作成者別アーカイブ: kensington

「Easter (イースター)」ってなに?英単語や英語フレーズをご紹介!

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Easter (イースター)」ってなに?イースターに関連する英単語や英語フレーズをご紹介!


今日は「Easter (イースター)」と呼ばれるお祝いについて、その歴史、文化的な意味合い、そして何を行うのかについてご説明します。



「Easter (イースター)」では何をするの?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Easter (イースター)」ってなに?イースターに関連する英単語や英語フレーズをご紹介!






「Easter (イースター)」で使える英語

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Easter (イースター)」ってなに?イースターに関連する英単語や英語フレーズをご紹介!



異教/異教主義: キリスト教が主流になる前に、自然界を崇拝するヨーロッパの一連の類似した宗教に与えられた名前です。近年、「Paganism」は再び注目を集めています。

Stonehenge and other stone circles are ancient Pagan monuments


イースター: 先に述べたように、「Easter」という言葉は異教の豊穣の女神から派生しています。

What are your plans for
Easter / the Easter holidays?

The Easter Bunny

イースターバニー: 「Bunny (バニー)」は、子どもたちの言葉でウサギのこと。

Easter eggs

イースターエッグ: 前述の卵を指しますが、もっと現代的な意味での「Easter eggs」は、映画の中で本当のファンだけが気づくような小さな事柄を指します。

The new Avengers movie has tons of
Easter eggs in it!

Ash Wednesday

灰の水曜日: キリスト教徒にとって、これは「Lent (四旬節)」の最初の日で、伝統的に40日間(6週間)続き、イースターの週まで断食と祈りの期間が続きます。
これは「Shrove Tuesday (告解の火曜日)」の翌日で、「パンケーキデー」としても知られています。


四旬節: キリスト教徒が伝統的にイエスの苦しみの時期を祈りと断食によって反映する40日間(6週間)の期間です。

Shrove Tuesday

告解の火曜日: 四旬節の前日。伝統的に四旬節では動物性製品(牛乳、卵、バター、クリームなど)の消費が禁じられています。

I always look forward to
Shrove Tuesday because I love pancakes; especially when they are drizzled with honey and lemon juice… Yum!
(私はいつも告解の火曜日が楽しみ。なぜなら私はパンケーキが大好きだから。特に、はちみつとレモン汁をかけた時… 美味しそう!)

Good Friday

聖金曜日: 語源的には誤解を招くかもしれませんが、聖金曜日はイエスの処刑と死を祝います。

Easter Sunday

イースターサンデー、復活の主日: 「Good Friday」の後の日曜日で、イエスの復活を祝います。


私の子どもの頃の「Easter (イースター)」の思い出

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Easter (イースター)」ってなに?イースターに関連する英単語や英語フレーズをご紹介!













What is Easter?

Today I’m going to explain a little about the celebration we call “Easter”; its history, its cultural significance, and activities that people do to celebrate it. Easter is actually a mixture of old Pagan and Christian celebrations, which makes its explanation a little complicated, so I will only touch on the basics today.

The name Easter comes from “Eastre” or “Eostre”, the Pagan goddess of fertility. The Pagan celebration occurred in early spring. The Christian part comes from Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection which occurred around the same time.

What do people do during Easter?

Easter is spread over almost a week, with the most important days being Friday and Sunday. These come from the Christianity side.

For many Christians, Easter is a time of heightened religious observance. This includes attending church services, participating in processions, and reflecting on the events leading up to Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.

Children participate in Easter egg hunts, where they search for hidden eggs filled with sweets (U.S = candy) or small toys. They may also receive Easter baskets filled with treats. The eggs represent fertility, so this part comes from the pagan side. Likewise the Easter “bunny” (rabbit), as rabbits are known to reproduce quickly.

For those who are not religious (we call it “secularism”), it can be a time to relax, do hobbies, spend time with family and friends, or go traveling, as there is usually a full week of holiday for school children and a long weekend / 3-day weekend for workers.

Key words / expressions.

Pagan / Paganism – A name given to a group of similar religions in Europe that worship the natural world, before Christianity became dominant. Paganism has seen a resurgence in recent years.

“Stonehenge and other stone circles are ancient Pagan monuments”

Easter – As mentioned previously, the word “Easter” derives from the pagan goddess for fertility; other fertility symbols being eggs and rabbits. It is also the general word used for national holidays around this time.

“What are your plans for Easter / the Easter holidays?”

The Easter Bunny – bunny is a children’s word for rabbit. In Easter folklore, the Easter rabbit brings and then hides Easter eggs for children to search for. 

Easter eggs – Of course, this refers to the aforementioned eggs, but there is a more modern meaning of “Easter eggs”, and it refers to small details in a movie that only true fans will notice.

“The new Avengers movie has tons of Easter eggs in it!”

Ash Wednesday – For christians, this is the first day of “Lent”, a period of fasting and prayer that traditionally lasts 40 days (six weeks) and continues until Easter week. It is the day after “Shrove Tuesday”, also known as “Pancake day”.

Lent – A period of 40 days (6 weeks) when christians traditionally reflect on a time of Jesus’ suffering by praying and fasting.

Shrove Tuesday – The day before Lent – traditionally, Lent forbids consuming animal products such as milk, eggs, butter, cream, etc. Over time, this became pancake day, as people used up their remaining flour, eggs, and milk. Pancake day is very popular with children. In the U.K., pancakes are similar to French crepes, but in the U.S., pancakes are much thicker.

“I always look forward to Shrove Tuesday because I love pancakes; especially when they are drizzled with honey and lemon juice… Yum!”

Good Friday – Arguably a misnomer, Good Friday celebrates Jesus’ crucifixion and death.

Easter Sunday – The Sunday after Good Friday, it celebrates Jesus’ resurrection.

My Easters as a child.

The highlight of Easter day was always the Easter egg hunt. My parents would hide eggs around the garden, and my sister and I would eagerly dash around, searching high and low for the hidden treasures. The thrill of finding a brightly colored egg nestled in the flower or tucked behind a tree was unmatched, and we’d proudly show off our haul once the hunt was over.

And so… 

Depending on one’s age and if one is religious or not, Easter can be an important or fun time, with people doing different activities.

Its history is complicated, and as society is becoming more secular, perhaps Easter is becoming less relevant to most people.

If you wish to know more, Wikipedia would be a good source of information.

Thanks for reading!

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Gender equality (ジェンダー平等)について英語で解説


Gender equality (ジェンダー平等)について英語で解説

タミヨ先生 (初投稿!)


International Women’s Day (IWD) is observed annually on March 8th. celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women around the world.
Although women in Japan are recognized as having equal legal rights to men, the reality shows a very different situation. According to the 2023 World Economic Forum Global Gender Gap Report, Japan ranked 125th out of 146 countries in terms of gender equality — the lowest among G7 countries and in the East Asia and Pacific region

Gender equality

Gender equality means that women, men, boys and girls of all classes and races have equal value and access to opportunities and resources, socially and economically.

On the contrary gender inequality is discrimination on the basis of sex or gender causing one sex or gender to be privileged or prioritized over another.

Gender equality does not imply that women and men are the same, but that they have equal value and should be given equal treatment.

There are many ways to promote gender equality in daily life, from splitting up household chores equally to fighting gender stereotypes. 

Gender equality in education benefits every child within the school system. Girls who receive an education have a higher likelihood to earn higher incomes and building better futures for their families.

Gender Equity

Gender equality (ジェンダー平等)について英語で解説

Home is the first place where children learn gender discrimination. Girls are typically taught that women are responsible for cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and other household chores. One way parents can practice gender equity in the home is by assigning chores to their children of all genders equally.

Gender equity in the workplace means that men, women and all gender identities have the same opportunities, including promotions, leadership roles, projects and  salary.

“Kyushu guys” (九州男児)

Growing up in Brazil my sisters and I had constant clashes with my dad, who was from Nagasaki. He used to say that household chores was women’s task (女の仕事). When I first came to Japan, I lived and worked in Nagasaki, and I was shocked to learn and experience “Kyushu guys” (九州男児) culture. Women had to prepare tea around 3pm for everybody in the department!
If you were invited to someone’s house, it was the wife sole work to serve everyone including the husband! I was told an exemplar women and good hostess does everything: “女性は動く”. Only then I could understand my father’s attitude.





















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Hanami is like a picnic to enjoy cherry blossoms.





During Hanami, people gather under cherry blossom trees to appreciate their beauty.

They often have picnics, enjoy food and drinks, socialize with friends and family, and sometimes participate in traditional activities like singing, dancing, or playing games.

It’s a time for relaxation, enjoyment of nature, and celebrating the arrival of spring.





Cherry blossom viewing is said to have started during the Heian period (794 -1185) when aristocrats started appreciating cherry blossoms instead of plum blossoms.

In the Edo period (1603-1868), ordinary Japanese also began to enjoy cherry blossom viewing  and many cherry trees were planted around the Japanese archipelago.





Would you like to join us at a cherry blossom viewing picnic this ….?
(この⚪︎⚪︎に [例:週末に] 桜の花を見るピクニックに一緒に行きませんか?)

We’re having a company Hanami this Saturday afternoon, can you come?

Kaho and I are planning a small Hanami, why don’t you join us if you have time this Sunday afternoon?

If you’re coming, please bring your favorite food, drinks, snacks, etc just like you would at a picnic.




Do any other countries have festivals of cherry blossoms as big as the one in Japan?














花見(Hanami) explained in English

Over the last twenty years or so, foreigners have become really interested in Hanami, an important spring tradition in Japan. In this article, I’m not Japanese, but I want to help our students and other Japanese visitors to our website explain Hanami simply to their foreign friends, co-workers, and others in Japan and around the world. 

What is 花見(Hanami) 

Hanami is a Japanese tradition where people enjoy the beauty of cherry blossoms (sakura) in the springtime by having picnics or gatherings under the cherry blossom trees. It’s a time for appreciating nature and spending time with friends and family.
To some foreigners like me, Hanami is just a cherry blossom viewing party, but in Japanese culture, it’s more like a picnic where people gather to enjoy the beauty of cherry blossoms together.
So you can simply explain that by saying thatHanami is like a picnic to enjoy cherry blossoms”.

At the 花見(Hanami)

During Hanami, people gather under cherry blossom trees to appreciate their beauty. They often have picnics, enjoy food and drinks, socialize with friends and family, and sometimes participate in traditional activities like singing, dancing, or playing games. It’s a time for relaxation, enjoyment of nature, and celebrating the arrival of spring.

花見(Hanami) Origins

Cherry blossom viewing is said to have started during the Heian period (794 -1185) when aristocrats started appreciating cherry blossoms instead of plum blossoms. In the Edo period (1603-1868), ordinary Japanese also began to enjoy cherry blossom viewing  and many cherry trees were planted around the Japanese archipelago.

Hey, How about inviting a foreign friend or co-worker to  花見(Hanami)?

Having explained what Hanami is to a foreign co-worker or friend, you can invite them to a Hanami using the phrases(for inviting someone to something) you’ve learned and practiced in your English classes.

Would you like to join us at a cherry blossom viewing picnic this….?

We’re having a company Hanami this Saturday afternoon, can you come?

Kaho and I are planning a small Hanami, why don’t you join us if you have time this Sunday afternoon?

If you’re coming, please bring your favorite food, drinks, snacks, etc just like you would at a picnic.

Events similar to 花見(Hanami) in other countries

In my home country, Uganda, I don’t know of any festival or event similar to Hanami, but some Asian countries have cherry blossom festivals. For example,  “Taiwan is known for its cherry blossom festivals, which take place in the spring in various parts of the country. One popular festival is the Alishan Cherry Blossom Festival, which takes place in the Alishan National Scenic Area.”


Personal 花見(Hanami) Experiences

I grew up in Uganda, where there’s always lush greenery. When I experienced my first spring in Japan, seeing cherry blossoms for the first time was breathtaking! Even now, I’m amazed by the beautiful scenery that comes with spring in Fukuoka, whether it’s in my neighborhood, parks, or other places like shrines and schools. Sometimes, I go to a Hanami. One of the most memorable ones was the 2023 Kensington Eikaiwa Hanami at Maizuru Park in Fukuoka. Teachers, staff, students, and their families and friends all came together. We ate, drank, chatted, and had a wonderful time!

In conclusion, Hanami is a beautiful tradition where people gather to enjoy cherry blossoms in spring. It’s a time for picnics, fun, and appreciation of nature with friends and family. Though it started centuries ago in Japan, it now captivates people from all over the world, bringing them together in joyful celebration.

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「ホワイトデー」を英語で解説 ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「ホワイトデー」を英語で説明してみよう!


White Day is just like Valentine’s Day, however it’s a time when men give gifts or sweets to women that gave them gifts on Valentine’s.

In Japan, women give sweets or chocolates to their co-workers, partners, and friends on Valentine’s Day, which is the opposite of the West as usually it’s the men who do something “romantic” for their partner.

Traditionally in Japan, women would give sweets to men that they like, but over time it’s become more generalized where women give sweets to acquaintances.

White Day is the reverse – men give gifts or sweets to the women that they had received sweets or gifts from. Generally, the gifts are white, but they don’t typically have to be.

There’s also a tradition that the gift must be “three times” the value of the Valentine’s gift, which is called “sanbai gaeshi”, but it’s unlikely that this is strictly followed.





White Day is a day where men give gifts to women. We usually give gifts to women who gave us chocolates on Valentine’s Day. It’s on March 14th.


White Day is a day where men typically give gifts to women as a return from Valentine’s Day, where women give gifts to men. The gift is also often white coloured and more expensive.














White Day and Explaining it in English

Today’s blog post is all about chocolates, giving, receiving and love – specifically, Valentine’s Day and White Day. Only one of these is celebrated in the West, that being Valentine’s Day, however in Japan, there’s also White Day, which is held on March 14th, a month after Valentines. A fun fact, White Day is also celebrated in Korea, Taiwan and China to some extent, but only after it was copied from Japan, which originally created the day.

What is White Day?

White Day is just like Valentine’s Day, however it’s a time when men give gifts or sweets to women that gave them gifts on Valentine’s. In Japan, women give sweets or chocolates to their co-workers, partners, and friends on Valentine’s Day, which is the opposite of the West as usually it’s the men who do something “romantic” for their partner. Traditionally in Japan, women would give sweets to men that they like, but over time it’s become more generalized where women give sweets to acquaintances.

White Day is the reverse – men give gifts or sweets to the women that they had received sweets or gifts from. Generally, the gifts are white, but they don’t typically have to be. There’s also a tradition that the gift must be “three times” the value of the Valentine’s gift, which is called “sanbai gaeshi”, but it’s unlikely that this is strictly followed.

Explaining in Simple Terms

When explaining white day to foreigners, keeping it simple is the way to go, and it doesn’t necessarily need a history lesson either. An example is below:

“White Day is a day where men give gifts to women. We usually give gifts to women who gave us chocolates on Valentine’s Day. It’s on March 14th.”

If you want to be more complex:

“White Day is a day where men typically give gifts to women as a return from Valentine’s Day, where women give gifts to men. The gift is also often white coloured and more expensive.”

Personal Experiences with White Day

In Australia, there is basically no White Day or anything similar to it – it’s just Valentine’s, and on those days, men usually do or buy something for their partners or women that they like. Personally, I find it to be more about marketing and prices of chocolates usually get super expensive, however I’ve had chocolates and other gifts given to me by women in Japan. Maybe they liked me! I know for sure that my partner does at least!

A Unique Event in Japan

Overall, White Day is a unique event in Japan and some other Asian countries, and may come as a surprise to many international visitors who’ve never heard of it before. Hopefully you’ll now have the tools to explain it efficiently in English.

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講師ロビン (ブログ初投稿!)







On February 3rd, the day before the first day of spring on the old Japanese calendar, people take part in the playful ritual known as Mamemaki, or “bean-scattering” in English. By throwing roasted soybeans both inside and outside of our homes, we ensure a prosperous year ahead.


“Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi,” translates to “Out with the demons, in with good luck.” Saying this while throwing beans is sort of like Harry Potter casting a spell. On top of this, it’s also considered good luck to snack on a few of these beans!


Setsubun is celebrated by eating ehomaki, a special sushi roll literally translating into “Lucky Direction Roll.” There’s a catch to this as well. When eating an ehomaki, one must be silent, and the sushi roll must be eaten facing the “lucky direction” of said year. This is determined by the old Japanese Zodiac calender. Ehomaki and mame aren’t just delicious, they also ensure we’ll have a lucky year to come. When explaining Setsubun to foreigners, make sure to emphasize the fun and symbolic nature of these practices.
(節分は、「恵方巻き」と呼ばれる特別な巻き寿司を食べることで祝われます。英語では文字通り「Lucky Direction Roll」と言うことができます。これにもルールがあります。恵方巻きを食べる際には、無言であり、その年の幸運の方角を向いて食べなければなりません。その方角は日本の伝統的な干支によって決められます。「恵方巻き」と「豆」はただ美味しいだけでなく、私たちに幸運な年をもたらします。)




















“Spilling the Beans” on Setsubun 

This week, we’ll be diving into the enchanting world of Setsubun and focusing on its cultural and spiritual significance in Japan. Setsubun is a vibrant Japanese holiday marking the arrival of spring.  From throwing beans to ward off evil spirits and demons known as Oni, to wolfing down delicious ehomaki rolls and snacking on roasted soybeans, Setsubun celebrates the essence of Japanese customs and values. 

How to Explain Setsubun to Your Foreign Friends

The first thing you can do is explain when Setsubun is celebrated. On February 3rd, the day before the first day of spring on the old Japanese calendar, people take part in the playful ritual known as Mamemaki, or “bean-scattering” in English. By throwing roasted soybeans both inside and outside of our homes, we ensure a prosperous year ahead. Next, you’ll want to explain the saying associated with Mamemaki. “Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi,” translates to “Out with the demons, in with good luck.” Saying this while throwing beans is sort of like Harry Potter casting a spell. On top of this, it’s also considered good luck to snack on a few of these beans!

Next, you’ll want to explain the food.Setsubun is celebrated by eating ehomaki, a special sushi roll literally translating into “Lucky Direction Roll.” There’s a catch to this as well. When eating an ehomaki, one must be silent, and the sushi roll must be eaten facing the “lucky direction” of said year. This is determined by the old Japanese Zodiac calender. Ehomaki and mame aren’t just delicious, they also ensure we’ll have a lucky year to come. When explaining Setsubun to foreigners, make sure to emphasize the fun and symbolic nature of these practices.

Cultural Practices Similar to Setsubun Around the World

While the US doesn’t have a Setsubun equivalent, many cultures around the world have similar customs to ward off negativity and welcome positivity. In Spain, for example, they celebrate La Noche de San Juan by jumping over bonfires to cleanse and purify their souls. In China, the Spring Festival features the famous Lion Dance, believed to scare away evil spirits. In the US, the closest thing I can think of is Halloween. While people usually associate Halloween with dressing up in costumes and “trick or treating,” it originally started as a means of warding off evil spirits. By dressing up in spooky costumes ourselves, we scare off the evil spirits or Oni if they ever make it across the Pacific! Sharing these cross-cultural traditions can help foreigners understand and appreciate Setsubun even more. 

My Personal Experiences with Setsubun 

Growing up with a Japanese mom meant that I had the chance to celebrate Setsubun a few times in my childhood, even in the US. We bought roasted soy beans from the supermarket and cleansed our house of evil spirits by partaking in mamemaki. Of course, my mom made ehomaki rolls for us to munch on too. I also got the chance to do this at school in Yokohama when I lived in Japan for a few years as a child. I don’t think we had any ehomaki rolls at school, but I can assure you, many beans were eaten that day. We also made our own Oni masks!

In conclusion, Setsubun is all about bringing in good luck, and warding off bad luck. It’s a fun holiday to celebrate and it’s a great way to spend some time with family or friends. But remember, you can’t talk while eating ehomaki!

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「in the good old days」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】- 古き良き時代

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「in the good old days」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】- 古き良き時代


ここに来ていただいたということは、日常会話でよく使われるイディオム「in the good old days」の意味や成り立ち、使い方について調べたいと思っているかと思います。


「in the good old days」の起源

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「in the good old days」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】- 古き良き時代

「in the good old days」という表現は、話し手にとって現在よりも良かったと感じる過去の時代を指します。

「in the good old days」を使った例文

In the good old days, we used to have real friends. Now we have thousands of unknown FaceBook friends.

In the good old days, you could leave your doors unlocked without worrying about anything.

Back in the good old days, we didn’t have smartphones to distract us during family dinners.


「in the good old days」と類似する表現

Back in my day

Back in my day, we used to have long face to face conversations, now we don’t have much patience for that.

In times gone by

In times gone by, people relied on handwritten letters to communicate across long distances

When I was young

When I was young, we used to play outside till dark. It was a great time to be a child!


「in the good old days」に関する個人的な経験

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「in the good old days」ってどういう意味?【例文つき】- 古き良き時代




というわけで、「in the good old days」という表現は、人々が過去の良い時代に対する憧れや郷愁を表現するために使うフレーズの一つです。







Thanks for stopping by and I hope everything is going well in your life in the second month of the year 2024. You’re probably here to investigate the meaning, origins and usage of the idiom “ in the good old days”an expression that is commonly used in everyday conversations. In the few paragraphs below, I’m offering you some help in your search.

Meaning and origin of “In the good old days”

In the good old days” this refers to a time in the past when things were better in some way than they are today for the speaker. It’s used to reminisce about a time perceived to be better than the present. The origin of the expression is not clear but it started to appear in literature around  the mid 1720s.

Usage Examples

In the good old days, we used to have real friends. Now we have thousands of unknown FaceBook friends.
In the good old days, you could leave your doors unlocked without worrying about anything.
Back in the good old days, we didn’t have smartphones to distract us during family dinners.

 Expressions similar to “In the good old days

Back in my day  (Back in my day, we used to have long face to face conversations, now we don’t have much patience for that.)

In times gone by (In times gone by, people relied on handwritten letters to communicate across long distances)

When I was young (When I was young, we used to play outside till dark. It was a great time to be a child!)

Personal  experiences with “In the good old days” 

I really loved dancing when I was younger. In fact in my teenage years, we often went disco dancing throughout the night. And we would get into trouble with our parents sometimes. Those were the good old days!

There it is. “In the good old days” is one of the phrases people use to express a longing or nostalgia for the good times in their past.

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「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く


今日のブログでは、「wind (風)」に関する言葉で全く異なる意味を持つ、英語のあるイディオムについて解説します。
それでは、今日のテーマ「get wind of」の意味を見てみましょう。


「Get Wind of」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く

get wind of」の基本的な意味は、ニュースやイベントなど何かについて聞くことです。
例えば、あなたが北海道に関するニュースを「get wind of」したら、それは北海道で起こった何かについて知ったことを意味します。

それでは次に、より直接的な言い方と並べて、実際に「get wind of」をどのように使うのかいくつか例を見てみましょう。


「Get Wind of」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く

I got wind of the news in Australia. Did you hear? [直接的な言い方:I heard about some news in Australia. Did you?]

I got wind of your arrival here from my coworker. [直接的な言い方:My coworker told me you arrived.]

He got wind of the news yesterday, so he’s on his way tonight. [直接的な言い方:He heard about the news yesterday, so he’s coming tonight.]

John got wind of the stock market crash, so he sold his assets quickly. [直接的な言い方:John heard some news about the stock market, so he sold his stocks as soon as possible.]



正直なところ、「get wind of」は私の中の語彙にはあまり含まれておらず、滅多に使いません。








To “Get Wind Of” Something

Today’s blog post is about a certain idiom in English which can leave some people a little confused, as it refers to wind but has a totally different meaning. This is common among second language learners where idioms have no direct meaning and are instead implied, so don’t ever feel as if you’re not a strong speaker of English if you don’t know them – you need to learn them directly! So, let’s learn about “get wind of” – what does it mean?

“Get Wind of” – Hearing About Something

The meaning of “get wind of” in its most basic form is essentially to hear about something, such as news, an event, and so on. If you “get wind of” the news from Hokkaido, it means you have learned about something that has happened in Hokkaido. It could be a large amount of information, a very small amount, or a rumor. There’s no specific amount of information that is required to use the phrase, not is there any specific context necessary, so you can apply the phrase in almost any situation. 

Let’s look at some examples of how it works in sentences, alongside more direct language.

Examples and Similarities

“I got wind of the news in Australia. Did you hear?” = “I heard about some news in Australia. Did you?”

“I got wind of your arrival here from my coworker.” = “My coworker told me you arrived.”

“He got wind of the news yesterday, so he’s on his way tonight.” = “He heard about the news yesterday, so he’s coming tonight.”

“John got wind of the stock market crash, so he sold his assets quickly.” = “John heard some news about the stock market, so he sold his stocks as soon as possible.”

Personal Use Cases and Conclusion

“Get wind of” is honestly not something that is common in my own vocabulary, so I rarely use it. However, I’ve heard it used by many different native speakers from various countries, so knowing what it means is definitely practical.

That’s actually part of the process of learning a language. Learning a language never really “ends”, it’s just a continuing process of more and more knowledge gathered over time and more understanding overall. Language, phrases used and slang change over time as culture changes, so “getting wind of” new lingo in the languages you speak and study is very important!

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「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? – 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】



今日は「Give 〜 a bell」というフレーズをご紹介します。


「Give me a bell」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

これはシンプルに「Please call me (私に電話してください)」という意味です。

また、なぜ「give me a bell」と言うかというと(30代以上の方はご存知かと思いますが)、昔、電話がもっとシンプルで、家庭用電話が一般的だった時代には、実際にベルのように鳴っていたからです。


「Give 〜 a bell」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

I’d better get home, it’s getting late.

Okay, give us a bell to let me know you got back alright.

I can’t give you an exact date on when I’ll be available but as soon as I know I’ll give you a bell to let you know.

I’ll send you all the information you need by email tomorrow.

Could you give me a bell instead please. My computer is on the blink and I haven’t had time to get it fixed yet

Sure, I’ll call you around midday then.


「Give 〜 a bell」に似た表現

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Give me a bell」ってどういう意味? - 電話して、電話する【例文つき】

「give me a bell」と類似する表現はたくさんあります。下記にいくつかご紹介します。

give 〜 a ring

Safe journey home!

Thanks, I’ll give you a ring when I get home to let you know I got back in one piece.

give 〜 a buzz

Do you feel like a couple of quick drinks?

I can’t at the moment but give me a buzz again in a couple of hours. I should be done by then.

get on the horn

We need to make those reservations quickly! Never mind booking online. Get on the horn and see if you can make them directly!



以上が「Give 〜 a bell」の解説です。とても簡単ですね。








Hello again, it’s time for your weekly dose of lovely British English, so here we go.

Today I will show you this phrase “ Give us a bell” I want to introduce this phrase (and other similar ones) because I have noticed that a lot of my students have some difficulty when talking about simple everyday actions such as making phone calls or doing things around the house.


This simply means “ Please call me” and there are plenty of other versions which I will show you later. The reason we say give me a bell is because (and this is for anyone under 30) a long time ago when phones were much more simple and the home phone was more common they actually used to ring like bells. Of course nowadays they all have digital ringtones but the phrase still holds true..


 “I’d better get home, it’s getting late.”
“Okay, give us a bell to let me know you got back alright.”

“I can’t give you an exact date on when I’ll be available but as soon as I know I’ll give you a bell to let you know.”

“I’ll send you all the information you need by email tomorrow.” 

“Could you give me a bell instead please. My computer is on the blink and I haven’t had time to get it fixed yet” 

“Sure, I’ll call you around midday then.” 

Similar Expressions

There are lots of ways to say “give me a bell” so here are a few. 

give me a ring

“Safe journey home!” 

“Thanks, I’ll give you a ring when I get home to let you know I got back in one piece.” 

give me a buzz

“Do you feel like a couple of quick drinks?” 

“I can’t at the moment but give me a buzz again in a couple of hours. I should be done by then.”

get on the horn

“We need to make those reservations quickly! Never mind booking online. Get on the horn and see if you can make them directly!” 

And that’s it, easy as can be. There are so many different ways to talk about making phone calls and those were just a few. I hope they come in handy. 


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それに加えて、「cheers」には「thanks (ありがとう)」という意味もあり、また「goodbye (さようなら)」としても使われます。





ティム:I made a lesson plan for your new Eiken student Jaimie.

ジェイミー:Cheers mate. You’re the best!

A:Do you know any good English schools for kids in Fukuoka?

B:Actually, I do. My niece goes to Kensington Kids Academy and her mother is really happy with it.

A:I will send them an enquiry then. Cheers



A:Ok, I’m done for today. Cheers!

B:Have a good one!

A:I’m heading back home. Cheers everyone!

B:See you!





Ta for the ride, much appreciated!


Cheers for reading my blog! (ブログを読んでくれてありがとう!)







How can we use the word “Cheers” in the Uk?

In our previous blog (found here) we explored 4 very usual British slang expressions. In this blog we are going to talk a little bit in more detail about the British slang word “Cheers”. When I was 18 years old, I travelled to the UK to study and I was really surprised by how often people there used the word “Cheers”. For any Japanese student travelling to the UK or dealing with British people, it’s a pretty essential word to know. Here is what it means and how to use it. 

Meaning of “Cheers” and Example Sentences

Cheers is a pretty versatile expression with different meanings. I think the meaning most Japanese students are familiar with is when it’s used as a friendly toast when raising glasses. In addition to that though, “Cheers” also means “thanks” and also “goodbye”. 

Meaning 1 : A friendly expression said just before you drink an alcoholic drink:

We use ‘cheers’ when we are with friends drinking alcoholic drinks. Usually, we softly clink our glasses with other people’s and exclaim ‘cheers.

Meaning 2 : Thanks

“Cheers” also means “thank you”. Here are a couple of examples.


  • Tim: I made a lesson plan for your new Eiken student Jaimie. 
  • Jaimie: Cheers mate. You’re the best!


  • A: Do you know any good English schools for kids in Fukuoka?
  • B: Actually, I do. My niece goes to Kensington Kids Academy and her mother is really happy with it. 
  • A: I will send them an enquiry then. Cheers

Meaning 3 : Goodbye

In addition to toasting and thanking, ‘cheers’ is also used to say goodbye. Here are a couple of examples. 


  • A: Ok, I’m done for today. Cheers!
  • B: Have a good one! 


  • A: I’m heading back home. Cheers everyone!
  • B: See you!


Words similar to “Cheers” and example sentences

One other slang term you will sometimes hear in the UK similar to “cheers”  is “Ta,” a colloquial expression of thanks.


  • Ta for the ride, much appreciated!

As mentioned in the introduction, I first came across the word “cheers” when I travelled to the UK to study as an 18 year old university student. I think it was the first British slang term I learnt, and there were many more in the years I spent in the UK. As an Eikaiwa teacher I try not to use much regional slang with my students as I think our students should be able to communicate effectively with people from any country. Of course I will use British slang if a student has a particular interest in British English.

Cheers for reading my blog!

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Mwaka mpya wa furaha kwako! Upate nzuri







この「Christian Partners in Africa」のブログが言うように、「ウガンダでは、1月1日に時計が12時を打つと、花火、音楽、叫び声、太鼓の音とともに新年のお祝いが始まります。












Heri ya Mwaka Mpya!
(スワヒリ語で「Best wishes in the new year! (良い一年を!)」)







New year’s holiday in Uganda

Mwaka mpya wa furaha kwako! Upate nzuri

That’s “Happy new year and may you have a good year”, in Swahili.

To anyone who has stopped by our site, and to all our students at Kensington Eikawa, I would like to wish you and your loved ones a truly happy, healthy and prosperous 2024. It’s a new year, so forget all the troubles and bothers of last year. Like a dragon, confidently seize new opportunities and take on challenges that the new year brings.

New year’s holiday in my home country, Uganda

Just like in  many countries around the world, Ugandans happily welcome a new year.

As this Christian Partners for Africa blogger puts it, In Uganda, as the clock strikes midnight on the 1st January, the New Year celebrations begin with an explosion of fireworks, music, shouting and drumming.

Many people choose to stay up to celebrate, knowing that New Year’s Day in Uganda is a public holiday, and is a day off with schools and most businesses closing for the day.” (CPA blog) 

Worship and prayers 

 Uganda is a very religious country. Many Ugandans begin the new year by going to churches, mosques and other places of worship to thank God for going through another year and pray for a good year. In fact, some christian churches rent stadiums and large halls to accommodate large numbers of worshipers.

Food and drink 

Although there is no special food eaten on the first day of the year, it’s  customary for people in Uganda to have a good meal and favorite drink on Jan1 wishing to eat delicious meals and enjoy their favorite drinks throughout the year. And people try to avoid conflicts or quarrels with family members or neighbors so they can have a peaceful year.

Politicians send messages of new year wishes to their supporters on social media and other media and the president of Uganda usually addresses the nation on January1.  

Unlike in Japan 

However, unlike in Japan where the new year’s day (Jan 1) is the beginning of a 3-day holiday, January1 in Uganda is at the tail end of the Christmas and new year’s holiday. Christmas and New Year’s holidays usually start around December 23rd and end on January1. Most Ugandans return to work from January 2nd. 

Heri ya Mwaka Mpya! Another swahili phrase meaning “Best wishes in the new year!

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