作成者別アーカイブ: kensington

「as Pale as a Ghost」の意味や使い方を解説【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:As Pale as a Ghost

「as pale as a ghost」という言い回しは、英語の中で時折聞くことがある比較的一般的なイディオムです。


病的な青白さを表す「as Pale as a Ghost」



Oh wow, are you OK? You look as pale as a ghost!

You look like a ghost, are you sick?



恐怖や驚きを表す「as Pale as a Ghost」

「as Pale as a Ghost」は、恐怖を表すときにも使われます。


What happened? You look as pale as a ghost.


You look really pale, like you’ve seen a ghost. Are you alright?



今日は「as Pale as a Ghost」の使い方をご紹介しました。




[English version]

As Pale as a Ghost

A somewhat common idiom in the English language that you might hear from time to time is “As pale as a ghost”. It can be used in a few different ways, so here are some examples as to how it functions.

Ghostly Sickness

When people get sick – especially really sick – their skin tends to lose a lot of its natural color, which is what is described as “pale” in English. There’s also just the general appearance of someone who is very sick; they look tired, may be a little unkempt and generally don’t behave normally.

In these situations, you can say things like:

“Oh wow, are you OK? You look as pale as a ghost!”

“You look like a ghost, are you sick?”

You can modify the idiom slightly to elicit the same meaning, as per above.

Fear and Fright

Another way that the idiom is used is to describe fear in some way. For example, someone could’ve escaped a dangerous situation recently, and when you see them, they look visibly frightened.

“What happened? You look as pale as a ghost.”

Again, you can modify the idiom to describe things differently.

“You look really pale, like you’ve seen a ghost. Are you alright?”

Idioms Take Practice

While the above explains how to use the idiom in question, in reality idioms take a lot of time to use effectively in a conversation as a language learner. These kinds of things can be explained directly, but over time as you use the language actively, you’ll learn how to use it naturally and with nuance.

The best way to learn is to use it even if you make mistakes with it. That’s part of the process!


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「stay on top of ~」の意味と使い方を解説!類義語も一緒に覚えれる!

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「stay on top of ~」の意味と使い方を解説!類義語も一緒に覚えましょう!


今日は「stay on top of」という表現をご紹介したいと思います。


「stay on top of」の意味

「stay on top of 〜」とは、状況をコントロールしていること、何かを知っている又は認識していること、そしてスケジュール通りに実行していることを意味します。

THE FREE DICTIONARY: stay on top of 


「stay on top of」の例文

Jane is truly an amazing person. She has 3 jobs, raises two kids by herself, and is doing an online college course. I really don’t know how she manages to stay on top of everything.

A: You do realise that the monthly reports are due next Monday don’t you.?
B: Don’t worry, I’m on top of it. I’ve cleared my schedule this Friday to work on them and I will have them done by Saturday morning.

The hardest thing about expanding my business was staying on top of all my employees. Once you start to get bigger it’s more and more difficult to keep everyone on the same page.

I need your help. I’m snowed under at work and I have to look after my kids while they are sick. I don’t think I can stay on top of all that.


「stay on top of」と類似した英語表現

keep on top of [stay on top of とまったく同じ]

It’s difficult to keep on top of what my kids are up to since they became teenagers. They are almost never in the house and won’t let me see their phones anymore.

be on (something) 

A: Have you begun the preparations for next month’s welcome party yet?

B: Don’t worry, I’m on it.

be in the know about

If you want to know what the staff really feel about working for us, you should just ask George. He’s friendly with everyone and is really in the know about what goes on around here.


[English version]

Hello there everyone! 

Today I’d like to introduce the expression “stay on top of” to you. Stay on top of is a useful expression because it has a few different meanings and we use it in everyday life and also in business English too. Here is what it means to stay on top of something.  


To stay on top of something means to be in control of a situation, to know about or be aware of something, and also to be running on schedule. 


Example Sentences

  • Jane is truly an amazing person. She has 3 jobs, raises two kids by herself, and is doing an online college course. I really don’t know how she manages to stay on top of everything. 
  • A. “You do realise that the monthly reports are due next Monday don’t you.?”
  • B. “Don’t worry, I’m on top of it. I’ve cleared my schedule this Friday to work on them and I will have them done by Saturday morning.”
  • The hardest thing about expanding my business was staying on top of all my employees. Once you start to get bigger it’s more and more difficult to keep everyone in the same boat. 
  • I need your help. I’m snowed under at work and I have to look after my kids while they are sick. I don’t think I can stay on top of all that. 

Similar Expressions

Keep on top of (exactly the same as stay on top of)

It’s difficult to keep on top of what my kids are up to since they became teenagers. They are almost never in the house and won’t let me see their phones anymore. 

Be on (something) 

  1. “Have you begun the preparations for next month’s welcome party yet?”
  2. “Don’t worry, I’m on it.”

Be in the know about

If you want to know what the staff really feel about working for us, you should just ask George. He’s friendly with everyone and is really in the know about what goes on around here.


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「give 〜 the green light」の意味や使い方を解説【例文あり】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「give 〜 the green light」の意味や使い方を解説【例文あり】

give 〜 the green light」という表現を聞いたことがありますか?






「give 〜 the green light」の意味

「Give 〜 the green light」とは、誰かが先に進めて何かを始めることを許可することを意味します。



「give 〜 the green light」の歴史

緑色のライト = GO

信号システムとしての緑 (GO)、黄 (注意)、および赤 (停止) の配色は、1830年代に英国の鉄道業界で最初に使用されました。


「give 〜 the green light」の例文


I have both good and bad news, guys. First the good news; the board has given our project proposal the green light. The bad news is that we are severely understaffed.

Although the HENEX corporation was given the green light to start building a battery factory in Kasuga town several months ago, work hasn’t started due to strong local opposition to the project.

Fukuoka Soft Bank Hawks’ Watanabe Jin will not play in next week’s game unless he is given the green light by the team doctors.
(福岡ソフトバンクホークスのワタナベ ジンは、チームドクターから許可が出ない限り、来週の試合には出場しません。)

次に「give 〜 the green light」を聞いたときに、相手がどういう意味で言っているのか分かるようになっていると嬉しいです。


[English version]

Give someone or something the green light.

Have you ever heard someone using the expression “give something/someone the green light” and you didn’t know what it meant and how it is used? Or possibly you are encountering it for the first time? Read on…


To give someone or something a green light” means to allow someone to begin or go ahead and start doing something.

If a government, a government agency, a local authority, a company board of directors or someone with authority gives you, your plan, your project the green light, they give you permission or allow you/plan/project to begin.

History note

Green light = GO
The green (GO), yellow (CAUTION), and red (STOP) color scheme as a signaling system was first used in the British Railroad industry in the 1830s and was adopted in the road traffic signaling in London England in 1868 and spread around the world.

Universally green symbolizes safety (safe to go).  A green light allows drivers, riders, and other road users to go or proceed on their way. A green flag signals competitors to start the race.


The expression is used in a wide of range of settings; business, workplace, social media, media publications, political and diplomatic conversations etc


Speaker A: I have both good and bad news, guys. First the good news; the board has given our project proposal the green light. The bad news is that we are severely understaffed.

Although the HENEX corporation was given the green light to start building a battery factory in Kasuga town several months ago, work hasn’t started due to strong local opposition to the project.

Fukuoka Soft Bank Hawks’
Watanabe Jin will not play in next week’s game unless he is given the green light by the team doctors.

I hope the next time you hear or read this expression you will understand what the communicator(s) is/are talking about.  And please go ahead, use it when you have a chance to.


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I’m not sure I understood you correctly, could you repeat that in simpler terms?


Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, did you mean…?
(すみません、よく聞き取れませんでした。 … ということですか?)


Let me just clarify, you mean ….


In other words…





Sorry, I don’t really know what you mean. Can you say that again slowly?


Can you clarify what you meant? I don’t understand.






[English version]

Things to Say When You Want Clarity

When in the process of studying and learning English, it’s very common to mishear or misunderstand someone, not just because you’re still learning the language, but maybe they have an accent that you’re not familiar with, they use particular words you don’t understand, or they simply speak very fast.

In this blog, you can learn some useful and natural sounding phrases for how to ask for clarity on something, and in certain situations. Hopefully it’ll help! 

When You’re Not 100% About  What You Heard

In situations where someone says something that you feel like you understand, but aren’t 100% certain of, you can say things like:

“I’m not sure I understood you correctly, could you repeat that in simpler terms?”

This phrase specifically asks the person to rephrase what they say, so it’s easier to understand.

“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, did you mean…?”

This phrase is specifically for situations where you’re pretty sure you heard someone, but want to double check.

“Let me just clarify, you mean ….”

This phrase is more for the purpose of summarizing what the other person said. It’s really useful when you’re quite certain about what they meant, but you don’t want them to repeat it, so you summarize it in your own words. The bonus of this one is it shows you’re a good listener, too!

“In other words…”

Again, this is the same as the above phrase: you are summarizing what the other person said, and if they say that’s right, it means you got it.

When You Don’t Understand

When in situations where you really don’t understand what the person said, you can ask for clarity with a few of these phrases:

“Sorry, I don’t really know what you mean. Can you say that again slowly?”

This is quite a direct admittance to not understanding, and is a basic way of asking for a repeat of the statement.

“Can you clarify what you meant? I don’t understand.”

As above, you’re directly telling the person you didn’t understand something, and you’d like more clarity. It’s simple and effective. It also sounds quite professional.

Be Honest About Your Understanding

The above phrases are natural and practical ways of gaining more understanding when in a situation where you’re either not sure or simply don’t understand. However, it’s always important to be honest about how much you understand. It’s fairly common for people to simply nod and pretend to understand something because they’re shy about admitting they didn’t get it.

There’s no fault in not understanding, and in order to learn and develop your skills, you must be able to show that you don’t know something and wish to gain more from the person. This also builds trust in the end, because then the person knows you’re really trying to get it!


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他の多くのテストとは異なり、IELTS の公式サイトには、テスト準備のための情報がたくさんあり、スコアアップに関する無料のアドバイスがかなり多く提供されています。

・「The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS
・「IELTS Trainer






IELTS対策コースの詳細については、「IELTS対策に!ケンジントン英会話 IELTS 対策コース」をご覧ください。


[English version]

Introduction to Ielts

Hello there everyone, as you can see we have made a bit of a change to how we write our blogs. We think that quality over quantity is probably the way forward and even though I’m sure you were overjoyed to read our daily blogs I think you’ll find our newer ones more informative and interesting, and hopefully they will give you even better advice on how to further improve your English. For the last couple of years I have been teaching IELTS preparation classes and I have to say I think it is definitely one of the more involved and interesting tests to teach and a really good way for students of intermediate or even advanced level to gauge their English level and work towards its betterment.

What is IELTS

There are two types of IELTS tests, general and academic. The former is used for people wishing to move to another country to live or work or to enter college and focuses more on everyday situations in the writing and reading sections and the academic is aimed at people planning to enter either university or graduate schools overseas with a focus on topics more suitable for anyone planning do higher learning in a foreign academic institution.

Why should I try IELTS? 

For me the main reason I would study for Ielts is because in order to prepare for it you really need to cover a wide range of topics which are both practical and somewhat academic in nature meaning you will automatically expand your knowledge of English whilst studying for this test. It is a good motivator to have a goal to work towards and IELTS is certainly tough which is why I recommend it to our students from intermediate to higher level. Trying IELTS from beginner level is rather like trying to walk before you crawl. You will need to push yourself to read newspaper, magazine, or online articles covering a number of subject like tech, history, science, culture, and more, become accustomed to practical skills like writing emails and letters, learn how to write well structured essays, and have to engage in different forms of questions from questions and answers to giving short speeches. That is a lot to prepare for and will give you a chance to cover some issues that are unlikely to come up in regular English classes. 

What Materials Should I Use?

Unlike a lot of other tests, the official IELTS site has a lot of information on what you should do to prepare for the test and offers a huge amount of free advice on what you can do to up your score. There is of course endless material online but if you are looking for a really good textbook then we always use the Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS and IELTS trainer in our classes. 

How do I Take IELTS Classes in Kensington? 

If you are planning to study overseas, or live abroad sometime in the future then this test is a very good choice for you. We offer private IELTS lessons in which we will give you the know-how on how to prepare for each section of the test. We usually conduct these classes on a 100 minute basis rather than the usual 50 mins because we need to spend a good amount of time on at least two sections per class. Reading or writing homework is assigned each time. If you need to take the test for any of the reasons above or would like to use it as a way to expand upon what you have already learned please contact me for details. I think it is definitely the most comprehensive test out there and the best way to judge your English level. 

In my next blog  I’ll be giving you some tips on how to up your score on the IELTS speaking test. 

For those of you who are interested in IELTS why don’t you prepare for IELTS with a specialist teacher in Kensington. Here is more information about our courses.


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「point someone in the right direction」の2つの意味【例文つきで解説】

point someone in the right directionの2つの意味



I’m sure Kensington cafe is in this neighborhood, but I haven’t been able to find it. Could you please point me in the right direction?

You are very close! Do you see the red signboard on your left? That’s Kensington cafe.

You seem to be lost, can I point you in the right direction?

Uh, yes. I’m looking for the Accounting Department.

It’s the 3rd door on your right down the hallway.




プロジェクト、レポート、研究論文、宿題などで誰かまたはチームが良い結果を達成する (望ましい結果を達成する) のに役立つ情報、アドバイス、フィードバックを伝える時に使われます。

Did you attend the Language Writers’ webinar last weekend?
(先週末、Language Writersのウェビナーに参加しましたか?)

Yes, the ideas we discussed pointed me in the right direction with my book on Japanese workplace idioms.

Our new West Japan sales representative is doing a good job so far, but she still has difficulties with writing sales reports. Could someone in the Sales Department  point her in the right direction?

Certainly, Ms. Kobayashi. I’m going to give her a video call this afternoon.


point someone in the right direction」というイディオムの2つの使い方をお伝えしました。


この記事が「point someone in the right direction」の意味と使い方について、良いアドバイスになっていれば嬉しいです。


[English version]

 “ Point someone in the right direction

Meaning 1:  Showing/directing someone the right way to their destination

We use this expression to ask for and give directions to places around town, in large buildings, in airports and others.

Speaker A: I’m sure Kensington cafe is in this neighborhood, but I haven’t been able to find it. Could you please point me in the right direction?
Speaker B: You are very close! Do you see the red signboard on your left? That’s Kensington cafe.

Speaker A: You seem to be lost, can I point you in the right direction?
Speaker B: Uh, yes. I’m looking for the Accounting Department.
Speaker A:It’s the 3rd door on your right down the hallway.

Meaning 2: To provide advice or information that will help someone succeed or get good results in something 

This expression is also commonly used in workplaces, schools and other settings to provide information, some advice, feedback to help someone/a team achieve good results (achieve the desired outcome) in a project, report, research paper, homework etc. 

Speaker A: Did you attend the Language Writers’ webinar last weekend?
Speaker B:Yes, the ideas we discussed pointed me in the right direction with my book on Japanese workplace idioms.

Speaker A: Our new West Japan sales representative is doing a good job so far, but she still has difficulties with writing sales reports. Could someone in the Sales Department  point her in the right direction?
Speaker B:Certainly, Ms. Kobayashi. I’m going to give her a video call this afternoon.

Giving and asking for directions to a destination and providing information, advice to someone to succeed in something are the two common uses for the idiom “point someone in the right direction”.

I hope I have pointed you in the right direction to understanding the meaning and usage of “point someone in the right direction.”

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【もう迷わない!】形容詞 「〜ed」と「〜ing」の違いと使いを解説【例文付き】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:形容詞 「〜ed」と「〜ing」の違いと使い方【例文付き】










・I’m tired.

・I’m bored.

・I’m obsessed with cats.

・I’m scared of spiders.

これらの形容詞にある共通点は「ed」 で終わることと、その時の感情を表現しているということです。





・My friend is interesting.

・This movie is boring.

・That painting is depressing.

・Those dogs are frightening.



私の文章が「boring (つまらない)」と思うなら、それは私の文章に対するあなたの意見を表明しています。そして、私の文章力を向上させる必要があるというサインですね。

いつものように、これらのルールには例外があり、例えば「silly (愚か)」は「ing」はつきません。




・The movie was exciting and I was excited the whole time.

・I was shocked to see him perform such a shocking action.

・I was really bored yesterday, so I listened to some music, but the music was super boring.



[English version]

The -ed and -ing of Adjectives: How Do They Work?

A recurring question in English lessons is the one regarding adjectives – specifically, the -ed and -ing. How do they work and what’s the difference? It can be confusing for beginner and intermediate students, because there are not only a huge amount of adjectives, but in which context do we use them?

Worry not, because this blog post should give you some idea how they function with some practical examples, too.

The Feeling of -ed

When we use -ed adjectives, we are always referring to the feeling or emotion that we have regarding a situation. It’s specifically about how we feel in our body and mind. For example:

–       I’m tired.

–       I’m bored.

–       I’m obsessed with cats.

–       I’m scared of spiders.

The common point behind all the adjectives above are that they end in -ed and are designed to express your emotion at the time. If you are “scared”, it means that you feel fear.

There are some exceptions to this rule, with things such as “angry” and “sad” being used to express feeling without -ed, but these aren’t common and you don’t have to worry about them much. Focus on -ed for feeling!

The Expressive -ing

When we use -ing to end an adjective, we are expressing our opinion about something. It is what we think about things outside of ourselves. For example:

–       My friend is interesting.

–       This movie is boring.

–       That painting is depressing.

–       Those dogs are frightening.

The above adjectives all end in -ing, and are expressing what you think about something outside of yourself. A great way to think about -ed and -ing is ed is about what’s inside you, -ing is about thoughts about the world. If you think my writing is “boring”, then that’s your opinion.. and a sign that I need to improve my writing skills.

As usual, there are exceptions to these rules: something can be “silly”, and it doesn’t use -ing. Remember to keep it simple though: if you see the -ing, it’s opinion.

Putting Them Together

Finally, let’s write up some examples of them together in sentences:

–       “The movie was exciting and I was excited the whole time.”

–       “I was shocked to see him perform such a shocking action.”

–       “I was really bored yesterday, so I listened to some music, but the music was super boring.”

Hopefully the above gives you some good examples at how these adjective rules work. Try to write some of your own as an exercise to practice it, too, and feel free to use the above as reference.

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【ビジネス英語】「in the bag」ってどういう意味?バッグの中?! – 確実に成功する

Business English
In the Bag

Hello there everyone and happy Monday!

Today’s wonderful business English expression is in the bag which means that something you want to get is pretty much secured and guaranteed to happen for you. 


I think with that presentation you gave our contract with Tesla is pretty much in the bag. Elon certainly seemed impressed and heaped a lot of praise on you when we spoke over the phone. 

I can tell you that we are still ironing out the details and have one or two things to consider but your resume and your performance at the interview pretty much mean that you have the position you applied for in the bag.

In the Bag(確実に成功する)

今日の素晴らしいビジネス英語の表現は、「in the Bag」です。これは、あなたが手に入れたいものがほぼ確実に手に入るという意味です。


I think with that presentation you gave our contract with Tesla is pretty much in the bag. Elon certainly seemed impressed and heaped a lot of praise on you when we spoke over the phone.

I can tell you that we are still ironing out the details and have one or two things to consider but your resume and your performance at the interview pretty much mean that you have the position you applied for in the bag.

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Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons
Identify your bad habits and fix them

After a fairly lengthy hiatus due to time restraints stemming from covid issues we have restarted the adult team meetings and one phrase that has come up from our most eloquent teacher Denny is “fossilised errors”. This means mistakes that students make that haven’t been properly rectified in the past and have now become habitual and quite possibly the student is unaware of. They often take the form of errors with prepositions or grammar and although they have become habitual, they are of course  fixable if regularly pointed out and the student makes a conscious effort to rectify them in class. Of course this problem can only be dealt with if it is understood by the student so I suggest you ask your teacher if there are any common errors that you make that need fixing. It goes without saying that we always try to correct these problems anyway but especially in a group class it is a little difficult to stay100 percent on top of things all the time. Please feel free to ask us any time about how to fix these kind of common problems but in the meantime if you are taking private classes, one way to get rid of them is to start doing writing homework because this gives you more of a chance to think about what you want to say and it is also easier to see what errors you commonly make when your writing is corrected by you teacher. 


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす

fossilised errors(化石化したエラー)」これは、私たちの中で最も雄弁な講師であるデニーから出てきたフレーズです。
言うまでもなく、私たちは常にこれらの間違いを修正しようとしていますが、特にグループクラスでは、常に100% 行うことは少し困難です。


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「Kick a habit」ってどういう意味?癖を蹴る?! – 悪い習慣を断つ

Everyday English
Kick a habit

Hello there everyone,

Since the topic for this weekend’s class is new year’s resolutions I thought this might be a good expression for you. To kick a habit very simply means to give up on a bad habit. 


I can’t believe I’m still smoking at the age of 45. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to kick the habit and always seem to fail. This year for sure I’m quitting for good. 

I was drinking so heavily last year and I spent so much money in the pub but this year I’ve cut down considerably and I think by the end of this year I’ll have kicked the habit for good.

Kick a habit(悪い習慣を断つ)


「Kick a habit」とは、とても簡単に言えば、悪い習慣をやめるということです。


I can’t believe I’m still smoking at the age of 45. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to kick the habit and always seem to fail. This year for sure I’m quitting for good.

I was drinking so heavily last year and I spent so much money in the pub but this year I’ve cut down considerably and I think by the end of this year I’ll have kicked the habit for good.

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