カテゴリー別アーカイブ: 8. 講師・スタッフブログ

私の出身地、私自身~講師の自己紹介 _- アフリカンドラム

Me, myself my country and culture
African drum

Hi there, how’s your weekend shaping up? Have you done or planning anything crazy or fun this weekend?

Well, I’m going to play African drums with my 2 buddies (Charles and Livingstone) at an international event in Onojo city.

Speaking of drums, my country Uganda has over 50 tribes and each of those tribes plays a unique rhythm/beat of drums.  The shapes of drums are also various. When we listen to a drum beat or rhythm, we can easily identify the tribe or the general region of the country it comes from. We also wear various tribal outfits on special occasions.

My tribe’s traditional women’s outfit kind of looks like the Japanese kimono. (Ask me to show you a picture, if you want.) 

Take it easy everyone.








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私の出身地、私自身~講師の自己紹介- 英語の歴史

Talk about myself/my hometown/my country

Hello guys!

I’d like to tell you a bit more about English history, and the role of French in our modern language. England and France have had a tumultuous relationship throughout history, some periods in history have seen French kings control England, and vice versa. The first time this happened, almost a millennium ago, it sparked a huge change in the English language. So much so that we have a name for the English at that time: ‘Middle English’. As modern speakers, we wouldn’t be able to understand most of it, as it was so different.

Not only is this – hopefully – interesting, it also helps to explain why English can seem so odd now. Things like why do we say ‘dogs’ with an ‘s’ but ‘fish’ without? Well, in these big moments in History there is a lot of change to the native language. Some words stay the same, some change, and some are newly introduced. It’s estimated that anywhere between 20-30% of English is borrowed from French, and there’s probably more ‘French’ words in use than ‘Old English’ words!

So if you’re confused about English, do what we do and blame the French! I’m kidding, of course. France, like many other places, has helped shape the language we speak today, and I think it’s all the better for it.









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私の出身地、私自身~ロス講師の自己紹介 – スコティッシュキルトについて

Talk about myself/my hometown my country
Scotish Kilt

Many Scottish men own a tartan kilt – it’s a type of skirt, but only for men. We wear it on special occasions, such as weddings. You don’t need to be the groom to wear a kilt, in fact usually all men at a Scottish wedding wear kilts. I think kilts look quite fashionable, and very traditional. They are often different shades of green: usually dull colours, but you can also find more modern styles with brighter colours. I own a kilt and mine is more of a modern style. It has the traditional tartan check pattern, but it has some bright yellow and red lines mixed in with the green. Although they look great, sometimes they can be quite uncomfortable and impractical to wear! For example, they are quite heavy, and if it rains (it always rains in Scotland!) and your kilt gets wet, it gets even heavier and takes a long time to dry. Also, wearing a kilt in Scottish winter is absolutely freezing! In general though, I love wearing my kilt at weddings, and it’s great fun to see everyone doing traditional Scottish dancing while wearing their kilts.

If you’re interested in Scottish culture, please feel free to ask me any questions you have next time we meet.




多くのスコットランド人の男性は自分のタータンキルト (一種のスカートですが、男性専用です)を持っています。私達はそれを、例えば結婚式などの特別な時に着ます。あなたが花婿さんになる時にはキルトを着用する必要はないのですが、実際には、通常スコットランドの結婚式では全ての男性がキルトを着ています。キルトはすごくおしゃれに見えますし、とても伝統的だと思います。キルトは様々な色合いの通常はくすんだグリーンですが、現代的なスタイルの明るい色の物も見ることができます。私も自分のキルトを持っていて、それはとても現代的なスタイルのものです。それは伝統的なタータンチェック柄ですが、明るい黄色と赤のラインがグリーンのラインにミックスされています。見た目は素晴らしいキルトですが、実は時々、着用していて全く快適でないこともありますし、実用的ではないのです!例えば、キルトはとても重いのですが、もし雨が降って(実際スコットランドはいつも雨です!)あなたのキルトが濡れてしまったらさらに重くなって、乾かすのはとても時間がかかります。それに、スコットランドで冬にキルトを着ると、凍えるほど寒いです!通常は私は結婚式でキルトを着用するのが好きです。キルトを着た人々が伝統的なスコティッシュダンスを踊るのを見るのはとても楽しいです。



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Talk about myself/my hometown/my country
Finding life’s purpose

Honestly I really like writing this blog, I think it’s partly because as my wife always tells me I really like talking about myself!!

I think one of the most important turning points in one’s life is when they finally discover their life’s purpose and together with that, discover their voice. Maybe for some people it’s easy, some people may know from a young age what they are destined to become and accomplish in life but for others, including myself, their journey discovering themselves, finding their purpose and their voice are more complicated and lengthy affairs.

For myself, I think the turning point was about 9 years back, when my daughter was a baby. I was 34years old at the time and I was thinking of what I had accomplished in my life so far, the sad answer was that I really hadn’t accomplished anything. If anything, I had been a chronic underachiever, I was embarrassed of my work, the places I worked for, the no effect I had on anyone’s life and I was terrified of my daughter growing up and realizing what a loser I had been all my life.

At that time, without any evidence that I could pull something like that off and without anyone believing I could do it, I decided that I would become successful. It’s hard to convey exactly what my thought process was at that time and it was difficult to imagine what that success would mean but I made the decision that I would be successful and I decided that nothing would stop me until I reached that goal.

I still feel like that now, I have my goals and I won’t allow anyone to stop me from achieving them. My professional goal in life is to create a great company, a company that isn’t only profitable but it’s also an exciting, fun and challenging place to work in. A company that can act as a platform for our employees to work hard, be creative, challenge themselves, set lofty targets and be able to achieve them. A company that our employees love and are proud to work for, a company that good work is rewarded both mentally and materially. A company where hard-working teachers and staff can earn enough money to take care of their families and children. A company that would be widely recognised as the best English school to both study and work for in the country.

I know it’s a big goal and creating a great company is actually pretty hard, I had a small brainstorming session with Jaimie yesterday and we identified 4 things that are going really well and 23 (23!!!!) small or big problems our company is currently facing. I’m sure though we’ll achieve our goal, after all we have already decided to!










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ジェイミー講師の自己紹介 スコットランドのスラング

My country and culture
Scottish Slang

Hello again!

Last time I told you about the town I grew up in and the Gaelic language, today I’d like to introduce you to some Scottish slang. The Scots have a very strong accent and also use a lot of slang that people from England have a bit of trouble understanding. My father is from near London and when I was visiting my grandparents in the summer holidays he sometimes had to help my gran and grandad understand what I was saying!

Here are some slang words and phrases we use.

Aye-  Yes
Dinnae- Don’t
Canny- Can’t
Blootered/ Steamin -drunk
Piece – Sandwich
Neeps- Turnips
Dreich- Cold Wet Weather
Drookit- Soaking wet.

The list is completely endless to be honest so you can see why my grandparents had a bit of trouble understanding me. Scotland is only a small country, but the slang changes quite a bit from town to town and so does the accent. 

I have lived overseas for the best part of 20 years now so my accent has almost disappeared unfortunately.I had to tone it down for teaching English otherwise I’d never have lasted long in a job. When I go back home my friends always make fun of me and sometimes even get more than a little annoyed because I sound nothing like a Scot nowadays.








Aye-  Yes  (はい)
Dinnae- Don’t  (〜しないで)
Canny- Can’t  (〜できない)
Blootered/ Steamin -drunk  (ひどく酔っぱらった)
Piece – Sandwich  (サンドウィッチ)
Tattie-Potato  (じゃがいも)
Neeps- Turnips  (かぶ)
Ken-Know  (知る)
Greet-Cry  (泣く)
Dreich- Cold Wet Weather  (寒くて湿った天気)
Drookit- Soaking wet  (びしょ濡れ) 





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My country and culture

Hello there, are you having an eventful weekend?
Well, I’m having a quiet one with lots of coffee.

Speaking of coffee, do you know the  largest coffee exporter  in Africa?  Ethiopia? Kenya? Côte d’ivoire? No, none of those. It’s Uganda.

There are two many varieties of coffee, Arabica and Robusta. Uganda produces mainly the robusta variety.  Robusta coffee is used in instant coffee, espresso and most of the canned coffee sold in the vending machines.
Although Uganda is one of  top African coffee producing countries, most Ugandans prefer tea to coffee. In fact, less than 10% of the coffee produced in Uganda is drunk/consumed locally.






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リアム講師の自己紹介ー’Land of the Angels’ 英国の歴史は長く 多文化である

Talk about my country
English history is long and multicultural. 

Around 600 years ago, some big tribes migrated to my home country of England from mainland Europe. The language that they spoke was the beginning of the English language that you are learning today.
One of the biggest tribes was called the Angles.
The word ‘England’ originally meant ‘land of the Angles’, and ‘English’ meant ‘related to the Angles’.
Back then, ‘English’ was probably a word people used when describing that tribe, instead of language.
That’s the beginning of the origin story of ‘English’.
Isn’t it interesting how language changes over time?




 600年ほど前、いくつかの大きな部族が、ヨーロッパの本土から私の母国であるイギリスへ移住してきました。彼らが話していた言語が、みなさんが現在学習されている「英語」の始まりです。最も大きかった部族の一つはアングル族と呼ばれました。 ‘England’=「イギリス」という言葉はもともと‘land of the Angles’ =「アングル族の土地」という意味で、‘English’は 「アングル族に関係のある」という意味だったのです。その当時、多分‘English’は言語(英語)という意味ではなく、人々がその部族(アングル族)について言い表す時に用いた言葉だったのでしょう。これが‘English’の語源のはじまりのお話です。時間を経ると、言語がこんな風に変化するなんて、おもしろいですよね?


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私の出身地での新しい変化 – Ross講師

Talk about myself/my hometown/my country 

One of the most recent big changes to my hometown, Edinburgh, in Scotland, is a new tram system that runs through the city centre. The route is really long – in fact it goes all the way to Edinburgh airport. It’s a really quick and convenient way to get around the city. I’ve only used it a couple of times, but I think it looks very modern and stylish. It’s also really clean and quiet – the old buses are much more noisy and polluting!

Edinburgh doesn’t have a subway system, so I recommend taking the tram to get around town. The good news is that there are plans to extend the route, so in the near future it will also go as far as the sea too. If you come to Edinburgh, I recommend you hop on the tram from the airport and go into the city centre. It’s a nice way to see the city, and a great first impression!


スコットランド、エディンバラでは (Ross講師)



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Talk about myself/my hometown/my country – Hi, they call me Tim

Hi everyone, 

My name is actually Timos but everyone calls me Tim nowadays and I have started getting used to it although I think Timos sounds better (and slightly cooler).

As you probably know, I was born in Greece in the capital city of Athens. I grew up in two suburbs of Athens; the first was called Vrillissia and the second Dionysos. Greek names probably sound very funny to you, but please keep in mind that Japanese names also sound funny to Greek people.

When I was a young boy, I was as skinny as anyone could be. I’m not sure why I was so skinny but it’s almost certainly a combination of some really slim genes from my parents and my very picky ways when it comes to food. I loved playing sports and video games when I was a kid. Actually I loved playing sports and video games when I was a teenager as well. 

When I was a young boy, my mum used to speak to me in English; my mum was an English teacher (and later she became a famous writer in Greece). She thought learning English would be very important for me and well she was totally right as, as you probably know, I also became an English teacher. So thanks mum, wherever you are.

My mum passed away 3 years ago and it was the hardest time of my life; when you lose a family member, you lose your roots, your history; It’s really like losing a part of yourself. If nobody knows or remembers my childhood except myself, it’s almost as if it never existed, and certainly nobody now cares about it except maybe myself.

So please show love to your parents people, you’ll definitely miss them when they’re gone.


Hi! 皆は私をTimと呼びます。









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Talk about myself/my hometown/my country

Hello everyone,

Today I’ll introduce you to my hometown. I am from a very small town called Oban which is in the northwest of Scotland. It is a nice little town, if a little boring sometimes, the main industry is tourism so for a town of about 8000 people we have a lot of bars and restaurants, about 40, and countless hotels, bed and breakfasts, and youth hostels. In the summer when the tourist season really starts, the population of the town goes up to 25,000 and stays that way for most of the season. 

My hometown is popular because it is the easiest way to get to the Western Isles which are really popular with foreign and domestic travellers alike. 

Oban is famous for its whisky ( which I secretly don’t like), it has a high concentration of very intelligent handsome men,  and it also holds the Gaelic Mod from time to time. You may not know this but Scotland was not originally an English- speaking country. Though everyone speaks English now, we have our own language known as Gaelic and although the language is pretty much dying out in Scotland there are a few people who can speak it fluently and some words are still alive in the local dialect. The Mod is an annual competition of Gaelic song, literature, and arts. I think the northwest of Scotland is really one of the most beautiful places I’ve been to and is really worth a visit if you are looking for a relaxing holiday. There isn’t a lot to do there unless you like fishing or hillwalking but it is spectacularly beautiful and the people are friendly too! I recommend the summer though because my country is not known for its wonderful weather. As one of my Australian friends who lived there for a while commented  “Sunshine can only be found in the pub!”





私の地元が人気なのは、国内外からの旅行客などに大人気のウェスタンアイル(アウター・ヘブリィーズ)に一番近い町だからです。オーバンで有名なのは、ウィスキー(内緒ですが私は好きじゃないです)、ものすごくインテリでハンサムな男性の多さ、そして時々Gaelic Modの開催地になることです。




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