English and meet exciting people? Join our school!


「Shall we …?」の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Do you want ...」「Would you like...」「Shall we...」の使い方

Shall we …?」は、イギリス英語で提案をするときによく使う表現です。

Shall we
go for a walk?

Shall we try that new Italian restaurant?


shall」に対する一般的な答え方は「Yes, let’s.」です。
これは「Yes, we shall.」よりもよく使われます。

Shall we stop now?

B: Yes, let’s.


shall we」は、「let’s」の付加疑問文を作る時にも使われます。

Let’s invite the neighbours over for dinner at the weekend, shall we?

B: Yes, let’s!

shall we …」はとてもイギリス英語的で、カジュアルな場面でもフォーマルな場面でも使えますが、イギリス以外の英語圏の方からすると少しフォーマルに聞こえることがあります。
旅行やホームステイをする際は自分で判断し、「in Rome do as Romans do (郷に入っては郷に従え )」に従ってください。










Do you want … /  Would you like… / Shall we…

In English there are several expressions for inviting someone to something or to do something. This time let’s focus on three of them:
“Do you want…”, “Would you like…” and “Shall we”…

“Do you want…” and “Would you like…” difference

When we give somebody an invitation, we ask if they would like to go somewhere or do something or have something. We can use the formal phrase would you like (to) and the more informal phrase do you want (to):

Do you want….

Would you like…

Informal (family, friends, colleagues)you know someone well and you’re talking on the same level. It’s friendly and informal.  Formal (new client, your customer or your boss)
It’s the safest choice in a business situation.
Do you want to come to dinner on Friday night? Would you like to come to dinner on Friday night?
Do you want to go for a coffee? Would you like to go for a coffee?
John, do you want some cake? John, would you like some cake?
Do you want something to drink? What can I get you?’  would you like something to drink? What can I get you?’ 

want to (wanna)…? 

Because “want” is more friendly and informal (you’re talking on the same level, no one is in charge of the other person, there is no hierarchy)  it is commonly used on websites and sales pages (omitting “do you”). You’re saying ‘we’re like friends (or we could be). I’m on your side’:

“Want to learn more about this? Join our next online course!”

“Want to discover several exciting ways to grow your business? Click on the link below.”

“Want to be a fluent in English and meet exciting people? Join our school!”

“Shall we… ?”

“Shall we… ?” is a common way of making suggestions in British English. It means you are making a suggestion and you want to know  the other person opinion about it. 

“Shall we go for a walk?”

“Shall we try that new Italian restaurant?”

A common answer to “shall”  would be “Yes, let’s.”, rather than “Yes, we shall.”
A: Shall we stop now? B: Yes, let’s.

Shall we is also the tag question in sentences with “let’s”

A: Let’s invite the neighbours over for dinner at the weekend, shall we?

B: Yes, let’s!

Keep in mind that “shall we…” is very British, used in informal as well formal situations. In some English speaking countries, however, it sounds a bit formal. 

When travelling or doing a homestay, make your own judgment and as the proverb says: “in Rome do as Romans do”. If you notice it is not often used, try other expressions.

In the English language, there are several expression to invite someone or to make invitations. Start practicing with the basic ones and as you increase your confidence (and your understanding of the English speaking countries cultures) incorporate other sentences into your vocabulary.

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Instagram : @kensington_eikaiwa

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「May day (メーデー)」ってなに? – 「International Labor Day (国際労働者の日)」

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「May day (メーデー)」ってなに? - 「International Labor Day (国際労働者の日)」



5月はまた、「May day (メーデー)」または「International Labor Day (国際労働者の日)」と呼ばれる重要な日から始まります。
興味深いことに、日本ではあまり「May day (メーデー)」は祝われていませんね。
このブログでは、「May day (メーデー)」とは何か、どのように祝われているかをご紹介したいと思います。


May day (メーデー)ってなに?

5月1日に祝われる「May day (メーデー)は、多くの国で「International Workers’ Day (国際労働者の日)」または「Labour Day (労働者の日)」として知られています。


May day (メーデー)の起源

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「May day (メーデー)」ってなに? - 「International Labor Day (国際労働者の日)」

May day (メーデー)」、「International Labor Day (国際労働者の日)」は1800年代後半に始まりました。
1886年5月1日、労働者たちは8時間労働制の導入を要求して抗議しました。これがシカゴでのヘイマーケット事件のきっかけとなり、「May day (メーデー)」につながる大きな出来事となりました。

それ以来、「May day (メーデー)」は世界中の労働者や労働団体が連帯を示し、自らの権利のために立ち上がる日となっています。


May day (メーデー)の祝われ方

多くの国で、May day (メーデー)は主に労働者に関するものです。


母国ウガンダでのMay day (メーデー)





世界中でMay day (メーデー)は公休日と認識され、行進、パレード、パーティーが開催される一方で、労働者を支持するデモや集会の機会ともなっています。

(ヨーロッパの様々な文化でも伝統的なMay day (メーデー)のお祝いが行われていますが、春の訪れ、豊穣、そして生命の再生といったテーマが共通しています。)







May day

Greetings! If you live in Japan, you might be getting ready for the Golden Week holiday, or you might already be enjoying it, depending on when you read this. Either way, I hope you have a great time during Golden Week! 🌸

The month of May also starts with an important holiday day called May Day or International Labor Day. Interestingly, May Day isn’t celebrated much in Japan.In a few paragraphs below, I’ll explain what May day is, its origins and how it’s celebrated.

What is May day?

May Day, celebrated on May 1st, is known as International Workers’ Day or Labour Day in many countries. It’s a time to remember and honor the hard work and achievements of workers throughout history. It’s especially about their fight for fair treatment, better working conditions, and rights. So, it’s a day to appreciate the efforts of the labor movement and its impact on improving people’s lives at work.

Origins of May day

May Day or International Workers’ Day started in the late 1800s. Back then, workers were fighting for better conditions at work, like shorter hours and fair treatment. One big event that led to May Day was the Haymarket affair in Chicago in 1886. Workers protested on May 1st, asking for an eight-hour workday. 

In 1889, the International Socialist Conference declared  May 1st to be International Workers’ Day to remember what happened at Haymarket and to support workers everywhere. Since then, May Day has been a day when workers and labor groups around the world show solidarity and stand up for their rights.

How is May day celebrated?

In many countries, May Day is mainly about workers. People like labor unions, workers’ groups, and activists come together for marches and rallies. They do this to ask for fair pay, better work conditions, and rights for workers. Sometimes there are speeches, music, and other activities to support their cause.

May day in home country (Uganda)

In Uganda, the 1st of May is celebrated as a national holiday. The day is marked by a series of festivities including marches, parades, dance performances, and speeches, all coordinated by the National Organization of Trade Unions (NOTU). Annually, one city is selected to hold the main event, which is typically attended by the nation’s president.

When I was a student, I didn’t think much about Labor Day. I was just glad that I didn’t have to go to school. Sometimes, I watched the big celebrations on TV.

 All in all, around the world May Day is  recognized as a public holiday, and it is celebrated with marches, parades and parties while serving as the occasion for demonstrations and rallies in support of workers.

Note: There are also traditional May day  celebrations in various European cultures, but they often share themes of welcoming spring, fertility, and the renewal of life.

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友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 – What are you doing here?は失礼?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 - What are you doing here?は失礼?





「What are you doing here?」は失礼?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 - What are you doing here?は失礼?



What are you doing here?


When did you get here?


友好的に明るく「What are you doing here?」と尋ねれば、驚きとポジティブな感情が伝わります。



「What are you doing here?」という言葉自体は失礼ではありませんが、トーンには気をつけた方が良いです。

では、「What are you doing here?」以外の言い方もみていきましょう。


「What are you doing here?」以外の言い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 - What are you doing here?は失礼?


Oh! I didn’t know you come here too! What brings you here?

Hey! What are you shopping around for? Do you shop here often too?

Oh, what are you doing here? I hope you’re not sick, too!

Oh this is a little awkward… what are you doing here?


例文に登場した「What brings you here?」は、「What are you doing here?」の代わりに使える便利なフレーズです。













What to Say in Unexpected Encounters

Today’s blog post is about unexpected encounters of the friendly kind – in other words, sometimes in daily life we bump into our friends in places we don’t expect to see them in. In these situations, how to react, what to say and what to do are all things we need to consider depending on the context, so today’s English will be focusing on specifically that, alongside focusing on what’s rude to say and how being rude is interpreted in the English language as opposed to Japanese. Let’s begin!

Rudeness and “What are you doing here?”

Let’s say that you’re at a bar in an international country, and suddenly, you bump into a friend of yours from your home country. It’s a bit of a surprise, so naturally you’d be curious as to why your friend is there.

Basically, you can just ask them “What are you doing here?” or “When did you get here?” even, as you’d probably be curious as to when they got there, too. However, are these questions rude, or are they a bit too aggressive?

The answer is more dependent on your “tone” and not necessarily what you say. If you ask your friend, in a friendly and upbeat tone, “What are you doing here?”, the feeling would be one of surprise and positivity. However, if you ask them in a nervous and panicked tone, it would come off as maybe rude and implying you didn’t want them to be there.

So, to answer the question more succinctly – your tone dictates the manners! You can say “What are you doing here?” without any worry about being rude, just be careful of your tone.

Let’s now think about other ways to ask the same kind of question in English.

Other Phrases and Examples

The things you can say depend a lot on context. Let’s look at some examples:

You bump into a friend at a bar you frequent – “Oh! I didn’t know you come here too! What brings you here?”

You bump into a friend at a shop – “Hey! What are you shopping around for? Do you shop here often too?”

You bump into a friend at a doctor – “Oh, what are you doing here? I hope you’re not sick, too!”

You bump into a friend at an establishment you might feel embarrassed about – “Oh this is a little awkward… what are you doing here?”

The final example is one that probably requires a lot of social nuances depending on the situation, so it can be tricky in any language!

Finally, one alternative way to say “What are you doing here?” is also “What brings you here?”. This is a natural phrase you might here from native speakers, so keep it in mind.

Personal Experience

Honestly, I don’t have too many personal experiences with this one, but I have occasionally bumped into some of my students while shopping. Usually it’s fine and I happily greet my students. As written above, tone is most important of all so usually when greeting students, it’s with a light and upbeat tone so it never feels awkward. I usually don’t ask them what they’re doing there (because I think it’s obvious, they’re shopping!), but I ask them how they are and make small talk.


Hopefully with the above phrases and explanation on manners you’ll now be armed with the ability to handle unexpected meetings in English more smoothly. Just remember – your tone is the key, not necessarily the words you say, but the phrases should give you a good guideline as to what kind of vocab we use when we bump into someone.

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「Take care」のいろんな意味 – またね、気をつけて、大切にして【日常英会話】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Take care」のいろんな意味 - またね、気をつけて、大切にして【日常英会話】


今日は「Take care」というイディオムについてお話ししたいと思います。
このブログでは、「Take care」が会話でどのように使われるのか、状況によってニュアンスがどのように変わるのか見ていきましょう。






「Take care」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Take care」のいろんな意味 - またね、気をつけて、大切にして【日常英会話】

goodbye (さようなら)」や「see you (またね)」と同じです。


ただ問題は、この「take care」という言葉について考えすぎると、分かりづらくなってしまうかもしれません。

「Merriam-Webster辞書」によると、「take care」は、

(i) 注意深くあること、慎重に行動すること
(ii) 何かをする、またはしないことに特に注意を払うこと


「ええと、では ”Take care” と言われたら、その人は私が自分に注意を払っていないと言いたいの??」

いいえ!少なくとも、「Take care」が穏やかで励ましのトーンで話された場合はそうではありません。



take care」は、「of」「in」「to」といった前置詞を伴うことがあります。

Take care of something」は世話の対象を指します。
Take care in doing something」(「in」が省略されることもあります)は、その活動中に注意するようにという警告です。
最後に、「Take care to do something」は、それを忘れないようにというリマインダーです。


「Take care」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Take care」のいろんな意味 - またね、気をつけて、大切にして【日常英会話】


Have a safe trip back home and take good care of yourself on your way there


Take care



次に前置詞を使った「take care」の例を見てみましょう。

【take care of …】

Take care of your family.

Take care of that new jacket.

ときどき、「Take care of yourself first!」という言葉も聞くことがあるかもしれません。


【take care in …】

Take care in cutting the vegetables


Take care cutting the vegetables



【take care to …】

Take care to cut the vegetables



Take care」は、会話の終わりに「goodbye (さようなら)」と言う時の私のいつもの言い方です。

Have a good weekend, Bartek! (良い週末を、バルテク!)」
Thanks! Take care! (ありがとう!またね!)」


私は前置詞を伴う「take care」もかなり頻繁に使いますが、先ほどの説明の通り「take care」単体の時とはかなり異なる意味があります。

しかし誰かが「Take care」と言ったら、それはシンプルに相手はあなたのことを思いやっているのです!







Taking care of “Take care.”

Today, we’ll talk about an idiomatic phrase, “Take care.” It is used commonly by English speakers but might be a little confusing when taken too literally. We’ll look at how it is usually used in conversations and discuss if any nuances can change its meaning. 

The meaning

In its most common use – at the end of a meeting – “take care” is simply a friendly salutation. A substitute for “goodbye” or “see you.” As such, the only meaning it carries is that of wishing someone well and telling them to be careful. In that situation, there is no implied meaning. Just a simple, polite expression of good intention. 

You may ask then, “So, where’s the controversy?” Well, the first problem might be in overthinking. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, “take care” can mean (i) to be careful or watchful, to exercise caution or prudence, or (ii) to give particular attention to doing or not doing something. “Sooooo, did he mean that I don’t take care of myself???” No! At least not when the “Take care” was spoken in a mild, encouraging tone. 

“But wait, what about those dictionary meanings?” Of course, those meanings can also be inferred from a conversation, but they usually would come within an appropriate context. The phrase “take care” would be then accompanied by prepositions such as “of,” “in,” or “to.” They may have slightly or starkly different meanings, though. “Take care of something” points at the object of care. “Take care in doing something” (sometimes with the “in” omitted) alerts one to be careful during the activity. Finally, “Take care to do something” is a reminder not to forget to do it. 

Examples of using “take care”

Say a friend is leaving, and you want to wish them a safe travel home. You may say, “Have a safe trip back home and take good care of yourself on your way there,” or simply, “Take care.” In most instances, English speakers say that habitually, without even thinking. 

Let’s look at the examples of using “take care” with prepositions. 

“Take care of your family” or “Take care of that new jacket” seem pretty self-explanatory. Occasionally, you may hear someone saying, “Take care of yourself first!” meaning, “Worry about yourself first and only then about others.” 

“Take care in cutting the vegetables” or, without the preposition, “Take care cutting the vegetables” would signal that we should be careful cutting the vegetables and not hurt ourselves. 

“Take care to cut the vegetables” would remind us not to forget to cut the vegetables. 

Personal Examples and Conclusion

“Take care” is my usual (if not default) way of saying “goodbye” at the end of a conversation. I say it without thinking much and more often than any other salutation. “Have a good weekend, Bartek!” “Thanks! Take care!” would be a classic end of a conversation I’d have on a Friday. I also use “take care” with prepositions fairly often, but as we could see, the prepositions give the phrase quite a different meaning than the plain “take care.” 

So, no need to worry about implied meanings. If someone says, “Take care”, it’s simple! They wish you well!

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「April Fool’s Day (エイプリルフール)」がどのようにして世界的に知られるいたずらの日になったのかは実際のところは誰も知りませんが、多くの人は中世のフランスをその起源としてあげます。
その頃、グレゴリオ暦がユリウス暦に代わり、一年の始まりが4月1日から1月1日に移動したことにより、4月1日に新年を祝い続けた人々はからかわれ、「April fools (4月の愚者)」と呼ばれたそうです。

アメリカでは、エイプリルフールの日は誰かにいたずらを仕掛け、その後「April Fools!」と叫んで、起こったことや言われたことが単なる冗談やいたずらだったことを明かします。





Happy April Fool’s Day!



I heard it’s April Fool’s Day tomorrow. I wonder what pranks my friends have planned!



did you hear about the crazy prank on the news? It was just an April Fool’s joke!



I can’t believe I fell for that prank! They really got me good!

最後に、いたずらを仕掛ける側であれば、「April Fools!」を忘れずに叫んでくださいね。



「April Fool’s Day (エイプリルフール)」は、軽快な楽しみと愉快ないたずらを行う大切にされている伝統です。







April Fools! 

April Fool’s Day, celebrated annually on April 1st, is a day filled with laughter, pranks, and fun in the West. It’s a time when people unleash their inner trickster, and play practical jokes, or prank their friends, family members, co-workers, or anyone lucky enough (or unlucky enough) to be caught in their path. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the origins of April Fool’s Day, explore how it’s celebrated across the US, and learn some handy phrases for you to join in on the fun.

While nobody actually knows how April Fools Day became an internationally known day of of jokes, many point at Middle Age France, when the Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian calendar, moving New Year’s Day from April 1st to January 1st. Those who continued to celebrate New Year’s Day on April 1st were mocked and dubbed “April fools.”

In the United States, April Fool’s Day is celebrated by playing a prank or practical joke on someone, then exclaiming the phrase “April Fools!” to reveal that what happened or was said was just joke or prank. Some examples at home include, prank calls to family members boasting fake news, receiving fake letters in the mail, or, they might involve the good ol’ whoopie cushion. While in the office, pranks might involve setting up fake meetings, or swapping your co-workers supplies.

If you’re looking to join in on the April Fool’s Day fun, here are some handy phrases to add to your vocabulary:

“Happy April Fool’s Day!” To let others know about the day. On the other hand, if it’s the day before, you might want to say something like, “I heard it’s April Fool’s Day tomorrow. I wonder what pranks my friends have planned!”

Heard something wild on the news? You could say, “did you hear about the crazy prank on the news? It was just an April Fool’s joke!” If you fell for the prank, let other know by saying, “I can’t believe I fell for that prank! They really got me good!” 

Lastly, if you’re the one pulling the prank, don’t forget to yell “April Fools!”

April Fool’s Day is a cherished tradition offering a day of lighthearted fun and playful mischief. Whether it’s pulling off a clever prank or sharing a good-natured laugh with friends and family, April Fool’s Day reminds us to embrace the joy of silliness and spontaneity. So, grab your whoopee cushion, join in on the fun, and try out some of those phrases! Just remember to keep a sharp eye out for pranksters around every corner!

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