カテゴリー別アーカイブ: 2. ビジネス英会話

「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? – 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】



Knuckle down」という表現は、何かに対して一生懸命に取り組むことを意味します。「Knuckle down」する時は、集中して本腰を入れて作業に取り組むことを表します。







ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「If we just knuckle down today, we can finish up painting the kitchen.」

「Please knuckle down and finish cleaning up your room so you can play with your friends tomorrow.」

「I have to knuckle down and address 100 New Year’s cards tonight so I can mail them in time for them to arrive on new year’s day!」



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「It’s final exam week so I’ve got to knuckle down and finally start studying.」

「Sorry, I can’t talk now. I’ve got to knuckle down and do my homework.」

「I’m going to the library. Every time I try to knuckle down and study one of my flatmates interrupts me.」



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「Are you serious about finishing that ABC project by tomorrow? Then you’ll have to knuckle down for the rest of the day!」

「All right, quit joking around. We need to knuckle down and finish this report.」



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「The Biden administration appears to be playing at war rather than knuckling down and winning it.」 —-Washington Examiner, 11 Jan. 2024

「But as the United Nations conference enters its second week and negotiators from 197 countries knuckle down to finalize a new agreement to tackle global warming, attendees were sharply divided over how much progress is being made.」—-New York TImes, 8 Nov. 2021



個人生活でも仕事でも、あるいは学業でも、成功の鍵はやはり決意と努力にあります。だからこそ、集中して取り組み、「Knuckle Down」の心構えを大切にしていきましょう!







knuckle (noun) is a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface, especially where the finger joins the hand.

Knuckle (verb) means to rub or press (something, especially the eyes) with the knuckles.

knuckle down means to  begin to work hard at something or apply oneself seriously to a task. When you knuckle down, you really focus and get to work. 

at home

“If we just knuckle down today, we can finish up painting the kitchen.”

“ Please knuckle down and finish cleaning up your room so you can play with your friends tomorrow.”

“I have to knuckle down and address 100 New Year’s cards tonight so I can mail them in time for them to arrive on new year’s day!”

with friends

“It’s final exam week so I’ve got to knuckle down and finally start studying.”

“Sorry, I can’t talk now. I’ve got to knuckle down and do my homework.”

“I’m going to the library. Every time I try to knuckle down and study one of my flatmates interrupts me.”

at work

“Are you serious about finishing that ABC project by tomorrow? Then you’ll have to knuckle down for the rest of the day!”

“All right, quit joking around. We need to knuckle down and finish this report.”

on the news

The Biden administration appears to be playing at war rather than knuckling down and winning it. — Washington Examiner, 11 Jan. 2024 

But as the United Nations conference enters its second week and negotiators from 197 countries knuckle down to finalize a new agreement to tackle global warming, attendees were sharply divided over how much progress is being made. — New York Times, 8 Nov. 2021 

Conclusion: The ‘Knuckle Down’ Mindset

It is clear that determination and commitment are the keys for success whether in personal or professional life, not to mention academically! So let’s stay focus! Let’s embrace the ‘Knuckle Down’ Mindset.

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「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 – 大成功する【日常・ビジネス英会話】

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】


hit it out of the park」があります。






「Hit it Out of the Park」の意味

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】

Hit it out of the park」というイディオムは野球が由来の表現で、試合中にホームランを打つこと、つまりボールをスタジアムの外まで飛ばすことをさします。


「Her presentation was amazing! She really hit it out of the park.」

「They hit it out of the park with their new product launch.」



「Hit it Out of the Park」と似た表現

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】

Hit it out of the park」と同じ意味を持つ英語の表現は他にもいくつかあります。

Nail it

「I was nervous about the test, but I nailed it!」

Crush it

「You crushed your interview! I’m sure you’ll get the job.」

Knock it out of the park
大成功を収める、「Hit it out of the park」とほぼ同じ意味

He knocked it out of the park with his performance on stage.」



私の「Hit it Out of the Park」の体験

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】

私は日本で英語の教師をしていますが、生徒たちがプレゼンテーションやスピーチコンテスト、クラスでのロールプレイやテストで「hit it out of the park」する姿をよく目にします。
hit it out of the park」したのです!

Hit it out of the park」は、誰かの素晴らしいパフォーマンスを称える際に使える強力なイディオムです。
hit it out of the park」できる日がきっと来ますよ!







In English, idioms are commonly used in both casual conversations and formal situations. One idiom that often confuses students is “hit it out of the park.” This phrase is especially popular in American culture and is frequently used in business, sports, and everyday life. In the next few paragraphs, I’ll explain the meaning and usage of this idiom, along with examples and similar expressions.

What Does “Hit it Out of the Park” Mean?
The idiom “hit it out of the park” comes from baseball, where it refers to hitting a home run—a ball that flies over the fence and out of the field. In everyday language, it means to do something extremely well or to achieve great success. For example:

– Her presentation was amazing! She really hit it out of the park.
– They hit it out of the park with their new product launch.

In both examples, this phrase describes someone performing exceptionally well in a task.

Similar Expressions to “Hit it Out of the Park”
There are several phrases in English that have a similar meaning to “hit it out of the park.” Here are a few:

1. Nail it

  • Meaning: To do something perfectly or successfully.
  • Example: I was nervous about the test, but I nailed it!

2. Crush it

  • Meaning: To perform very well or succeed at something.
  • Example: You crushed your interview! I’m sure you’ll get the job.

3. Knock it out of the park

  • Meaning: Similar to “hit it out of the park,” this phrase also means doing something with great success.
  • Example: He knocked it out of the park with his performance on stage.

These phrases are great alternatives to use in various situations where someone excels at something.

My Experience with “Hitting it Out of the Park”
As an English teacher in Japan, I often see students “hit it out of the park” during presentations, speech contests, class role plays or tests. I remember one student, Yuki, who was nervous several days before the English speech contest she was going to take part in. She practiced hard, and when the day came, she delivered (gave) her speech perfectly, with clear pronunciation and confidence. She won second prize! She knocked it out of the park!

“Hit it out of the park” is a powerful idiom to describe someone’s excellent performance. Whether you’re in school, at work, or even in daily conversations, using this idiom can help you express praise or admiration for someone’s hard work and success. Next time you or someone around you does something impressive, try using this phrase! Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be hitting it out of the park with your English skills too!

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Bounce backってどういう意味?【ビジネス英語・例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Bounce backってどういう意味?【ビジネス英語・例文つき】



例:A basketball player bounces a ball on the floor and it springs back into her/his hand.

Bounce back」は困難な状況や出来事のあとすぐに通常の状態に戻る、または失敗や自信喪失、病気、不幸を経験した後に再び成功し始める、という意味があります。これは日常会話(ニュースやスポーツ)、ビジネスシーン、さらにはITの場面でも使われます。「メールがbounce backする」と言ったら、メールアドレスが間違っているなどの理由で送信者に返送されたという意味になります。






「Bounce back」の例文



He bounced back easily from his surgery.

After losing the first two games of the league, they bounced back to win their next three and become the top team.

According to the UN, many countries are bouncing back from the pandemic but the poorest are still struggling economically.




Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week.

Profits are expected to bounce back in the new financial year.

European markets bounced back after U.S. markets recouped early losses


形容詞の「bounce back」

Bounce backは形容詞としても使えます。

Bounce back message / E-mail bounce(送信者に返送されたメッセージ)



立ち直る(Bounce back from


Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do.

Prices have bounced back strongly from the bottom a year ago.



bounce back」する力とはつまり回復力です。パンデミックの間に、私たちは回復力を発展させたり強化したりすることを学びました。重要なポイントは、社会的繋がり、自己管理、行動に意味を見出すこと、恐怖に向き合うこと、そして最後に、学び続けることです。これからも学び続けてください。







bounce back

To bounce is a word for an up and down movement or recovery — like a ball’s bounce on the pavement or the stock market’s rise after a crash. Bounce can be a noun or a verb. 

A basketball player bounces a ball on the floor and it springs back into her/his hand.

To bounce back means to return quickly to a normal condition after a difficult situation or event or to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness. 

It that can be used in several situations from everyday life (on the news and sports), business situation and even in IT.

In IT if an email bounces back, it is returned to the person sending it because the address is wrong or the user is not known.


daily life (on the news and sports) 

He bounced back easily from his surgery.

After losing the first two games of the league, they bounced back to win their next three and become the top team.

According to the UN, many countries are bouncing back from the pandemic but the poorest are still struggling economically.



Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week.

Profits are expected to bounce back in the new financial year.

European markets bounced back after U.S. markets recouped early losses


IT (communication)

“Bounce back” can sometimes be use as adjective:

The most common types of bounce back messages (or e-mail bounce) is “Delivery to the following recipient failed temporarily: [email protected] Reason: Mailbox full.”


bounce back from 

Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do.

Prices have bounced back strongly from the bottom a year ago.


Conclusion: Resilience is the ability to bounce back. During the pandemic we have learnt to develop or strengthen our resilience. The key takeaways are: social connectivity, self-care, finding meaning, facing your fears, and, the last but not least, continuing to learn. Yes, keep studying and learning.

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「Blow a deal」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

「Blow a deal」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】


Blow the deal」は日常のやりとりはもちろん、ビジネスシーンで多く使われるイディオムです。
このブログではこの「Blow the deal」の意味や使い方を例文や似たような言葉を用いて解説していきます。






「Blow the deal」の意味

「Blow a deal」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

誰かが「Blow the dealした」と表現する時は、その人が交渉の失敗や崩壊に繋がるミスをしたということになります。


「Blow the deal」を使った例文

「Blow a deal」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

Despite months of negotiations, they blew the deal at the last minute by asking for more money.

She was very close to signing the contract, but a small misunderstanding blew the deal.

We can’t afford to blow this deal; it’s important for our company’s future.

Mr. Kobayashi’s unprofessional behavior during the meeting blew the deal for us.

They had everything ready to go, but a delay in delivery blew the deal with their client.


A: Did the client agree to the new contract?

B: No, we blew the deal due to typo in the agreement.


「Blow a deal」の類語

「Blow a deal」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

Mess up a deal(取引を台無し/めちゃくちゃにする)

He messed up the deal by not preparing adequately for the presentation.

A: I heard you were close to finalizing the partnership. What happened?
B: Unfortunately, we messed up the deal by miscommunicating our terms.


Fumble a deal(取引をしくじる)

They fumbled the deal by forgetting to include a key sentence in the contract.


Botch a deal(取引で下手をする)

The negotiation was going well until they botched the deal with an offensive comment.


Screw up a deal(取引をぶち壊す)

They screwed up the deal by missing the deadline for submitting the proposal.



Blow the deal」という表現は「合意や取引の失敗を引き起こすこと」を意味する表現でした。







“Blow a deal” explained

Idioms make our conversations and interactions interesting, but can be confusing to non-native speakers of a language sometimes. “Blow the deal” is one of the many idioms used in business and everyday interactions. In the few paragraphs below, I’ll explain the meaning and usage of this expression with examples and words or phrases similar to “blow the deal” 

What does “blow the deal” mean?

It means to fail to complete or secure an agreement or transaction successfully. When someone “blows a deal,” they have usually made a mistake or series of mistakes that lead to the failure of negotiations or the breakdown of an agreement. This phrase is often used in business contexts but can be applied to any situation where a deal or agreement is involved.

Example sentences of “blow a deal”

Despite months of negotiations, they blew the deal at the last minute by asking for more money.

She was very close to signing the contract, but a small misunderstanding blew the deal.

We can’t afford to blow this deal; it’s important for our company’s future.

Mr. Kobayashi’s unprofessional behavior during the meeting blew the deal for us.

They had everything ready to go, but a delay in delivery blew the deal with their client.

In conversation:

A: Did the client agree to the new contract?

B: No, we blew the deal due to a typo in the agreement.

 Words similar to “blow a deal” and example sentence

Mess up a deal

Example: He messed up the deal by not preparing adequately for the presentation.

Fumble a deal

Example: They fumbled the deal by forgetting to include a key sentence in the contract.

Botch a deal

Example: The negotiation was going well until they botched the deal with an offensive comment.

Screw up a deal

Example: They screwed up the deal by missing the deadline for submitting the proposal.

In conversation:

A: I heard you were close to finalizing the partnership. What happened?

B: Unfortunately, we messed up the deal by miscommunicating our terms.


I hope the above illustrations and examples have helped you understand the meaning and usage of this expression which means to fail in securing or completing an agreement, and  is used in workplaces, business situations and other contexts.

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「get up to speed」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

「drive me nuts」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】


get up to speed」というフレーズを聞いたことがありますか?






「get up to speed」の意味と成り立ち

「get up to speed」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

場合によっては、その文字通りの意味が少し抽象的で理解しにくいことがあります(例えば「It’s raining cats and dogs (どしゃ降り)」)。
しかし、今日の「get up to speed」のように、文字通りの意味が非常に理解しやすい場合もあります。

その飛行機は文字通り「get up to (the take-off) speed ([離陸]速度に追いつく)」わけです。




「get up to speed」を使った例文

「get up to speed」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】

getting up to speed」は、最新の情報を誰かに提供すること、最新の情報に追いつくという意味です。

Could you get me up to speed on our current project?

I need to get up to speed with the latest developments.



I want to get up to speed with surfing.

John reads Nikkei Shimbun to get up to speed on the Japanese economy.

Do you think we have to get up to speed with the new AI technologies?


「get up to speed」に似た表現

「get up to speed」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】


⚫️ Brief 〜 on the latest news (〜に最新のニュースを説明する)

⚫️ Fill us in on your plans for 〜 (〜の計画について詳しく教えて)

⚫️ Brush up on 〜 (〜を学び直す)

⚫️ Catch up with 〜 (〜に追いつく)


「getting up to speed」に関する個人的な経験

「get up to speed」ってどういう意味?【日常英会話】



最近、私はポーランド文学を読むことに追いつこうとしています(I have been getting up to speed with reading Polish literature.)。
また、仕事では幼稚園や小学校の子供たちに教えることに追いつこうとしています(I’m getting up to speed on teaching kindergarten and elementary school children.)。
いとこは日本のビジネス文化について教えてほしいと頼んできました(my cousin asked me to get him up to speed on the Japanese business culture.)




今日は、よく使われる役立つイディオム「get up to speed」を見てきました。

このブログを読んで「get up to speed」の使い方に追いつくことができたことを願っています。







Getting up to speed with English idioms (well, just one). 

Hello everyone! This is Bartek again. I hope you’ve been bravely enduring the hot and humid Japanese summer. As a matter of fact, summer is probably my favorite Japanese season but let’s leave the weather aside as today we will talk about another very useful idiom. Have you ever heard the phrase “get up to speed”? If not, let me get you up to speed on it! 

What does it mean and where does it come from?

All idioms have their origins and there are always literal meanings associated with those origins. In some cases, the literal meaning might be a bit abstract and hard to understand (“It’s raining cats and dogs,” for instance). In other cases though the literal meaning can make perfect sense. Such is our today’s “get up to speed.” It is fairly easy to imagine a plane accelerating to the take-off speed. That plane would be literally getting up to (the take-off) speed. In fact, the idiom’s origin is said to be linked to many stories – driving, engineering, sailing, and racing – but the common part of them all is that something or someone requires a little push to get started. And that’s where we get to the most common figurative meaning of our today’s idiom: giving someone information or instruction to get them to a certain level of understanding or skill. In most cases that certain level is the one of a team or a group – at work, at school, in a neighborhood, etc. Sounds a bit confusing? Let’s take a look at the example sentences!

Examples, please!

Getting up to speed is giving someone enough and up-to-date information. It can then be used in a variety of situations. 

At work, for instance, you might ask a colleague: “Could you get me up to speed on our current project?” meaning you want them to give you all the info about that project. If you come back to work after a long vacation you may say “I need to get up to speed with the latest developments” cause you obviously want to quickly know what’s up at work! As you can see, the prepositions “on” and “with” can be used interchangeably.

What about other situations?

Imagine taking up a new hobby. Say, it’s surfing and you want to start as soon as possible. In that situation, you may say “I want to get up to speed with surfing!”

“John reads Nikkei Shimbun to get up to speed on the Japanese economy.” means John learns or catches up on the Japanese economy news by reading Nikkei Shimbun.

“Do you think we have to get up to speed with the new AI technologies?” seems like a legitimate question referring to learning that mysterious Artificial Intelligence.

Synonyms? Similar expressions?

Now that you got up to speed on the practical uses of our today’s idiom, let’s take a look at expressions of similar meaning. “Brief Mary on the latest news” would be a quite natural synonym for “Get Mary up to speed with the latest news.” Another like phrase would be “Fill us in on your plans for the summer.” Then we have “Brush up on something” or “Catch up with something.” As you can see we are circling around the same concept of getting up-to-date information!

Personal experiences with “getting up to speed”

“Ok”, you may ask, “do you or people around you even use that idiom, Bartek?” The answer is yes! Recently I have been getting up to speed with reading Polish literature. I got many great novels from my nephew but haven’t had time to read them (ok, fine, I’ve just been lazy…) Also, at work, I’m getting up to speed on teaching kindergarten and elementary school children. And finally, my cousin asked me to get him up to speed on the Japanese business culture. I hope I’ll be able to do that!


Using idioms is a great way to express yourself naturally in English and today we took a look at a quite popular and useful one that has pretty clear literal and figurative meanings. Hope my explanation was clear and I was able to get you up to speed with the usage of “get up to speed.” Have a great summer!

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Hello there,  have you  heard  or read the term crowdsourcing or crowdsource on Social Media, business news, meetings or podcasts but not so sure what it is? You have stopped by at the right time because I’ll be explaining what it is, and its relevance in today’s workplace,business and social circles.

What is crowdsourcing?

Crowdsourcing is a practice of getting input, ideas, services, or content by soliciting or asking for contributions from people all over the world, on  the internet. It’s a way of accessing and using the intelligence, skills, and creativity of a  large number of people to solve problems, get ideas, or complete tasks.

The term crowdsourcing is said to have first appeared in an article by Jeff Howe and Mark Robinson published in the June 2006 issue of  Wired magazine.

Examples of well known work or projects using crowdsourcing include:

Wikipedia: Wikipedia relies on volunteers worldwide who create and edit its content.  

Open Source Software Development: Projects like Linux and Apache get contributions from a global community of developers who collaborate to build and improve open-source software.

Crowdfunding: Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo allow individuals or businesses to raise funds for projects by asking for small donations from a large number of people.

Design Contests: Companies often use crowdsourcing for design work, running contests to get various design ideas for logos, websites, or other creative projects.

Today many companies, social organizations, associations and individuals seek collaboration or ask for help from people around the world who are willing to share their ideas, expertise or skills for free or for a small fee. All one needs to do is to clearly outline the specific task or problem they need help with. For example  gathering ideas or solving a problem,  and then choose the right crowdsourcing platform.

My own experience with crowdsourcing


I’m a member of a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) named Fukuoka-Uganda Friendship Association, a charity organization that raises money for water wells in Africa. In 2020 we launched a crowdfunding project and raised more than a million JPY in about three weeks!

We want to deliver clean water to the people of Uganda! – CAMPFIRE (camp-fire.jp)

To sum up, crowdsourcing is one of the powerful tools of the digital age that we can use to share skills, ideas, content, designs and other  resources to create new things, solve problems and  accomplish tasks in the workplace, business, social circles and many others.







こんにちは。「crowdsourcing (クラウドソーシング)」や「crowdsource (クラウドソース)」という言葉を聞いたり読んだりしたことはありますか?


crowdsourcing (クラウドソーシング)」は、インターネット上で世界中の人々から意見、アイデア、サービス、コンテンツを得られる手法です。









私は「福岡ウガンダ友好協会 (Fukuoka-Uganda Friendship Association)」という非営利団体のメンバーです。この団体は、アフリカの井戸のための資金を集める慈善団体です。




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「shake things up」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「shake things up」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】


「Who will shake things up in Washington, DonaldTrump or Hillary Clinton?」

この「Shake things up」とは何でしょうか?


「shake things up」の意味と例文

「shake things up」とは、状況や組織、システムなどに変更を加えたり、導入したりして、物事をより興味深くしたり、パフォーマンスを向上させることを意味します。


The fashion industry is always looking for ways to shake things up and set new trends.

We expect the new management team to shake things up by introducing new ideas and strategies to improve the company’s business performance.

I think it’s time to shake things up and try new activities to make our weekends more exciting.


「shake things up」の類義語

⚫️Reorganize (再編成)
⚫️Rearrange (再配置)
⚫️Restructure (再構築)


Our sales have risen dramatically in the last three or four months, Yumi.

Yes, the numbers are looking better since the sales team was reorganized a couple of months ago.


We’ve rearranged the furniture in our office. It looks nicer!


⚫️shake someone up (感情を揺さぶる)

関連する表現に「shake someone up」があります。


The news of the death of former Prime minister Abe, shook up the entire nation of Japan.

The horror movie shook my daughter up. She didn’t sleep well for several nights.


私の私生活での「shake things up」




「shake things up」というイディオムは、物事をより活動的に、興味深く、または挑戦的にする行為を表すために使われます。そしてこれはしばしば素早く行われます。

いかがでしたか?ここまでお読みいただいた方は、私が冒頭にお話した、2016年のアメリカ人に対する質問「Who will shake things up in Washington, D Trump or H Clinton?」の意味が理解できたのではないでしょうか。







Hello there, I hope you’re all doing well at work, home, school and wherever you’re. In 2016, Americans were asked a question;  “Who will shake things up in Washington, DonaldTrump or Hillary Clinton?”
Well, what is to shake things up?
In a few paragraphs, I’ll explain the meaning and usage of this idiom that is used in many aspects of life.


To shake things up means to make  or introduce changes to a situation, organization, system etc, to make things more interesting or improve performance. It’s like vigorously shaking a jar full of different colored jelly beans. The colors will mix up differently after the shaking. This idiom can be used in various aspects of life such as business or work, relationships, personal development and others.


The fashion industry is always looking for ways to shake things up and set new trends. 

We expect the new management team to shake things up by introducing new ideas and strategies to improve the company’s business performance.

I think it’s time to shake things up and try new activities to make our weekends more exciting.

Similar words 

Jane: Our sales have risen dramatically in the last three or four months, Yumi.
Yumi: Yes, the numbers are looking better since the sales team was reorganized a couple of months ago.

We’ve rearranged the furniture in our office. It looks nicer!

Shake someone up

Another related expression is “shake someone up” which means to disturb, upset or shock someone emotionally or mentally. It often implies shocking or surprising someone in a way that makes them have a strong reaction.
The news of the death of former Prime minister Abe, shook up the entire  nation of Japan.

The horror movie shook my daughter up. She didn’t sleep well for several nights.

 Shaking things up in my personal life:

I wouldn’t say big shake ups in my personal life lately but, I’m helping with the house chores more often than I used to do, I exercise almost everyday and I have been meditating for 10-15 minutes twice a day for about two months. I feel those changes have made my life better.

Overall, the idiom shake things up is used to describe the act of making things more dynamic, interesting or even challenging, often very quickly.
I’m sure now the 2016 question to Americans  “Who will shake things up in Washington, D Trump or H Clinton?” makes sense, doesn’t it?

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「bring something to the table」の意味とは? 【例文付きで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Bring something to the table

ビジネスシーンでよく使われる「bring something to the table」ですが、どういう意味かご存知ですか?






「bring something to the table」の意味

「bring something to the table」は、ビジネス活動、仕事、プロジェクト、ディスカッション、交渉、その他の取り組みに、役立つものや利益をもたらすもの(例えば、スキル、アイデア、リソース、経験など)を持ち込むことを意味するイディオムです。


「bring something to the table」の起源



「bring something to the table」の例文



You were right to hire Jesica Watanabe, Jin. She has brought a lot of experience, some important sales skills and a positive attitude to the table.

He always brings fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the table when we work on a new project.

「bring something to the table」は、仕事やプライベートでの取り組みなどへの貢献の価値や利益を強調するのに便利な表現です。


[原文:English version]

Bring something to the table

What does this expression (often used in business situations) mean and how is it used? Please read on…


To bring something to the table is an idiom that means to bring something of use or benefit, for example skills, ideas, resources, experience etc, to a business activity, job, project, discussion, a negotiation  and other undertakings.


The origins of the idiom is not clear but it’s thought to have originated in the business and finance world where it’s common to gather around a table to exchange and discuss ideas. It  likely started as a metaphor for bringing something valuable to a meeting or negotiation. 

Usage and Examples

Today the idiom is used in many situations beyond business and finance. It has become a flexible expression used in any situation where someone offers or contributes something valuable. A new baseball team recruit may teach some new  tricks to his new team. A chef’s assistant may add new ingredients to a popular dish that makes it even tastier.


You were right to hire Jesica Watanabe, Jin. She has brought  a lot of experience, some important  sales skills and a positive attitude to the table.

Example 2

He always brings fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the table when we work on a new project.

To sum up, ‘bring something to the table’ is a useful expression you can use to highlight or emphasize the value or benefit of someone’s contributions to a professional or personal project.

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「白熱した議論」「激論」は英語でなんて言うの? – heated debate

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Get into a Heated Debate

「Get into a heated debate(白熱した議論をする)」は、英語でよく使われる表現で、2人以上の間での激しい議論や意見の相違を表しています。


「get into a heated debate」を使った例文

「get into a debate」を使った英語の例文をご紹介します。

My brother and I got into a very heated debate about politics last night. He got pretty angry and I raised my voice quite a bit

My bosses ended up getting into a heated debate about what to do with a certain lesson we were talking about. It was intense!

I don’t want to talk about this, because if we do, we’ll definitely get heated.


白熱した議論 (heated debate) を扱うための戦略




これで、白熱した議論(heated debate)について英語で話せるだけでなく、激論を避ける際にも、このフレーズのの使い方が分かるようになりましたね。


[English version]

“Get into a heated debate” is a common phrase used in English conversation to describe a passionate argument or disagreement between two or more individuals. The phrase implies that the discussion has become intense, emotional, and maybe even confrontational. This phrase can be used in a variety of situations, from political debates to discussions about personal beliefs and values. It can even be about simpler things, like food or music.

Examples in English

Some examples of using the phrase heated debate include:

“My brother and I got into a very heated debate about politics last night. He got pretty angry and I raised my voice quite a bit”

“My bosses ended up getting into a heated debate about what to do with a certain lesson we were talking about. It was intense!”

“I don’t want to talk about this, because if we do, we’ll definitely get heated.”

Strategies for handling a heated debate

When engaging in a heated debate, it’s important to remain calm and respectful, even if the conversation becomes tense. Strategies for managing a heated debate include actively listening to the other person’s perspective, acknowledging their point of view, and finding common ground. You can also use mirroring as a technique to ‘summarize’ the other person’s point of view, showing that you are listening to them.

Chill Out!

In the end, getting into a heated debate can be a pretty fun and engaging experience, but you have to always keep in mind to learn to relax and not take it too seriously. Learning conversational skills like mirroring and listening intently will help a lot, and now you know how to use the phrase not just with talking about experiences, but also asking to avoid a heated debate.


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「vote with your feet」ってどういう意味?足で投票する?!【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Vote with your feet

「vote with your feet」足で投票? 奇妙に聞こえますよね?

このブログでは、「vote with your feet」の意味や、会話などでの使われ方についてご紹介し、疑問を解消していきたいと思います。


「vote with your feet」の意味

「vote with your feet」とは、好きなものであればそれを買うこと、嫌いなものであればそれを買わないことなど、何らかの行動で自分の意見を表明することを言います。




「vote with your feet」の起源




「vote with your feet」の例文


When the price of concert tickets nearly doubled, music fans voted with their feet and didn’t go to the concerts.

Opponents of the fur trade are trying to get people to vote with their feet by refusing to buy from shops that sell any clothes that use fur.

I’m really frustrated with how our company is handling this project. They keep changing the requirements and the deadline is impossible to meet.

That sounds tough. Have you talked to your manager about it?

Yes, but they don’t seem to be listening. I’m starting to think it might be time to vote with my feet and look for a new job.

これで、「vote with your feet」というイディオムがもう奇妙に聞こえなくなりましたね。


[English version]

Vote with your what? Feet? 

It sounds strange, doesn’t it? 

In the following few paragraphs, I’ll clear up the strangeness as I explain the meaning of the idiom and how to use it in conversations, publications, correspondences, etc.


If you vote with your feet, you show your opinion of something by acting in a certain way, such as by buying something if you like it, or by not buying it if you don’t like it.

Or express your opinion or preference by choosing to participate or not in a particular activity, organization, or place by physically leaving or joining it.

Or simply, express your opinions through your actions.

Possible Origins

.The origins of this idiom is not entirely clear, but some people think it originated in the United States in the 20th century. It might be related to the way people vote in elections, where they choose who they want to be in charge.


Here are some examples of how this expression can be used


When the price of concert tickets nearly doubled, music fans voted with their feet and didn’t go to the concerts.


Opponents of the fur trade are trying to get people to vote with their feet by refusing to buy from shops that sell any clothes that use fur.

And a dialogue:

Speaker A: I’m really frustrated with how our company is handling this project. They keep changing the requirements and the deadline is impossible to meet.

Speaker B: That sounds tough. Have you talked to your manager about it?

Speaker A: Yes, but they don’t seem to be listening. I’m starting to think it might be time to vote with my feet and look for a new job.

I’m sure  now the idiom “vote with one’s feet” doesn’t sound strange anymore, does it?


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