カテゴリー別アーカイブ: 6. 英語の勉強法

学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – レッスンに行く前に考えてみよう

Study Advice
How to make most of your lessons

This week’s topic is “Possessions” – and it’s a great topic to talk about your own life. I recommend before class to do some brainstorming and think of your favourite possessions in your life. You don’t need to talk about big, expensive possessions like houses and cars. Try to think about the small things that make you happy every day. Perhaps it’s your favourite mug, or a family photo by your bed. Whatever it is, try to explain to your teacher what it is that you love so much about your favourite things.

For example, the favourite thing in my kitchen is my huge Starbucks mug! Usually in Japan, glasses, cups and mugs are quite small and, for me, a little inconvenient. It’s quite hard to find very big mugs in Japan. Luckily, I found a really big mug in Starbucks last year – so I bought it immediately! I love to drink a big cup of tea or coffee in the morning, and my mug is perfect for this. I usually don’t like big brands, but I think the black Starbucks logo on my mug looks quite cool. I think it cost about 1500 yen, and it really helps me to wake up in the morning!

I recommend thinking of the important possessions in your life, both big and small. Also, be sure to ask your teacher about their favourite possessions and join the discussion!

See you in class!



学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす






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学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – 継続は力なり

Study Advice – How to make most of your lessons
Learning a language is a marathon

I think one thing to keep in mind while learning English is that learning a language is not a sprint, it’s a marathon and it’s not how you start this race that matters, it’s how you finish it.

I meet many students that start full of energy and motivation and then when the journey gets a little bit tough, for example when they have slightly less time to study or find that progressing past a certain point is harder than they thought, they believe that they are failing and then quit.

My advice is to be less harsh on ourselves, we all fail at times, it’s very hard to continue doing something regularly for a long period of time. In those situations, just focusing on the next day is best I think. Sometimes the target is not to get better at a language but to simply maintain our language ability during a very busy stretch so that when we get some more time we can start focusing on studying more and improving.

In Kensington we offer 2 times per month courses, we offer online courses, so students can take their classes very easily. In busy times I recommend you to decide beforehand the time you’ll take your class. So instead of changing the time each week, decide a fixed time for your classes every week and build the rest of your schedule around that!

Hope that helps!


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす –






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Study advice
Set Goals

Hello there everyone,

One of the new things you will start to notice in our classes is that we have added goals for the class at the beginning of each lesson. 

This is a good idea for your English learning too. There are two types of goals you could set yourself.

  • Long term goals such as passing a test, finding a job related to English, travelling overseas in an English speaking country, or getting into a university or college overseas. 
  • Short term goals like understanding a certain type of grammar, reviewing a number of classes, watching a film/ tv show all in English, or reading a short article story. 

Setting a long term goal, and letting everyone know that you plan to do it, is a great way to motivate yourself to keep studying but it takes time and is more difficult to achieve so also set yourself some short term. Short term goals will help you give you a sense of progress and you can give yourself a pat on the back when you achieve them too. 

If you aren’t sure what kind of goals you should be setting yourself at your level, feel free to ask any of the teachers at Kensington when you come to the school. We are here to help!





  • 長期的目標ーテストに合格する、英語に関係する仕事を見つける、英語圏の国へ旅行に行く、海外の大学に入学す、など。
  • 短期的目標ー文法の種類を理解する、レッスンの復習、英語でテレビや映画を観たり、短い記事や話を読む、など。




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英語の勉強法ーUse it or lose it ー使わなければダメになるー

Use it or lose it

Greetings everyone,  hope you’ve had time to just take it easy this weekend or went somewhere taking advantage of the Japan government’s “Go to” travel.

In our study advice blog today is
Application or use

Find a way to use or apply what you learn in the lessons and the Kensington Eikaiwa  study material.
For example, if you’re lucky to work, go out, exercise at a gym etc that has foreigners, don’t hesitate to try out a small talk expression if you have a chance to.
The more you use the language learned, the better communicator you become.
Remember “Use it or lose it.” 


Use it or lose it

やぁみなさん、のんびりと週末を過ごしていますか?それともGO to travel を使ってお得にどこかに行かれたのでしょうか?

Application or use


覚えておいて下さい、「 Use it or lose it (使わなければダメになる)」

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Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons
Katakana English

The difference in phonetics between languages, especially Japanese and English, makes pronunciation of second languages hard. But if we’re aware of those differences then it can help us work on them. For example, Japanese kana is mostly based off of あ、い、う、え、おsounds, and their derivatives. But english has a much wider range of sounds.

In English, we have a lot of words that end with consonants (dog, hot, get, got etc), so my advice to students is to try not to drag those words out too much(dogu, hoto, getu, goto etc), and end them more sharply.

I would also advise students to not stress too much about those more finer details, you can still sound natural and communicate effectively without sounding exactly like a native.



学習アドバイス /最大限にレッスンを活かす

しかし、私たちがその違いについて知っておけば、対策する時に役立てることができるのです。例えば、日本語の「かな」はほとんどが、あ、い、う、え、お の音と、その派生語に基づいています。しかし英語には、はるかに幅広い音が存在します。

英語には、子音で終わる言葉がたくさんあります(dog, hot, get, got 等)。そこで、私のアドバイスは、その音を引っ張りすぎないこと(dogu, hoto, getu, goto のように)そしてよりスパッと発音を終わらせるようにすることです。



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Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons

This week’s topic is “Changes” – and it’s a great topic to talk about your own life. I recommend before class to do some brainstorming and think of changes in your life. Many students may try to think of big events in their life, like buying a house or getting married. However, my advice to you this week is to also think about the little things – small changes and habits that have made a big difference in your life.

For example, I used to have trouble sleeping at night. I tried many different ways to solve this problem. After trying many ideas, I discovered I’m really quite sensitive to caffeine! I love drinking coffee, but now I’m careful when I drink it. These days, I only drink coffee in the morning. After 12pm I never drink coffee! This small change really helps me to get to sleep much better at night. Sleeping well also gives me more energy and helps me to think clearer. So this small change of habit has had a really big impact on my life.

I recommend thinking of the small changes you have made – and their big effects. Also, be sure to ask your teacher about their life changes and join the discussion!


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす

今週のレッスントピックは “Changes”です。そしてそれは、あなたの人生について話すのに、素晴らしいトピックです。レッスンを受ける前にブレインストーミングをして、あなたの人生における変化について考えてみることをおすすめします。受講生のみなさんの多くは、家を買った、結婚した、というような、人生での大きな出来事について考えるかもしれません。しかしながら、今週の私からのアドバイスは、大きな出来事だけでなく、小さなこと(あなたの人生に大きな影響を与えた、小さな変化や小さな習慣)についても考えてみることです。



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Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons – Make it into a conversation

I think we have already mentioned it a few times before but in Kensington we want our private students to have a natural conversation in class with their teachers. 

A natural conversation is of course not a conversation where one person (the teacher) asks many many questions and one person (the student) answers them. That’s not really even a conversation; that’s an interview. 

In Kensington, of course you can prepare for job interviews if you are looking for a job using English or TV show interviews if you are a celebrity but most students study English so that they can have natural conversations with foreign people when they travel, at work, when making friends etc…

So, please look at the classes in that way: as natural conversations about the subject of the day. And in the classes make sure to ask the teacher questions and make it a two way conversation. Honestly it’s also much more fun that way!

See you in class!



学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす







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Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons -Engage in some small talk

Hello there everyone, 

In Kensington we often practice making small talk in our lessons. It is an important part of day to day conversation and something we think you should learn to get to grips with because it is necessary for day to day living when overseas. The Japanese don’t do much in the way of small talk with strangers but it’s best to be prepared  because as you have probably noticed, people are pretty chatty overseas. ( It sometimes catches me off guard a bit too when I go home)

Since we have all put in so much effort and have practiced so much, why not make the effort to have a chat, in English of course, before the class with your classmates. I often come from my short break between lessons to find a class full of deathly silence and people staring intently at their phones. Of course I know that you are all excellent students and are preparing hard for the lesson but instead how about putting what you know into practice with the person sitting next to you or the teacher? You will find over time that it gets easier and easier, that means you are making progress, and it also helps you relax a bit before the class begins. 

I’m excited to hear you all chatting before class from here on in!





ケンジントンでは、レッスンのなかで’small talk’ =「世間話、雑談」をする練習をします。日常的な会話において重要なものですし、海外では日常生活に欠かせないものなので、直面した時に備えておくべきものだと思うからです。(私も、母国に帰った時にはたまに油断していた!という時があります)




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最大限にレッスンを活かすためには? ~ ヘンリー講師のアドバイス

Study advice/How to make the most of your lessons

Frankly speaking, it’s difficult to give language study  advice because each student has their own study strategy and study objectives. 

That said, the following few pointers may be useful in your English study at Kensington. 


Basic preparation as you already know, entails pre-viewing the lesson flashcards, readings, listening clips, videos, blogs etc. More to that, beginning each lesson ready to communicate using expressions, grammar and other knowledge from previous lessons as well as the new language you previewed in the pre-lesson material and resources.

Don’t leave a lesson without picking up a couple of expressions you can use to communicate with  an English speaker right after the class. And or a new way to express something. Even when the lesson wasn’t quite perfect.

Student: I called my mother to tell her that I’d be late for dinner.
Teacher: Oh, I see. You called your mom to let her know that you’d be late for dinner.

There it is!     You’ve just learned that tell someone = let someone know (inform someone…)

Don’t miss an opportunity (when appropriate) during the lesson, to experiment with the new language or an expression you’ve picked up lately,  for example on Youtube, movie or in a song. I used to be that kind of language student when I was studying French.

Conversations in the classroom with a teacher or a classmate are NOT interviews. The teacher or your classmate is not a journalist.  

Learn to bounce the question back to make the conversation sound natural. (Use “how about you?” Pay attention and learn to use  connectors and conversation fillers that your teachers and higher level classmates use in the conversations ( Really? Sure, right, oh no! Are you kidding, did you?…Well, uhm… Let me think, I guess/ think…etc) 

Attitude in the classroom

Either online or in person classes, the attitude you bring to the class makes a big difference.
You’ll get more out of a lesson if you show enthusiasm to learn and to communicate with the teacher and or your classmates.  A student with a positive attitude inspires teachers to go that extra mile ( do more), in my opinion.
Do not hesitate to ask questions if something is not clear.
And as you heard many of your teachers say over and over “It’s ok to make mistakes!”


学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かすためには?






ほら!tell someone = let someone know (inform someone…)と言い換えられることを学びましたよ!




自然な会話の響きにするためには、質問を投げ返すことを覚えましょう。(“how about you?” =「あなたはどうですか?」を使いましょう。講師やあなたよりレベルの高い学習者の会話を意識して聞いておき、彼らが使っている連結詞やつなぎ言葉を覚えましょう。 –Really? Sure, right, oh no! Are you kidding, did you?…Well, uhm… Let me think, I guess/ think…等 )



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学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – 3つのヒント

Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons

Hey guys, I have three tips for you today:

Firstly, watching English T.V and movies is a great extra way to improve your second language, I’m sure most of our students do this one already!

Secondly, I recommend sometimes trying English subtitles, instead of Japanese. Honestly, it will probably be more difficult to fully understand what’s going on, but it’s great practice for thinking in English and understanding context. And if it gets too difficult, you can always switch back and try again another time.

Finally, if you watched a movie you really liked, try and share that in class. I love to hear students describe a great movie they watched, or to ask me questions about it. It’s great for conversation.



学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – 3つのヒント






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