タグ別アーカイブ: #イディオム・フレーズ

「Be on the same page」の意味とは?同じページにいる?! – 共通の認識を持つ【ビジネス英語】

Business English
Be on the same page

Hello there everyone!

Today’s business English expression is “be on the same page” which means that the people involved in a conversation have the same understanding of what is being discussed. 


“Just to make sure we are all on the same page here, we will be holding our meeting online for the foreseeable future won’t we?” 

“Yes, that’s right. At least until the Covid situation has blown over.”

“I’m sorry but I’m not sure if we are on the same page here. Could you clarify points one and two of our last meeting with me please?”

Hope that comes in handy,


Be on the same page(共通の認識を持つ)


今日のビジネス英語の表現は「Be on the same page」です。

Just to make sure we are all on the same page here, we will be holding our meeting online for the foreseeable future won’t we?

Yes, that’s right. At least until the Covid situation has blown over.

I’m sorry but I’m not sure if we are on the same page here. Could you clarify points one and two of our last meeting with me please?



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忙しい時に使える英語「Don’t have a spare moment for/ to(〜をするための暇な時間がない)」

Everyday English
Don’t have a spare moment for/ to

Hello again! 

In line with the theme of our classes this weekend, here is a phrase we use when we are extremely busy and feel like we have no free time for ourselves. “don’t have a spare moment for” which basically means we don’t have even a second to do anything other than work. 


“I’m rushed off my feet at the moment juggling work and looking after the kids. I don’t even have a spare moment for myself. “

“We are so busy in the office at the moment. I feel like I don’t even have a spare moment to eat lunch. “

Hope that comes in handy. 


Don’t have a spare moment for/ to(〜をするための暇な時間がない)


don’t have a spare moment for」とは、基本的に、仕事以外のことをする時間が1秒もないことを意味します。

I’m rushed off my feet at the moment juggling work and looking after the kids. I don’t even have a spare moment for myself.

We are so busy in the office at the moment. I feel like I don’t even have a spare moment to eat lunch.



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「Under one’s Belt」の意味とは?ベルトの下にある?!【ビジネス英語】

Business English
“Under one’s Belt”

I hope you had a good weekend and are ready for the week ahead. Our biz speak expression this week is the idiom “under one’s belt” If you’ve learned, succeeded in acquiring something or experience, it’s under your belt. 

I’m sure the new regional sales manager is going to boost our sales performance. She has an MBA in sales and marketing and many years of experience under her belt.

Under one’s Belt(経験して、身につけて)

今週の私たちのビジネス英語表現は、「Under one’s Belt(経験して、身につけて)」というイディオムです。
もしあなたが何かを学んだり、経験や何かを習得したりすることに成功した場合、「it’s under your belt」と言えます。

I’m sure the new regional sales manager is going to boost our sales performance. She has an MBA in sales and marketing and many years of experience under her belt.

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「Cut to the chase」の意味とは? – すぐに本題に入る【例文あり】

Business English
Cut to the chase

Hello again everyone, 

It is Monday and therefore time for another exciting business English expression!
Today we are talking about “cut to the chase” which means to get to the main point of the conversation. 


“Okay, let’s skip the pleasantries and cut to the chase. This company’s profits have been steadily falling for the last two quarters and it’s time to start talking about making cut backs.”

“Could you just cut to the chase and tell me what it is you are trying to sell me!”

Cut to the chase(要点に触れる、すぐに本題に入る)


今日は、会話の要点にたどり着くという意味の「Cut to the chase」について話します。

Okay, let’s skip the pleasantries and cut to the chase. This company’s profits have been steadily falling for the last two quarters and it’s time to start talking about making cut backs.

Could you just cut to the chase and tell me what it is you are trying to sell me!

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Be in businessとは?:すっかり用意できている

Business English
“Be in business”

Hi there, are you ready for the week ahead? Our bizspeak expression this week is “be in business” . It means to be ready to do something because the necessary preparations have been made.

All you have to do is download the app, set up an account and you’re in business.

Be in business(すっかり用意できている)

今週の私たちのビジネス英語の表現は「Be in business」です。

All you have to do is download the app, set up an account and you’re in business.

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「all set」の意味:準備が整った

Everyday English
“all set”

Hi everyone, any plans for the weekend? It’s time for our everyday English expression for the week.  “all set” It means to be prepared and ready for something.
A: Hey, Morinosuke. I heard that your sister is going to study in Newzealand.
B: Yup. She’s all set. She’s leaving the day after tomorrow.

Are you all set for your next  English class?
Have a good weekend!

all set(準備が整った)

 「all set」これは何かの準備・用意・支度ができていることを意味します。

A:Hey, Morinosuke. I heard that your sister is going to study in Newzealand.

B:Yup. She’s all set. She’s leaving the day after tomorrow.


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「schedule an appointment」と「make an appointment」【ビジネス英会話】

Business English
“Schedule an appointment”

I’m not really a business guy personally, but some subtle differences in business English is that we tend to use different words for phrases in the context of business.

For example, instead of “I’d like to make an appointment”, many people in the corporate world, especially secretaries; would say “Schedule” instead of “make”.

Schedule is both a verb and noun, so you can use it to talk about a schedule, and also “schedule an appointment to put it in your schedule”.

Look out for more nuanced word usage in business English – usually, the basic phrases are used sparingly, and you’ll hear some new words in use in the corporate world.


Schedule an appointment(アポイントをとる・会う約束をする)


たとえば、「I’d like to make an appointment(会う約束をしたいのですが/予約をしたいのですが)」の代わりに、企業の人々、特に秘書は 「make」ではなく「schedule」を使います。

「schedule」は動詞でもあり名詞でもあるため、予定について話すために使ったり、「schedule an appointment to put it in your schedule(予約を入れて、それをあなたの予定表に入れる)」と言うこともできます。



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beat around the bushの意味 – 遠回しに言う【日常英会話】

Everyday English
“beat around the bush”

Today’s phrase is “Beat around the bush”. What does that mean?

Well, I could give a very long explanation of what it means, but I won’t beat around the bush – I’ll just tell you what it means directly.

That’s what it means, in the negative sense. To not beat around the bush is to be direct and make your point quickly. To beat around the bush means to not express your point quickly – you’re talking too much or not staying on topic.

Here are example ways to use this phrase:

“Let’s not beat around the bush”
“Stop beating around the bush”
“You keep beating around the bush!”

It’s a strange phrase, but a fun one to use – and sometimes you’ll hear it used by native speakers or in film.


beat around the bush(遠回しに言う・回りくどいことを言う)

今日のフレーズは「Beat around the bush」です。どういう意味でしょう?


not beat around the bush」は、直接的に素早く要点を言うことを指し、「beat around the bush」は、自分の主張の要点をすぐに言わないことを意味します。話しすぎているか、話題からそれているのです。


Let’s not beat around the bush

Stop beating around the bush

You keep beating around the bush!



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Everyday English
get the booster

Hello everyone,

the corona pandemic is slowly but surely moving on to the rear window and things are returning pretty much to normal except from the fact that we all have to wear masks most of the time.

The English expression I would like to introduce today is “get the booster” and it means to be vaccinated with the 3rd dose of the Covid vaccine. In English we usually just call it the booster. 

Ex. I’m planning to get the booster in June before my trip to Okinawa.

get the booster (ブースター摂取をする)


今日ご紹介したい英語表現は「get the booster (ブースター摂取をする)」で、3回目のコロナワクチン接種を受けることを意味します。

I’m planning to get the booster in June before my trip to Okinawa.


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Pencil it in(予定にいれておく)【ビジネス英語】

Business English
Pencil it in

Hello there everyone, it’s Monday and that means business as usual with our weekly business English expression. 

Today we are talking about “pencil it in” which means to set a tentative schedule for a meeting or an appointment. 

For example

“Hey Tim, it’s Jaimie in marketing. If possible I’d like to get together to discuss our plans for the summer campaign. Could we arrange a lunch meeting say next Tuesday?”

“Hi Jaimie, I’m not quite sure if I can make it that day but it may be possible. How about I pencil it in and if it doesn’t work out we could arrange it for the following Tuesday? 

“Sounds great Tim, let’s do that. “

Hope that comes in handy,


Pencil it in(予定表に書き込む、予定にいれておく)


今日は、会議や予定の暫定的なスケジュールを設定することを意味する「Pencil it in(予定表に書き込む、予定にいれておく)」をご紹介します。


Hey Tim, it’s Jaimie in marketing. If possible I’d like to get together to discuss our plans for the summer campaign. Could we arrange a lunch meeting say next Tuesday?

Hi Jaimie, I’m not quite sure if I can make it that day but it may be possible. How about I pencil it in and if it doesn’t work out we could arrange it for the following Tuesday?

Sounds great Tim, let’s do that.



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