カテゴリー別アーカイブ: Henry

「bring something to the table」の意味とは? 【例文付きで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Bring something to the table

ビジネスシーンでよく使われる「bring something to the table」ですが、どういう意味かご存知ですか?






「bring something to the table」の意味

「bring something to the table」は、ビジネス活動、仕事、プロジェクト、ディスカッション、交渉、その他の取り組みに、役立つものや利益をもたらすもの(例えば、スキル、アイデア、リソース、経験など)を持ち込むことを意味するイディオムです。


「bring something to the table」の起源



「bring something to the table」の例文



You were right to hire Jesica Watanabe, Jin. She has brought a lot of experience, some important sales skills and a positive attitude to the table.

He always brings fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the table when we work on a new project.

「bring something to the table」は、仕事やプライベートでの取り組みなどへの貢献の価値や利益を強調するのに便利な表現です。


[原文:English version]

Bring something to the table

What does this expression (often used in business situations) mean and how is it used? Please read on…


To bring something to the table is an idiom that means to bring something of use or benefit, for example skills, ideas, resources, experience etc, to a business activity, job, project, discussion, a negotiation  and other undertakings.


The origins of the idiom is not clear but it’s thought to have originated in the business and finance world where it’s common to gather around a table to exchange and discuss ideas. It  likely started as a metaphor for bringing something valuable to a meeting or negotiation. 

Usage and Examples

Today the idiom is used in many situations beyond business and finance. It has become a flexible expression used in any situation where someone offers or contributes something valuable. A new baseball team recruit may teach some new  tricks to his new team. A chef’s assistant may add new ingredients to a popular dish that makes it even tastier.


You were right to hire Jesica Watanabe, Jin. She has brought  a lot of experience, some important  sales skills and a positive attitude to the table.

Example 2

He always brings fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the table when we work on a new project.

To sum up, ‘bring something to the table’ is a useful expression you can use to highlight or emphasize the value or benefit of someone’s contributions to a professional or personal project.

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英語講師が「炒め物 (stir fry)」を英語で説明【多読】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Stir Fry

What is it? What are its origins and essential ingredients? 

In a few paragraphs below, those questions will be briefly answered.
Please read on… 

What is it?

Stir fry is a cooking technique that involves quickly frying small pieces of ingredients in little oil in a hot wok or pan while stirring and shaking them so the food doesn’t get burned. This method is commonly used in Asian cuisine, especially Chinese cuisine. It’s similar to the French technique called sauté.

Stir fry is a cooking method in Asia, but in non Asian countries it is also the name of   dishes. Popular stir-fry dishes include beef and broccoli stir-fry, peppers and beef stir-fry, Thai basil and chicken stir-fry, and vegetable stir-fry.


It is believed that stir fry was invented during the Han Dynasty in China about 2000 years ago. So it has been used in China for a very long time.The technique became popular in the Western world during the 20th century and has since become a popular way of cooking in many parts of the world.

Essential Ingredients

The essential ingredients for stir fry vary depending on the recipe and the cook’s preferences, but there are some basic ones which include meat or seafood, vegetables, a sauce, and a starch. The sauce can be a mixture of soy sauce, oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, or other seasonings, and the starch can be rice, noodles, or potatoes.


Stir fry is a quick and easy way of cooking that can be used to cook delicious meals in a few minutes both at home and at restaurants and other eateries.It  can also be adapted to different ingredients and flavors. Plus, stir fried dishes are healthier than deep fried ones.

If you want to know, Peppers and beef stir fry is my favorite stir fry dish. What’s yours?



「stir fry」とは何でしょうか?「stir fry」の起源や必要な材料は何でしょうか?

「stir fry」ってなに?

「stir fry (炒め物)」は、食材を小さく切り、少量の油で熱した中華鍋やフライパンで食材を素早く炒める調理法です。

人気の炒め物料理には、「beef and broccoli stir-fry (ビーフとブロッコリーの炒め物)」、「peppers and beef stir-fry (ピーマンと牛肉の炒め物)」、「Thai basil and chicken stir-fry (タイバジルとチキンの炒め物)」、「vegetable stir-fry (野菜炒め)」などがあります。

「stir fry (炒め物)」の起源

「stir fry (炒め物)」は、約2000年前の中国の漢朝時代に発明されたとされています。

「stir fry (炒め物)」に必要な材料

「stir fry (炒め物)」に必要な材料は、レシピや料理人の好みによって異なりますが、基本的なものには、肉や魚介類、野菜、ソース、でんぷんが含まれます。

「stir fry (炒め物)」の利点

「stir fry (炒め物)」は、家庭でもレストランやその他の飲食店でも、数分で美味しい料理を作るのに適した手軽で簡単な調理法です。

私のお気に入りの炒め物料理は「Peppers and beef stir fry (ピーマンと牛肉の炒め物)」です。

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「vote with your feet」ってどういう意味?足で投票する?!【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Vote with your feet

「vote with your feet」足で投票? 奇妙に聞こえますよね?

このブログでは、「vote with your feet」の意味や、会話などでの使われ方についてご紹介し、疑問を解消していきたいと思います。


「vote with your feet」の意味

「vote with your feet」とは、好きなものであればそれを買うこと、嫌いなものであればそれを買わないことなど、何らかの行動で自分の意見を表明することを言います。




「vote with your feet」の起源




「vote with your feet」の例文


When the price of concert tickets nearly doubled, music fans voted with their feet and didn’t go to the concerts.

Opponents of the fur trade are trying to get people to vote with their feet by refusing to buy from shops that sell any clothes that use fur.

I’m really frustrated with how our company is handling this project. They keep changing the requirements and the deadline is impossible to meet.

That sounds tough. Have you talked to your manager about it?

Yes, but they don’t seem to be listening. I’m starting to think it might be time to vote with my feet and look for a new job.

これで、「vote with your feet」というイディオムがもう奇妙に聞こえなくなりましたね。


[English version]

Vote with your what? Feet? 

It sounds strange, doesn’t it? 

In the following few paragraphs, I’ll clear up the strangeness as I explain the meaning of the idiom and how to use it in conversations, publications, correspondences, etc.


If you vote with your feet, you show your opinion of something by acting in a certain way, such as by buying something if you like it, or by not buying it if you don’t like it.

Or express your opinion or preference by choosing to participate or not in a particular activity, organization, or place by physically leaving or joining it.

Or simply, express your opinions through your actions.

Possible Origins

.The origins of this idiom is not entirely clear, but some people think it originated in the United States in the 20th century. It might be related to the way people vote in elections, where they choose who they want to be in charge.


Here are some examples of how this expression can be used


When the price of concert tickets nearly doubled, music fans voted with their feet and didn’t go to the concerts.


Opponents of the fur trade are trying to get people to vote with their feet by refusing to buy from shops that sell any clothes that use fur.

And a dialogue:

Speaker A: I’m really frustrated with how our company is handling this project. They keep changing the requirements and the deadline is impossible to meet.

Speaker B: That sounds tough. Have you talked to your manager about it?

Speaker A: Yes, but they don’t seem to be listening. I’m starting to think it might be time to vote with my feet and look for a new job.

I’m sure  now the idiom “vote with one’s feet” doesn’t sound strange anymore, does it?


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「give 〜 the green light」の意味や使い方を解説【例文あり】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「give 〜 the green light」の意味や使い方を解説【例文あり】

give 〜 the green light」という表現を聞いたことがありますか?






「give 〜 the green light」の意味

「Give 〜 the green light」とは、誰かが先に進めて何かを始めることを許可することを意味します。



「give 〜 the green light」の歴史

緑色のライト = GO

信号システムとしての緑 (GO)、黄 (注意)、および赤 (停止) の配色は、1830年代に英国の鉄道業界で最初に使用されました。


「give 〜 the green light」の例文


I have both good and bad news, guys. First the good news; the board has given our project proposal the green light. The bad news is that we are severely understaffed.

Although the HENEX corporation was given the green light to start building a battery factory in Kasuga town several months ago, work hasn’t started due to strong local opposition to the project.

Fukuoka Soft Bank Hawks’ Watanabe Jin will not play in next week’s game unless he is given the green light by the team doctors.
(福岡ソフトバンクホークスのワタナベ ジンは、チームドクターから許可が出ない限り、来週の試合には出場しません。)

次に「give 〜 the green light」を聞いたときに、相手がどういう意味で言っているのか分かるようになっていると嬉しいです。


[English version]

Give someone or something the green light.

Have you ever heard someone using the expression “give something/someone the green light” and you didn’t know what it meant and how it is used? Or possibly you are encountering it for the first time? Read on…


To give someone or something a green light” means to allow someone to begin or go ahead and start doing something.

If a government, a government agency, a local authority, a company board of directors or someone with authority gives you, your plan, your project the green light, they give you permission or allow you/plan/project to begin.

History note

Green light = GO
The green (GO), yellow (CAUTION), and red (STOP) color scheme as a signaling system was first used in the British Railroad industry in the 1830s and was adopted in the road traffic signaling in London England in 1868 and spread around the world.

Universally green symbolizes safety (safe to go).  A green light allows drivers, riders, and other road users to go or proceed on their way. A green flag signals competitors to start the race.


The expression is used in a wide of range of settings; business, workplace, social media, media publications, political and diplomatic conversations etc


Speaker A: I have both good and bad news, guys. First the good news; the board has given our project proposal the green light. The bad news is that we are severely understaffed.

Although the HENEX corporation was given the green light to start building a battery factory in Kasuga town several months ago, work hasn’t started due to strong local opposition to the project.

Fukuoka Soft Bank Hawks’
Watanabe Jin will not play in next week’s game unless he is given the green light by the team doctors.

I hope the next time you hear or read this expression you will understand what the communicator(s) is/are talking about.  And please go ahead, use it when you have a chance to.


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「point someone in the right direction」の2つの意味【例文つきで解説】

point someone in the right directionの2つの意味



I’m sure Kensington cafe is in this neighborhood, but I haven’t been able to find it. Could you please point me in the right direction?

You are very close! Do you see the red signboard on your left? That’s Kensington cafe.

You seem to be lost, can I point you in the right direction?

Uh, yes. I’m looking for the Accounting Department.

It’s the 3rd door on your right down the hallway.




プロジェクト、レポート、研究論文、宿題などで誰かまたはチームが良い結果を達成する (望ましい結果を達成する) のに役立つ情報、アドバイス、フィードバックを伝える時に使われます。

Did you attend the Language Writers’ webinar last weekend?
(先週末、Language Writersのウェビナーに参加しましたか?)

Yes, the ideas we discussed pointed me in the right direction with my book on Japanese workplace idioms.

Our new West Japan sales representative is doing a good job so far, but she still has difficulties with writing sales reports. Could someone in the Sales Department  point her in the right direction?

Certainly, Ms. Kobayashi. I’m going to give her a video call this afternoon.


point someone in the right direction」というイディオムの2つの使い方をお伝えしました。


この記事が「point someone in the right direction」の意味と使い方について、良いアドバイスになっていれば嬉しいです。


[English version]

 “ Point someone in the right direction

Meaning 1:  Showing/directing someone the right way to their destination

We use this expression to ask for and give directions to places around town, in large buildings, in airports and others.

Speaker A: I’m sure Kensington cafe is in this neighborhood, but I haven’t been able to find it. Could you please point me in the right direction?
Speaker B: You are very close! Do you see the red signboard on your left? That’s Kensington cafe.

Speaker A: You seem to be lost, can I point you in the right direction?
Speaker B: Uh, yes. I’m looking for the Accounting Department.
Speaker A:It’s the 3rd door on your right down the hallway.

Meaning 2: To provide advice or information that will help someone succeed or get good results in something 

This expression is also commonly used in workplaces, schools and other settings to provide information, some advice, feedback to help someone/a team achieve good results (achieve the desired outcome) in a project, report, research paper, homework etc. 

Speaker A: Did you attend the Language Writers’ webinar last weekend?
Speaker B:Yes, the ideas we discussed pointed me in the right direction with my book on Japanese workplace idioms.

Speaker A: Our new West Japan sales representative is doing a good job so far, but she still has difficulties with writing sales reports. Could someone in the Sales Department  point her in the right direction?
Speaker B:Certainly, Ms. Kobayashi. I’m going to give her a video call this afternoon.

Giving and asking for directions to a destination and providing information, advice to someone to succeed in something are the two common uses for the idiom “point someone in the right direction”.

I hope I have pointed you in the right direction to understanding the meaning and usage of “point someone in the right direction.”

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【ビジネス英語】R&Rってどういう意味? – 休養と気晴らし

Business English
Have some R&R

Good day everyone, hope you had a good weekend. Our biz-speak expression is “Have some R&R” R&R stands for rest and recreation, rest and relaxation or rest and recuperation. It means to relax/take it easy on one’s day off or during the holidays like Xmas and new year’s.

Company CEO: I’d like to thank everyone for the great work you’ve done this year. Please take some time off and have some r&r.

I hope you’ll have some r& r this holiday season!



「R&R」は、「rest and recreation (休息と気晴らし)」、「rest and relaxation (休息とリラクゼーション)」、または「rest and recuperation (休息と回復)」の略です。

I’d like to thank everyone for the great work you’ve done this year. Please take some time off and have some r&r.
(今年素晴らしい仕事をしてくれた皆さんに感謝したいと思います。しばらく休み、R&R [休息と気晴らし、リラックス、回復] してください。)



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Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons
Find a way to make your language learning fun

We all know that learning a foreign language can be a chore. It’s easy to lose motivation and take long breaks or even give up! In order to keep motivated please try to find ways to make your language study fun and practical. For a topic like Xmas and new year’s how about reading or watching  You tube videos about xmas recipes, new year’s traditions in…..(country)? Wouldn’t be fascinating to learn that in some American communities people eat something green on the 1st of the year. Why? 

Green is the color of money in the US! It’s believed in those communities that eating something green on the 1st day of the year, would attract money to you throughout the year.

学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす

クリスマスやお正月のようなトピックで言うと、クリスマス料理のレシピやどこかの国の伝統的なお正月に関するYou Tubeを見たり読んだりしてみてはいかがでしょうか?


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Talk about myself/my hometown/my country
Xmas in my childhood

Xmas used to be the happiest time of year for me when I was a kid. In fact, I’d start counting down to Xmas in October. In my home country Uganda, schools close in early December for  the longest school break (Dec to late Jan). 

Around December 15th, my sisters would start decorating the house for Xmas. They put a tall ( real, not plastic) Xmas tree in the living room and played Xmas songs on cassette players. On Xmas morning there were Xmas presents with our names on them, under the Xmas tree. Our family used to go to church on Xmas. I think almost everybody in our town used to go church on Xmas in those days. After church, we would come home and have a great Xmas feast! Our parents used to watch Queen Elizabeth II’s Xmas message on TV at 2:00 p.m. local time. 

And oh, we didn’t open our presents on Xmas day. We opened them on the next day (Dec. 26th). December 26th is Boxing Day. The day for opening Xmas presents. I think nowadays most kids in my country don’t wait for boxing day. They open their presents on Xmas day. When I was a kid, we used to wait!

How did you celebrate Xmas when you were a kid?

Merry Xmas!



私の母国であるウガンダでは、12月初旬に学校は休校になり、最も長い休暇が始まります。 (12月から 1月下旬まで) 

彼らはリビングルームに背の高いクリスマスツリー (プラスチックではなく本物の) を置き、カセットプレーヤーでクリスマスソングを流していました。



Merry Xmas!

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今週のレッスントピック – Christmas and New Year’s(クリスマスと新年)

This week’s subject
Christmas and New Year’s

Hello everyone, how’s your week going? It’s December and as everyone knows…Xmas and the New year’s holidays are fast approaching! So, the subject in most of our classes this week will be Christmas and New Year’s.
Please prepare to share with you classmates and teachers how you usually celebrate Xmas and the new year’s holidays, Xmas in your childhood and plans for this Xmas and new year’s holidays.
Language/grammar note:
 Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often,.. occasionally, hardly ever…)
I hardly ever go to church on Xmas.
I often go to the community mochitsuki held on December 27th every year at an elementary school.
used to/still/anymore
When I was a kid, I used to go to church on Xmas. But now I don’t go to church anymore. Some of my siblings still do.

Merry Xmas!
See you in class!

Christmas and New Year’s(クリスマスと新年)

というわけで今週のテーマは「Christmas and New Year’s(クリスマスと新年)」です。



●頻度の副詞:「always(いつも)」「usually(通常)」「often(しばしば、よく)」「occasionally(時折)」「hardly ever(めったに…しない)」

I hardly ever go to church on Xmas.

I often go to the community mochitsuki held on December 27th every year at an elementary school.

●「used to(以前よく~した)」「still(まだ)」「anymore(もう)」

When I was a kid, I used to go to church on Xmas. But now I don’t go to church anymore. Some of my siblings still do.


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Test prep
TOEIC- Listening section
Focus and keep pace with the sound track

The last leaves of Autumn have fallen,
 Days are shorter
 Coats everywhere
Winter has come!
Warm greetings everyone, hope you’re ready to greet winter and the fun that comes with it. Here is another short  TOEIC prep tip-  the listening section. Please focus and keep pace with the sound track. There Will be times when Q.16  is announced before you’ve answered Q.15! Please answer Q.15 randomly and concentrate on the next question (Q.16). And make sure NOT to skip Q.15 because you may answer Q.16 in the wrong space!  As you can imagine, all the next questions will be answered in the wrong space!

Good luck with your preps!


TOEIC – リスニング





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