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英語の早口言葉(Tongue twisters)に挑戦!

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:英語の早口言葉(Tongue twisters)に挑戦!


Tongue twisters(早口言葉) は、似た音を組み合わせた言い回しで、発音するのが難しくなるように作られています。
Tongue twisters(早口言葉)は子どもたちに愛されており、言語療法を受けている人々の助けにもなります。







ケンジントン英会話ブログ:英語の早口言葉(Tongue twisters)に挑戦!









ケンジントン英会話ブログ:英語の早口言葉(Tongue twisters)に挑戦!


“She sells seashells by the seashore.”

ポイント: 「sh」と「s」を繰り返すことによって、似ているが異なる音を練習するのに役立ちます。

“How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?”

ポイント: 「cl」と「cr」の子音の組み合わせが、これらの音が存在しない言語を話す学習者にとって挑戦となります。

“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”

ポイント: 「p」を繰り返すことによって、「p」の破裂音を練習するのに最適です。非ネイティブスピーカーには難しいと思われているかもしれません。

“Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said the butter’s bitter.”

ポイント: この早口言葉は、「b」と「t」の音を区別するのに最適です。

“Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry”

ポイント: これはアジア系言語を話す人に特に役立ちます。素早く「l」と「r」の音を区別する練習になります。



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:英語の早口言葉(Tongue twisters)に挑戦!











それでは、「She sells seashells by the seashore」から始めて、どれだけ速く言えるか挑戦してみましょう!







English Tongue Twisters: A Fun Challenge for Non-Native Speakers

Tongue twisters are playful phrases in English that combine similar sounds in a sequence, making them difficult to pronounce. They’re not just fun, but also a great tool for non-native speakers to improve their pronunciation, articulation, and fluency. 

Tongue twisters are loved by children, but they also serve helping people undergoing speech therapy.

Why Tongue Twisters Are Useful

  1. Improves Pronunciation: Tongue twisters focus on specific sounds, helping learners distinguish and pronounce them more clearly.
  2. Enhances Fluency: Repeating tongue twisters at varying speeds can improve fluency and the ability to speak smoothly under pressure.
  3. Boosts Confidence: Successfully mastering a tricky phrase can boost a learner’s confidence in their speaking abilities.

Popular Tongue Twisters

Here are a few classic English tongue twisters that are perfect for non-native speakers:

  1. “She sells seashells by the seashore.”
    Focus: The repetition of the “sh” and “s” sounds can help learners practice the difference between these similar but distinct sounds. 
  2. “How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?”
    Focus: This phrase helps with the “cl” and “cr” consonant clusters, which can be challenging for learners from languages where these sounds don’t occur. 
  3. “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”
    Focus: The repeated “p” sound is a great way to practice the explosive “p” sound, which requires a burst of air that non-native speakers might find tricky. 
  4. “Betty Botter bought some butter, but she said the butter’s bitter.”
    Focus: This tongue twister is great for distinguishing between the “b” and “t” sounds. 
  5. “Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry”
    Focus: This one is particularly useful for speakers of asian languages as it practices distinguishing the “l” and “r” sounds quickly. 

Tips for Practicing Tongue Twisters

  • Start Slow: Begin by saying the tongue twister slowly, focusing on each sound.
  • Break It Down: Practice difficult sections separately before putting the whole phrase together.
  • Increase Speed Gradually: As you become more comfortable, try to say the tongue twister faster while maintaining clarity.
  • Record Yourself: Listening to recordings of your practice can help you identify areas for improvement.

Tongue twisters are an enjoyable way for non-native speakers to enhance their English pronunciation and fluency. With regular practice, you’ll find yourself speaking more clearly and confidently. So, why not give it a try? Start with “She sells seashells by the seashore” and see how fast you can go!

~*~*~*~ \ Follow me / ~*~*~*~

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Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa








TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)のホームページによると、「1979年に開始された英語によるコミュニケーション能力を幅広く評価する世界共通のテストで、テスト結果は合格・不合格ではなく、点数での評価になる」とのことです。

講師の中島 正巳(なかしま まさみ)先生はTOEIC満点(990点)、英検1級等を取得しているだけでなく、英語をこよなく愛する根っからの英語好きです。TOEICについては、日頃から研究を重ね、TOEICに関して経験、知識が豊富です。TOEICの学習を単なるノウハウに終わらせるのではなく、それを超えてコミュニケーションスキルの向上に役立てたいと願っています。




パート2 最初の数語に集中、疑問文のタイプ別対応
パート5 読まずに解く問題 「品詞」など。
パート6 読まずに解く問題 「品詞」「前置詞」など。
パート1 「人物」

パート1 「人物」
パート7 手紙、メール、メモ
パート3 全体的内容を問う問題
パート4 目的、場所、時間








2月  6日 土 16:30 – 17:30pm
2月 20日 土 16:30 – 17:30pm



月曜日   11:00am –
水曜日   10:00am –



Take a good breath, enjoy movement of your body and get relaxed.
Please join us!



©ALC Press

©ALC Press






目の前の先生が何言ってるかよく分かんない!>_< って方は、多聴(とにかくたくさん聴く)と精聴(じっくり何度も聴いて、英語の原稿も確認)を組み合わせて、1日5分、10分、15分でも毎日聴いてみるのはいかがでしょうか♬

Riri in the mirror

  Riri in the mirror

I walked away from the mirror to get back to my show in the living room. I turned around to take one last look at the mirror. And… there she was! The girl in the mirror!

“Where have you been?” I asked without thinking about what I was saying. She didn’t answer my question. She just grinned. We watched each other in silence again. Then she slowly raised her hand and put her palm against the mirror. I did the same and laughed. She laughed too. I didn’t hear her voice, though. It was like in a muted TV show. “I’m Mariko. Call me Mari chan,” I said. She mouthed her name but I had trouble figuring out what it was. The strange thing was that the girl appeared to be hearing everything I was saying but I couldn’t hear her through the mirror. “I’m sorry I can’t hear you,” I said to the girl in the mirror. Close your eyes. She gestured to me. I did.  And… “My name’s Riri, she said, can you hear me now?” “YES! I can hear you loud and clear now! Nice to meet you Riri! This is totally cool! Great stuff!” I said. (Actually I screamed). “What are you doing in the mirror, Riri? Do you live in there?” I said. “Well, I was going to ask you that same question, Mari chan. What are you doing in the mirror?” Now, that surprised the heck out of me. “Did you just ask me what I was doing in the mirror?” I said. “I’m NOT in the mirror!” I screamed. “I’M NOT IN THE MIRROR.” She yelled back. It so happened all of a sudden that I could hear her without closing my eyes. We angrily stared at each other.  I think I was more upset and madder than Riri in the mirror. “Uh m…the girl in the mirror started, please calm down, Mari chan—““Are you alright Nechan? said Riku, entering the bathroom. Why are you screaming at the mirror?” He looked so worried that I thought he was going cry. Riri in the mirror suddenly vanished! My own reflection reappeared. Everything went back the way it should be. I couldn’t explain to Riku what in the world was happening. “Oh! I’m okay. Just stuff…” I said walking away from the mirror.

grin     (歯を見せて) にやりと笑う
muted    消音の
figure out   …を理解する
upset    うろたえて
madder   もっと腹を立てて (形容詞 mad の比較級)
calm down    落ち着く
vanish      (こつぜんと) 消え失せる
reflection    反射、鏡に映った姿

Riri in the mirror

Riri in the mirror

 “Who are you and what are you doing in our mirror?” I asked her speaking a little too loudly than I should. She said something but I didn’t hear it. I didn’t understand her gestures, either. “I want you to leave, get lost! I said, this is our mirror and this is our house. I’m now going to the living room to watch my show. When I come back during the next commercial break, I want you gone. If you don’t, I’ll call my parents. You hear me?” She didn’t say or gesture anything but she stopped smiling. I rushed to the living room.

 My little brother, Riku in pajamas, wild hair dried drool lines from last night on his face, was enjoying the TV show. He didn’t pay any attention to me when I entered the room.

“Were you talking to someone in the bathroom a while ago Mari chan?” he asked after a little while. “Uh…uh I was just memorizing my school play lines,” I lied very smoothly, as the TV screen lit up with another toy commercial. Riku slapped the sofa in disgust. “They run that stupid commercial way too many times during this show,” he remarked as I got up and headed to the bathroom to check whether the girl had really gone away or still sticking around in the mirror. I approached the mirror directly. I didn’t tiptoe, peep or try to sneak up on the girl in the mirror. She was gone! My own image…wild hair, in baby blue pajamas, not so cute was staring back at me in the mirror, dutifully imitating my moves.

 Minutes run by as I watched the mirror. Nothing unusual was happening. Strangely, I wanted to see the mirror girl. I couldn’t believe I’d started missing her and I knew she’d never come back again! I’d scared the girl away. Why had I been so mean to her? I regretted.

Get lost!  失せろ!、行っちまえ!

pay any attention (否定文で)少しも注意を払わない

in disgust  むかついて、嫌悪して

remark  コメントを言う、意見を述べる

stick around  居残る、近くをうろつく

tiptoe  つま先立ちで歩く

peep  こっそりのぞき見る

sneak up on  …に忍び寄る

run by  (時間)が経つ、過ぎる

regret  後悔する

楽しい文法ワークブックのご紹介(Level1 & Level2)



楽しい文法ワークブックのご紹介(Level1 & Level2)


書き込み式「意味順」で中学英語をやり直す本  (1296円)




一日一行でもOK!書き込み式 英語日記ドリル(1620円)


文法はそこそこ頭に入っているけど、いつどうやって使うといいのかな?レッスンで文は言えるけど、短い文や一文で終わってしまうことが多くてフラストレーションが…という方は、こちらのワークブックで、短い文やフレーズをつなげて、長い文や一まとまりの表現を作るのに慣れることができるでしょう>>>^ ^)











Riri in the mirror

 Riri in the mirror

 I went to the living room. No one was awake yet. I looked at the clock and realized that I’d missed more than ten minutes of the show. Thanks to the girl in the mirror.

A toy commercial filled the screen three or four minutes later. They always run it during that show_ Lego blocks, toy houses and other toys.

 I ran back to the bathroom mirror to see if “I” was there and may be check out what the girl who’s not me was up to. I approached the mirror really slowly. And… this time I saw myself in the mirror as it should be. I smiled and waved to the image in the mirror and the image did likewise. Nothing unusual. Suddenly…the other girl materialized right behind “me”. I mean behind my image in the mirror! I turned and looked around the bathroom. No one was behind me. When I looked back into the mirror, my reflection was gone! In its place was the other girl in the mirror smiling and combing her hair. (My hair was still in the right- after- bed shape).

  I looked at the girl and the girl in the mirror looked at me. “Hi,“ I said. She smiled and said hi but I didn’t hear it. I read it on her lips. We didn’t say anything to each other for some while. We just stood there staring at each other. The girl in the mirror smiled again and was being nice. I wasn’t smiling. I didn’t think it was funny at all! The girl in the mirror had “kidnapped” my reflection. She was now occupying the mirror. Did she expect me to stand there and SMILE?! It didn’t feel like smiling. I was upset and really confused.

I noticed that she wasn’t wearing the baby blue jammies. She’d now changed into a yellow flowery dress. I’m sure I have a similar dress somewhere in the drawers upstairs. She looked kind of cute in it with her nicely combed hair.


run it    それ(コマーシャル)を放送する、流す

approach    …に近寄る

likewise    同様に、同じように

materialize    実体化する、姿を表す

kidnap    …を誘拐する、さらう

occupy    …を占有する、陣取る

expect me to   私が…するのを期待する

Riri in the mirror

Riri in the mirror

Then something even weirder happened…I saw myself or a girl who sort of looked like me sitting at one of those plastic bathroom stools a few meters away in the mirror! “Hey, I said to the girl, Are you… you me?” She didn’t say anything. She just stared at me and I stared back. We stared at each other for some while. Then the girl in the mirror’s mouth slowly cracked into a smile! I smiled back at her. She then stood up and took a few steps towards the mirror and stopped! I think the girl stopped because she saw me backing away from the mirror getting ready to let out a mother of all screams. Suddenly I realized that the girl really looked just like me, wearing the same bluish pajamas and hair all wild like mine. She’d not combed it yet. “Oh, thank goodness she’s me.” I said to myself. But then…listen to this, the girl in the mirror made a face and stuck her tongue out at me! Bewildered, I walked backwards and slammed the back of my head into the wall behind me! I kept my eyes on the girl in the mirror who’s me and may be not me. She didn’t slam her head into the wall behind her, you know the way girls in the mirror do what you do. She just stood there by the mirror looking straight at me! “God whoever you’re, let this be a dream,” I said and sat down and leaned against the wall to keep my eyes off the mirror. You won’t believe what the girl in the mirror did. She leaned forward looking for me! She found me and stared right at me! “Mama…!” I screamed. The girl in the mirror put her finger on her lips in a shh sh! gesture and disappeared. I rushed out of the bathroom to go wake up mom and tell her what’d just happened in the bathroom mirror, but I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. I realized painfully that mom wouldn’t believe or understand my story. She’d either think I’ve completely gone cuckoo or I was making everything up clamoring for undue attention.

weird 奇妙な
stare at …をじっと見る
a mother of all ものすごい、とてつもない(皮肉がこもっている)
realize …に気づく
bewildered うろたえて
lean forward 体を乗り出す
disappear 消える
go cuckoo (俗)頭がおかしくなる
clamor for …を声高に求める(clamor for attention で「注目されたがる、(子供が)構ってもらいたがる」)