カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Denny

















Hakata Dontaku is a festival held every year around Golden Week. People parade down the main streets wearing traditional clothing. A lot of people visit Fukuoka for it.


Dontaku is a kind of festival in early May where people dress up in traditional prefectural garments and parade while onlookers watch.


Dontaku is one of three major festivals in Fukuoka held in May, and it involves hundreds of performers dressing in traditional garments and parading down the main streets of Fukuoka.















Hakata Dontaku Festival

Today’s blog post is all about how to explain something like Hakata Dontaku in English, and specifically to foreigners. We’ll be looking at a very brief explanation of what dontaku is in an English context, then we’ll look at some basic example phrases on how to explain it efficiently and clearly. Let’s get started.

What is Hakata Dontaku?

Most readers of this blog will already know what Hakata Dontaku is and its importance in Fukuoka and its culture so we won’t go into detail, but to be brief and if we were to explain it simply in English, it’s a special festival held in early May during the Golden Week in Fukuoka Prefecture, where tens of thousands of people watch and attend a festival involving traditional dances and costumes. Performers would walk down the main streets of Fukuoka City and dance as onlookers watched.

That’s a good summary, but how do we make that explanation more efficient when explaining it in English? How do we simplify it? This is an important thing to learn when explaining things to people, as much of the information we give is secondary to the key points, so let’s get into how to phrase this better.

Example Sentences

Here are some basic ways to explain dontaku with increasingly more complex English:

“Hakata Dontaku is a festival held every year around Golden Week. People parade down the main streets wearing traditional clothing. A lot of people visit Fukuoka for it.”

Here’s an intermediate form.

“Dontaku is a kind of festival in early May where people dress up in traditional prefectural garments and parade while onlookers watch.”

Here’s a more advanced vocabulary with a little more detail.

“Dontaku is one of three major festivals in Fukuoka held in May, and it involves hundreds of performers dressing in traditional garments and parading down the main streets of Fukuoka.”

Notice that when providing these examples, only key points are given. The name of the festival, what it is, where it is, when, and what happens there. This is all that is necessary when explaining any event or topic to someone. The most important principle is to keep things simple and clear. More detail can always be added when asked about those details!

Personal Experiences

Personally, I’ve never actually seen Hakata Dontaku despite living in Fukuoka for such a long time. I’m not really a festival-goer, but I do notice that whenever the festival is on, roads are very busy or closed. A lot of people tend to be around Fukuoka in May, though it is Golden week after all!


Hopefully with these example sentences, you’ll have a better grasp of how to explain things not just with regards to something like Dontaku, but also in general. Remember, keep it simple!

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友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 – What are you doing here?は失礼?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 - What are you doing here?は失礼?





「What are you doing here?」は失礼?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 - What are you doing here?は失礼?



What are you doing here?


When did you get here?


友好的に明るく「What are you doing here?」と尋ねれば、驚きとポジティブな感情が伝わります。



「What are you doing here?」という言葉自体は失礼ではありませんが、トーンには気をつけた方が良いです。

では、「What are you doing here?」以外の言い方もみていきましょう。


「What are you doing here?」以外の言い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:友人にばったり会った時に使える英語 - What are you doing here?は失礼?


Oh! I didn’t know you come here too! What brings you here?

Hey! What are you shopping around for? Do you shop here often too?

Oh, what are you doing here? I hope you’re not sick, too!

Oh this is a little awkward… what are you doing here?


例文に登場した「What brings you here?」は、「What are you doing here?」の代わりに使える便利なフレーズです。













What to Say in Unexpected Encounters

Today’s blog post is about unexpected encounters of the friendly kind – in other words, sometimes in daily life we bump into our friends in places we don’t expect to see them in. In these situations, how to react, what to say and what to do are all things we need to consider depending on the context, so today’s English will be focusing on specifically that, alongside focusing on what’s rude to say and how being rude is interpreted in the English language as opposed to Japanese. Let’s begin!

Rudeness and “What are you doing here?”

Let’s say that you’re at a bar in an international country, and suddenly, you bump into a friend of yours from your home country. It’s a bit of a surprise, so naturally you’d be curious as to why your friend is there.

Basically, you can just ask them “What are you doing here?” or “When did you get here?” even, as you’d probably be curious as to when they got there, too. However, are these questions rude, or are they a bit too aggressive?

The answer is more dependent on your “tone” and not necessarily what you say. If you ask your friend, in a friendly and upbeat tone, “What are you doing here?”, the feeling would be one of surprise and positivity. However, if you ask them in a nervous and panicked tone, it would come off as maybe rude and implying you didn’t want them to be there.

So, to answer the question more succinctly – your tone dictates the manners! You can say “What are you doing here?” without any worry about being rude, just be careful of your tone.

Let’s now think about other ways to ask the same kind of question in English.

Other Phrases and Examples

The things you can say depend a lot on context. Let’s look at some examples:

You bump into a friend at a bar you frequent – “Oh! I didn’t know you come here too! What brings you here?”

You bump into a friend at a shop – “Hey! What are you shopping around for? Do you shop here often too?”

You bump into a friend at a doctor – “Oh, what are you doing here? I hope you’re not sick, too!”

You bump into a friend at an establishment you might feel embarrassed about – “Oh this is a little awkward… what are you doing here?”

The final example is one that probably requires a lot of social nuances depending on the situation, so it can be tricky in any language!

Finally, one alternative way to say “What are you doing here?” is also “What brings you here?”. This is a natural phrase you might here from native speakers, so keep it in mind.

Personal Experience

Honestly, I don’t have too many personal experiences with this one, but I have occasionally bumped into some of my students while shopping. Usually it’s fine and I happily greet my students. As written above, tone is most important of all so usually when greeting students, it’s with a light and upbeat tone so it never feels awkward. I usually don’t ask them what they’re doing there (because I think it’s obvious, they’re shopping!), but I ask them how they are and make small talk.


Hopefully with the above phrases and explanation on manners you’ll now be armed with the ability to handle unexpected meetings in English more smoothly. Just remember – your tone is the key, not necessarily the words you say, but the phrases should give you a good guideline as to what kind of vocab we use when we bump into someone.

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「ホワイトデー」を英語で解説 ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「ホワイトデー」を英語で説明してみよう!


White Day is just like Valentine’s Day, however it’s a time when men give gifts or sweets to women that gave them gifts on Valentine’s.

In Japan, women give sweets or chocolates to their co-workers, partners, and friends on Valentine’s Day, which is the opposite of the West as usually it’s the men who do something “romantic” for their partner.

Traditionally in Japan, women would give sweets to men that they like, but over time it’s become more generalized where women give sweets to acquaintances.

White Day is the reverse – men give gifts or sweets to the women that they had received sweets or gifts from. Generally, the gifts are white, but they don’t typically have to be.

There’s also a tradition that the gift must be “three times” the value of the Valentine’s gift, which is called “sanbai gaeshi”, but it’s unlikely that this is strictly followed.





White Day is a day where men give gifts to women. We usually give gifts to women who gave us chocolates on Valentine’s Day. It’s on March 14th.


White Day is a day where men typically give gifts to women as a return from Valentine’s Day, where women give gifts to men. The gift is also often white coloured and more expensive.














White Day and Explaining it in English

Today’s blog post is all about chocolates, giving, receiving and love – specifically, Valentine’s Day and White Day. Only one of these is celebrated in the West, that being Valentine’s Day, however in Japan, there’s also White Day, which is held on March 14th, a month after Valentines. A fun fact, White Day is also celebrated in Korea, Taiwan and China to some extent, but only after it was copied from Japan, which originally created the day.

What is White Day?

White Day is just like Valentine’s Day, however it’s a time when men give gifts or sweets to women that gave them gifts on Valentine’s. In Japan, women give sweets or chocolates to their co-workers, partners, and friends on Valentine’s Day, which is the opposite of the West as usually it’s the men who do something “romantic” for their partner. Traditionally in Japan, women would give sweets to men that they like, but over time it’s become more generalized where women give sweets to acquaintances.

White Day is the reverse – men give gifts or sweets to the women that they had received sweets or gifts from. Generally, the gifts are white, but they don’t typically have to be. There’s also a tradition that the gift must be “three times” the value of the Valentine’s gift, which is called “sanbai gaeshi”, but it’s unlikely that this is strictly followed.

Explaining in Simple Terms

When explaining white day to foreigners, keeping it simple is the way to go, and it doesn’t necessarily need a history lesson either. An example is below:

“White Day is a day where men give gifts to women. We usually give gifts to women who gave us chocolates on Valentine’s Day. It’s on March 14th.”

If you want to be more complex:

“White Day is a day where men typically give gifts to women as a return from Valentine’s Day, where women give gifts to men. The gift is also often white coloured and more expensive.”

Personal Experiences with White Day

In Australia, there is basically no White Day or anything similar to it – it’s just Valentine’s, and on those days, men usually do or buy something for their partners or women that they like. Personally, I find it to be more about marketing and prices of chocolates usually get super expensive, however I’ve had chocolates and other gifts given to me by women in Japan. Maybe they liked me! I know for sure that my partner does at least!

A Unique Event in Japan

Overall, White Day is a unique event in Japan and some other Asian countries, and may come as a surprise to many international visitors who’ve never heard of it before. Hopefully you’ll now have the tools to explain it efficiently in English.

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「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く


今日のブログでは、「wind (風)」に関する言葉で全く異なる意味を持つ、英語のあるイディオムについて解説します。
それでは、今日のテーマ「get wind of」の意味を見てみましょう。


「Get Wind of」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く

get wind of」の基本的な意味は、ニュースやイベントなど何かについて聞くことです。
例えば、あなたが北海道に関するニュースを「get wind of」したら、それは北海道で起こった何かについて知ったことを意味します。

それでは次に、より直接的な言い方と並べて、実際に「get wind of」をどのように使うのかいくつか例を見てみましょう。


「Get Wind of」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「get wind of」ってどういう意味? – 気づく、聞く

I got wind of the news in Australia. Did you hear? [直接的な言い方:I heard about some news in Australia. Did you?]

I got wind of your arrival here from my coworker. [直接的な言い方:My coworker told me you arrived.]

He got wind of the news yesterday, so he’s on his way tonight. [直接的な言い方:He heard about the news yesterday, so he’s coming tonight.]

John got wind of the stock market crash, so he sold his assets quickly. [直接的な言い方:John heard some news about the stock market, so he sold his stocks as soon as possible.]



正直なところ、「get wind of」は私の中の語彙にはあまり含まれておらず、滅多に使いません。








To “Get Wind Of” Something

Today’s blog post is about a certain idiom in English which can leave some people a little confused, as it refers to wind but has a totally different meaning. This is common among second language learners where idioms have no direct meaning and are instead implied, so don’t ever feel as if you’re not a strong speaker of English if you don’t know them – you need to learn them directly! So, let’s learn about “get wind of” – what does it mean?

“Get Wind of” – Hearing About Something

The meaning of “get wind of” in its most basic form is essentially to hear about something, such as news, an event, and so on. If you “get wind of” the news from Hokkaido, it means you have learned about something that has happened in Hokkaido. It could be a large amount of information, a very small amount, or a rumor. There’s no specific amount of information that is required to use the phrase, not is there any specific context necessary, so you can apply the phrase in almost any situation. 

Let’s look at some examples of how it works in sentences, alongside more direct language.

Examples and Similarities

“I got wind of the news in Australia. Did you hear?” = “I heard about some news in Australia. Did you?”

“I got wind of your arrival here from my coworker.” = “My coworker told me you arrived.”

“He got wind of the news yesterday, so he’s on his way tonight.” = “He heard about the news yesterday, so he’s coming tonight.”

“John got wind of the stock market crash, so he sold his assets quickly.” = “John heard some news about the stock market, so he sold his stocks as soon as possible.”

Personal Use Cases and Conclusion

“Get wind of” is honestly not something that is common in my own vocabulary, so I rarely use it. However, I’ve heard it used by many different native speakers from various countries, so knowing what it means is definitely practical.

That’s actually part of the process of learning a language. Learning a language never really “ends”, it’s just a continuing process of more and more knowledge gathered over time and more understanding overall. Language, phrases used and slang change over time as culture changes, so “getting wind of” new lingo in the languages you speak and study is very important!

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都市は通常、人でいっぱいで (ほとんどが非常に酔っ払っています) 、ダンスクラブ、バー、テーマパークなどのイベントが周辺で開催されます。

カウントダウンがゼロになると、人々はお互いに「Happy New Year」と言って祝い、新年のキスをする文化的な伝統もあります。













New Years Celebrations in Australia

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hopefully everyone reading this had a good new year, and today’s topic is specifically about that – the new year, but in Australia! As with Christmas, Australian New Years tends to be a little different to countries in the Northern Hemisphere, which also attracts many tourists.

Fireworks and Beaches

In Japan, the new year is usually celebrated privately among family gathering together to eat traditional foods such as osechi and ozoni, while also doing things like going to the shrine to wish for a good year, hiking to see the first sunrise of the year, and so on. Japan is very quiet during the new year and roads are particularly silent. Many shops are closed for a few days, too.

In Australia, the new year is more of a party-like celebration. People from various communities would gather in places such as beaches, the city and parks and witness fireworks display’s alongside eating snacks such as ice creams and so on – keep in mind it’s summer in Australia during this time. It’s very common to see fireworks at local beaches where many people gather, so if you’re in Australia at that time, going to a local beach is a good idea on New Year’s Eve.

Countdown and New Year’s Kisses

By the time new years is about to hit, there’s usually a countdown that’s showcased in fantastic illuminations around Sydney Harbour Bridge. This is shown live on TV as well for people who can’t make it into the city. The city is usually absolutely packed with people – who are mostly very drunk – and there are events around the area such as dance clubs, bars and theme parks. 

Once the countdown hits zero, people celebrate by saying Happy New Year to one another and there’s also somewhat of a cultural tradition to get a New Year’s kiss. This isn’t just for couple’s – random strangers might sometimes just kiss each other on New Year’s for the fun of it. It’s pretty interesting, and most people are very drunk so they might not even remember it the next morning!

My New Years’ Experience

My personal experience with the new year that I particularly remember was going out with friends in my early 20’s to the city and going to a party at a theme park. It’s a place called Luna Park, and it’s right under the harbour bridge. We went there and had a pretty good time, and when New Year’s hit, we were directly under the bridge seeing an explosion of light right above us. After that, we walked around the city late at night and went to a bar, then eventually went home. I don’t remember how exactly I got home, but I did…somehow.

Australian New Year’s comes recommended, just like the Xmas events. It’s a very different experience, particularly for Japanese people.

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オーストラリアでのクリスマスのことを「Christmas Down Under」と言います。



Aussie」とは、「Australian (オーストラリア人、オーストラリアの)」を表すスラングです。
また、「Christmas (クリスマス)」をオーストラリアのスラングで「Chrissie」と言います。

多くの「Aussies」は「Chrissie」に「barbie」をしたり、「cold one」を飲んで「cozzies」で「dip」に行くのが好きです。


  • ⚫︎ Barbie = barbecue
  • ⚫︎ Chrissie = Christmas
  • ⚫︎ Cold one = cold beer
  • ⚫︎ Dip = swim
  • ⚫︎ Cozzies = swimming underwear









また、他にもクリスマスイブに人気のあるイベントのひとつに「Carols by Candlelight」があります。



オーストラリアにはしばらく帰ってないのですが、オーストラリアでのクリスマスの良い思い出は、子どもの頃に「Carols by Candlelight」を見ていたことです。ほぼ毎年、家族とテレビで見ていました。








Chrissie “Down Under”

Today’s topic is about “Christmas Down Under”, which is a term to refer to Christmas in Australia, which is quite different from the rest of the world due to the southern hemisphere being in summer in December. It’s also culturally very different with lots of things like housing illuminations, barbecues and strange slang, so let’s explore that in today’s blog.

Aussie Chrissie Slang

If you’re not sure what “Aussie” means, it’s a shortened form for “Australian”, and “Chrissie” refers to “Christmas”.

In fact, Aussies tend to have a lot of slang that can be confusing for people coming into the country, especially around Christmas. A lot of Aussies, for example, like to have a barbie during Chrissie while opening a cold one and going for a dip with their cozzies.

Did you understand that sentence at all? Probably not, but to give some idea of what some of those words mean:

  • – Barbie = barbecue
  • – Chrissie = Christmas
  • – Cold one = cold beer
  • – Dip = swim
  • – Cozzies = swimming underwear

So, to give a normal English translation:

“Australians like to have a barbecue for Christmas as well as drinking cold beer and going for a swim in their swimsuits”.

There are many more slang terms, but that’ll make the blog very long.

Illuminations and Carols

Australia tends to have a lot of illuminations during Christmas, particularly in wealthy neighbourhoods. People would walk around these neighbourhoods, looking at all the meticulously designed illuminated houses and also sometimes “judge” which ones are the best. The best illuminations get prizes sometimes. It’s really cool.

Best Christmas Light Display in Australia 2021

Another popular event on Christmas eve is “Carols by Candlelight”. It’s a kind of concert held in a national park or stadium where many famous Aussie singers go to sing famous Christmas carols with crowds sitting by with candles. A lot of families tend to go to this event and it’s also live on TV, so it really sets the mood for Christmas.

Memories of Aussie Chrissie

While I haven’t been to Australia in a long time, I have fond memories of Carols by Candlelight as a child. I used to watch it on TV with my family almost every year, and on Christmas day I would open a lot of presents, have my extended family visit us and exchange gifts, then we’d have a barbecue, either at the beach or at home on the balcony.

Christmas is also usually very sunny and hot, so it’s a nice time all round. I highly recommend Australian Christmas sometime, it’s very nice, but be sure to wear sunscreen as it gets REALLY hot.

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「脚色する」は英語で「artistic license」【日常英会話】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「脚色する」は英語で「artistic license」【日常英会話】


今日のブログでは、「artistic license (脚色する)」というフレーズについて解説します。
誰かが会話で「artistic license」という言葉を使った時でも、文脈を理解し全体の意味をつかめるように、この言葉を事前に知っておくと役に立つでしょう。


「artistic license」の意味 ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「脚色する」は英語で「artistic license」【日常英会話】

artistic license」を文字通りに捉えると、芸術に関する何らかのライセンスを持っているということになります。
artistic license」とは、創造的である自由をもつこと、またはあなたが語る物語に何かを追加したり取り除いたりして、それをもっと魅力的で面白く、または自分にとって良いものにすることです。
これが「artistic license」の考え方の一つです。


「artistic license」の例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「脚色する」は英語で「artistic license」【日常英会話】

1つは事実に基づいた事実の話、もう1つは「artistic license」が適用された同じ話です。

I went to the shop, bought some apples and then relaxed at the park. I also met my friend!

[ “artistic license”が適用された話]
As I traveled to the local markets on a sunny but breezy day, I decided to purchase local fruits sold by a wonderful merchant. I then explored nature nearby in a quiet park where I encountered an old friend of mine.



He rode his bike and came out of nowhere, hitting me on the side, but I was in the wrong because I was riding on a red light.

[ “artistic license”が適用された話]
Out of the blue, he appeared on his bike, catching me by surprise with an unexpected collision.


He took a lot of artistic license with that story.

The movie Saving Private Ryan is pretty realistic, but there’s also a lot of artistic license applied.


「artistic license」の言い換え

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「脚色する」は英語で「artistic license」【日常英会話】

「artistic license」を他の言い方で言うとすれば、「be creative (創造的、クリエイティブである)」と言えます。


You can be pretty creative with the story, you know.

That story got very creative even if it wasn’t realistic.

The movie ‘Braveheart’ was fun, but not realistic. They got a bit creative with history.


私の「artistic license」とまとめ

私の話をすると、英語を教えている時の私の発言は「artistic license」を多く用いていることが多いです。

artistic license」という言葉の意味と、それを生活の中で使う方法がお分かりいただけたでしょうか。







What Does Artistic License Mean?

Today’s blog post is all about the phrase “artistic license”, which is a somewhat common phrase in general English that may be a bit confusing at first for secondary language learners. It’s a useful one to know in the case that someone applies it to a sentence in conversation, as it’ll help you get context and understanding overall.

The Meaning

If we are literal, “artistic license” would mean you have some kind of license for art. That said, it has nothing to do with this. The meaning of artistic license is to have the freedom to be creative or add onto or remove parts of a story that you’re telling in order to make it more engaging, interesting or even make it more favorable to you. People would often do this in order to make them look good in an accident, for example, where they omit facts about their mistakes, but add a lot of exaggeration to the story to make the other person look bad. That’s one way you can think of “artistic license”.

Examples and Use Cases

There’ll be two examples here: one showing a story that is factual and true, and then the same story but with “artistic license” applied.

“I went to the shop, bought some apples and then relaxed at the park. I also met my friend!”


“As I traveled to the local markets on a sunny but breezy day, I decided to purchase local fruits sold by a wonderful merchant. I then explored nature nearby in a quiet park where I encountered an old friend of mine.”

Notice that the first sentence is very basic, factual and to the point, but the second is very detailed with a lot of exaggeration applied. Telling a story is meant to be interesting!

“He rode his bike and came out of nowhere, hitting me on the side, but I was in the wrong because I was riding on a red light.”


“Out of the blue, he appeared on his bike, catching me by surprise with an unexpected collision.”

Notice that it’s detailed and artistic, but omits that the speaker crossed a red light.

Finally, using the word in a sentence:

“He took a lot of artistic license with that story.”
“The movie Saving Private Ryan is pretty realistic, but there’s also a lot of artistic license applied.”

Other Ways to Say “Artistic License”

Another way to say “artistic license” is to “be creative.” ie.

“You can be pretty creative with the story, you know.”

“That story got very creative even if it wasn’t realistic.”
“The movie ‘Braveheart’ was fun, but not realistic. They got a bit creative with history.”

Personal Examples and Conclusion

In my daily life, I tend to have a lot of artistic license with what I say in English teaching, because it’s useful for students to hear me speak on a basic level of English, up to advanced, storytelling styles. It’s a useful ability to have because it stretches your creative mind and also shows students how English can function – and how beautiful it could sound.

Hopefully you now understand both the meaning of the term, and how to have artistic license in your own life.

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【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 – You look like you’ve seen a ghost

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost




今日のテーマはハロウィンそのものについてではなく、「You look like you’ve seen a ghost (幽霊でも見たようだね)」というフレーズです。


「You look like you’ve seen a ghost」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost

You look like you’ve seen a ghost」は基本的に、何かに驚いたり、何かに怖がっているように見えるという意味です。


「You look like you’ve seen a ghost」の例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost



Hi Mike. Ooh, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, are you okay?

Hey you don’t look too good today. In fact, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.

You look like you’ve seen a ghost, did something happen at school?

一般的に、このフレーズは「you look pale (顔色が悪い)」、「you look ill (具合が悪そうだ)」、「you don’t look well (元気がなさそうだ、顔色が悪い)」などと同じ意味で使われます。





私がハロウィンを祝う方法は、10月にお気に入りのspooky (怖い、不気味) なテーマの映画を観ることです。
私が特に好きな映画は、「The Guest」、「Big Trouble in Little China」、「Bram Stoker’s Dracula」です。

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost



あなたが「You look like you’ve seen a ghost」と言われたときにも、意味がわかるようになったと思います。
しかし、もっとシンプルに「you look pale (顔色が悪い)」とか「you don’t look well (元気がなさそうだ、顔色が悪い)」などと言うだけでも十分です。この言い方は簡単で効率的ですね!







Halloween and “You Look Like You’ve Seen a Ghost”

Happy Halloween!

Well, not yet, but as of this writing, it’s October and Halloween is the major event for this month. Halloween is known and celebrated around the world primarily for its horror themes, where kids would dress up as monsters and go around a neighborhood asking for treats (or tricks). Adults would also party and dress up, too.

Today’s topic however is about the phrase “You look like you’ve seen a ghost”, which is a fairly common and useful phrase in English to express certain feelings. Let’s get into it.

What Does it Mean?

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” basically means that someone looks as if they’ve seen something that has shocked or scared them in some way. It’s rather broad in how it can be used, as not only can it be used as a way to describe how someone seems scared, but also their complexion, such as when someone looks very pale or ill. It’s a way to tell someone that they don’t look well or seem unnerved by something, essentially.

Use Case Examples

Here are a few ways it could be used in common conversations:

“Hi Mike. Ooh, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, are you okay?”

“Hey you don’t look too good today. In fact, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, did something happen at school?”

Generally, the phrase replaces things such as “you look pale” “you look ill” and “you don’t look well”.

Experiences with Halloween

Personally, I haven’t done many Halloween related events in Australia, as while Australia does have them, it’s usually in the form of home parties and depends on the individual.

In Japan, I’ve been to a few Halloween themed parties. There was a lot of cosplay involved and it was pretty fun. I like to actually be a bit scary with my outfits and acting, so the goal of making someone look as if they’ve seen a ghost is a fun one for me!

The way I personally celebrate Halloween is by watching some of my favorite “spooky” themed films for the month. There’s a few films I particularly like, such as “The Guest”, “Big Trouble in Little China” and “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”.


Hopefully you now know how to use the phrase in a conversation and understand it when it’s said to you, but to keep it simple, you could always just say “you look pale” or “you don’t look well”. That’s efficient and easy English!

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「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】


今日のブログでは、英会話でときどき耳にする「It feels like home」という言葉について具体的に話していきます。
この表現は、カジュアルな会話での「nostalgia (ノスタルジア、郷愁、過去を懐かしむ心)」という感情を特に指しているので、知っておくと便利です。


「it feels like home」の意味

「it feels like home」は、あなたや他の誰かが経験する、懐かしい感覚を表現する言葉です。

ある日、一般的な日本のサービス、匂い、音、スタッフ全員が日本語を話す本物の日本のレストランに行くと、あなたの母国を思い出させ、「feel like home (故郷のように感じる)」でしょう。

例えば、「it tastes just like home (それはまるで故郷の味だ)」のように、あなたの母国や子どもの頃の料理に対する懐かしさを感じさせる何かを味わった時にも使えます。


「it feels like home」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】

「it feels like home」を使った例文をご紹介します。

Oh wow, this restaurant feels like home. It’s so similar!

I went to my friend’s house and they cooked some Japanese dishes. It felt just like home

I set up my room here so it feels just like home back in Japan.


「it feels like home」の類似フレーズと単語

「It feels like home」に似たフレーズと単語には以下のようなものがあります。


I’m very nostalgic when I go there.


reminds me of home

This place reminds me of my home



This music is very homely, and makes me nostalgic.



特にトルココーヒーは素晴らしく、「spring in my step 」(元気) をもらえました。

「spring in my step」についての記事はこちらから→「have a spring in your step」ってどういう意味?バネがある?!- 元気な足取り・元気いっぱい

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】







Today’s blog post will specifically be talking about the term that is sometimes heard in the English language, “It feels like home”. It’s not as commonplace as it used to be as English is a constantly evolving language with new idioms produced year by year, however it may still be heard within certain cultures and is a useful one to know, as it specifically refers to the concept of nostalgia in a casual conversation.

What Does It Mean?

“It feels like home” is a term to describe a nostalgic sensation from an experience that you or someone is having. An example of this would be living in another country, and one day you go to an authentic Japanese restaurant which welcomes you in a typical Japanese service fashion, has similar smells, sounds and the staff all speak Japanese. In this case, you’d be reminded of your home country and thus it would “feel like home”. It can also be used within smaller contexts and with minor shifts in the sentence, such as “it tastes just like home” when you try something that brings about nostalgia for your home country or maybe even cooking from your childhood.

Use Case Examples

Some examples of how to use the phrase are below:

“Oh wow, this restaurant feels like home. It’s so similar!”

“I went to my friend’s house and they cooked some Japanese dishes. It felt just like home”

“I set up my room here so it feels just like home back in Japan.”

Similar Phrases and Words

Some phrases and words that are similar to “It feels like home” include:

  • Nostalgia i.e “I’m very nostalgic when I go there.”
  • “reminds me of home” i.e. “This place reminds me of my home”
  • “Homely” i.e. “This music is very homely, and makes me nostalgic.”

Times When I Felt Nostalgic

A specific time I felt rather nostalgic and felt like I was at home was when I went to a Turkish restaurant in Japan. While I am not Turkish, the food is extremely similar to the food I ate when I was a child, which was of a Serbian variety. The tastes, atmosphere and music all made it feel like home. It was very nostalgic. The Turkish Coffee in particular was wonderful, and put a “spring in my step.”

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例えば、太陽が上にある木は、その下の床に「shadow (影)」を投影します。
光を遮っているので、「shadow (影)」ができるのです。

私たちは「shade (陰)」で座ったり休んだりします。それは木の「shadow (影)」です。
確かに「sit in the shadows (影に座る)」と言うことはできますが、これは一般的な英語としてはあまり一般的ではありませんし、「in the shadows (影にいる)」というのは、何かを隠しているかのような悪い意味合いを持つことがあります。

化粧品においては、リップスティックのピンクの「shade (濃淡、色合い)」がたくさんありますし、色彩理論では、緑や青、赤の様々な「shade (濃淡、色合い)」もまた豊富にあります。




That tree has a really long shadow because of the angle of the sun!

The shadow of the building is blocking the sun from hitting our house

The shadows during sunset are really amazing





Let’s sit in the shade, it’s super hot today

Keep the ice cream in the shade so it doesn’t melt

The shades of colour he used in the painting are beautiful

I love the shade of this curtain



色の濃淡 (shades)

色を理解するには、光、影、色の温度を理解する必要があり、これには色の「shade (濃淡、色合い)」や光がどのように異なる「shade (濃淡、色合い)」を生み出すのかを理解することからきます。








Welcome to another Kensington Blog. Today’s topic will be about the two words of “Shade” and “Shadow”, how they function within English speech, differences, use cases and why we use them in certain ways. This is a common question among many Japanese learners so hopefully this article will be of great use. Let’s first start with the differences.

The Differences

If we look at the definition of both shade and shadow, they fundamentally mean the same thing. The “shadow” of a tree is also the “shade” of the tree, but there is some nuance to this.

A shadow is the darkened area from an object that is obstructing a certain light source. For example, a tree with the sun over it will cast a shadow onto the floor under it. It is blocking light, therefore it creates a shadow.

The shade is the same thing, but we use it within different contexts. We “sit” or “rest” in the shade, which is the shadow of a tree. We can certainly “sit in the shadows”, but this tends to come off as uncommon English and someone being “in the shadows” can carry a negative connotation, as if they are hiding something. This is commonly used in story telling to talk about someone like a thief or ninja.

Another meaning of “shade” however is referring to different gradients of colours. In cosmetics, there are many “shades” of pink with lipstick as there are many shades of greens, blues and reds in colour theory. This carries a totally different meaning to “shadow”, so that is another use case of the word “shade”.

Examples of Using “Shadow”

Here are some example sentences showing how to use the word “shadow” in English.

“That tree has a really long shadow because of the angle of the sun!”

“The shadow of the building is blocking the sun from hitting our house”

“The shadows during sunset are really amazing”.

As you can see, “shadow” is very specific in how it’s used – mainly it refers directly to objects and the obstruction they cause with their shadow.

Examples of Using “Shade”

Here are some examples of shade in a sentence.

“Let’s sit in the shade, it’s super hot today”

“Keep the ice cream in the shade so it doesn’t melt”

“The shades of colour he used in the painting are beautiful”

“I love the shade of this curtain”

Shade is much more flexible in its use and can be incorporated not just to talk about the weather and activities, but also describing colours and art.

Shades of Colour

Shade is something I am personally very used to using in my own speaking, as I have experience in art and painting. Understanding colours requires understanding light, shadow and colour temperature, and part of this comes with understanding the shades of colour and how light produces different shades. It’s a fascinating topic to learn about as you begin to understand just how important light is in almost everything we do, even regarding our energy. It will also help you understand how the “shade” of a “shadow” doesn’t look totally black, but instead may have a blue or orange hue to it. That’s colour theory and temperature, but not something for this article!

Hopefully the explanations above give you a clear understanding as to how both words differ.

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