タグ別アーカイブ: #イディオム・フレーズ

【ハロウィンで使える英語】「Come back to haunt you」ってどういう意味?



この季節にふさわしく、このブログでは「Come back to haunt you」というイディオムの意味、成り立ち、そして使い方を見ていきたいと思います。


「Come back to haunt you」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「Come back to haunt you」ってどういう意味?

Come back to haunt you」というイディオムは、過去にした行動、決断、または過ちが再浮上し、後に問題や後悔を引き起こす可能性があることを意味しています。



「Come back to haunt you」の成り立ち

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「Come back to haunt you」ってどういう意味?



「Come back to haunt you」の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「Come back to haunt you」ってどういう意味?



Be careful what you say about your boss; it might come back to haunt you in the future.

Skipping classes now may seem fun, but it could come back to haunt you when you’re trying to graduate.

Investing in that risky business venture might come back to haunt you if it fails.


「Come back to haunt you」に似た表現

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「Come back to haunt you」ってどういう意味?

「Come back to haunt you」と似ている表現はたくさんあります。

Reap what you sow


Tom cheated on his exams throughout high school, and now he’s failing all his college courses. He’s just reaping what he sowed.

Dig your own grave


By refusing to apologize for his rude comments, John dug his own grave and lost many friends in the process.








幽霊、ゴブリン、そしてハロウィンに関連する生き物が毎年10月31日に「haunt (出没)」するように、過去に行われた悪い行動、過ち、または決定が、現在または将来、私たちに問題やトラブルを引き起こすかもしれません。







“Come back to haunt you” 

Hello there, I’m glad you’ve stopped by.
It’s that time of the year when we think of spirits, ghosts and other spooky things that come to “haunt” us.
In the spirit of the season, we’ll be looking at the meaning, origin and usage of the idiom, “Come back to haunt you”.  


The idiom “come back to haunt you” means that an action, a decision or mistake you made in the past, can resurface and cause problems or regrets later on for you, just like a ghost or spirit haunting your memory.
It describes a situation where a mistake or a bad decision in the past has negative consequences in the present or future.


The origin of this idiom is not tied to a specific historical event or story. Instead, it draws upon the common human experience of regret and the idea that past mistakes or actions can have a lasting impact on one’s life. Like a spooky ghost from the past…


The idiom is used in various settings like workplace, family, social situations to warn or remind someone that their actions now may have bad consequences in the future.


Be careful what you say about your boss; it might come back to haunt you in the future.
Skipping classes now may seem fun, but it could come back to haunt you when you’re trying to graduate.
Investing in that risky business venture might come back to haunt you if it fails.

Similar expressions 

There are many expressions that may be similar to “come back to haunt you”
Here are two:

Reap what you sow”: Future consequences are usually shaped by present actions.

 Tom cheated on his exams throughout high school, and now he’s failing all his college courses. He’s just reaping what he sowed.

Dig your own grave: Doing something foolish which causes you a lot of trouble or even ends your career, relationship, marriage etc.

By refusing to apologize for his rude comments, John dug his own grave and lost many friends in the process.

Speaking of scary things from the past, my first “experience” of  Halloween was  through a Halloween movie that I watched when I was about 10 years old

At that time, Halloween was not celebrated in my home country (Uganda). The movie terrified me! I couldn’t get it off my mind for a long time. I’d say, it haunted me for a long time and made me hate Halloween.
Nowadays, Halloween is a fun holiday in my country. Young people love to dress up in funny outfits and have Halloween parties and parades.

To sum up, just like ghosts, goblins, ghosts and other creatures associated with Halloween, come back to “haunt” us every year on October 31st, bad actions, mistakes or decisions made in the past may haunt or cause trouble for us in the present or future.

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【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 – You look like you’ve seen a ghost

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost




今日のテーマはハロウィンそのものについてではなく、「You look like you’ve seen a ghost (幽霊でも見たようだね)」というフレーズです。


「You look like you’ve seen a ghost」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost

You look like you’ve seen a ghost」は基本的に、何かに驚いたり、何かに怖がっているように見えるという意味です。


「You look like you’ve seen a ghost」の例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost



Hi Mike. Ooh, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, are you okay?

Hey you don’t look too good today. In fact, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.

You look like you’ve seen a ghost, did something happen at school?

一般的に、このフレーズは「you look pale (顔色が悪い)」、「you look ill (具合が悪そうだ)」、「you don’t look well (元気がなさそうだ、顔色が悪い)」などと同じ意味で使われます。





私がハロウィンを祝う方法は、10月にお気に入りのspooky (怖い、不気味) なテーマの映画を観ることです。
私が特に好きな映画は、「The Guest」、「Big Trouble in Little China」、「Bram Stoker’s Dracula」です。

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンで使える英語】「幽霊でも見たようだね」 - You look like you’ve seen a ghost



あなたが「You look like you’ve seen a ghost」と言われたときにも、意味がわかるようになったと思います。
しかし、もっとシンプルに「you look pale (顔色が悪い)」とか「you don’t look well (元気がなさそうだ、顔色が悪い)」などと言うだけでも十分です。この言い方は簡単で効率的ですね!







Halloween and “You Look Like You’ve Seen a Ghost”

Happy Halloween!

Well, not yet, but as of this writing, it’s October and Halloween is the major event for this month. Halloween is known and celebrated around the world primarily for its horror themes, where kids would dress up as monsters and go around a neighborhood asking for treats (or tricks). Adults would also party and dress up, too.

Today’s topic however is about the phrase “You look like you’ve seen a ghost”, which is a fairly common and useful phrase in English to express certain feelings. Let’s get into it.

What Does it Mean?

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” basically means that someone looks as if they’ve seen something that has shocked or scared them in some way. It’s rather broad in how it can be used, as not only can it be used as a way to describe how someone seems scared, but also their complexion, such as when someone looks very pale or ill. It’s a way to tell someone that they don’t look well or seem unnerved by something, essentially.

Use Case Examples

Here are a few ways it could be used in common conversations:

“Hi Mike. Ooh, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, are you okay?”

“Hey you don’t look too good today. In fact, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, did something happen at school?”

Generally, the phrase replaces things such as “you look pale” “you look ill” and “you don’t look well”.

Experiences with Halloween

Personally, I haven’t done many Halloween related events in Australia, as while Australia does have them, it’s usually in the form of home parties and depends on the individual.

In Japan, I’ve been to a few Halloween themed parties. There was a lot of cosplay involved and it was pretty fun. I like to actually be a bit scary with my outfits and acting, so the goal of making someone look as if they’ve seen a ghost is a fun one for me!

The way I personally celebrate Halloween is by watching some of my favorite “spooky” themed films for the month. There’s a few films I particularly like, such as “The Guest”, “Big Trouble in Little China” and “Bram Stoker’s Dracula”.


Hopefully you now know how to use the phrase in a conversation and understand it when it’s said to you, but to keep it simple, you could always just say “you look pale” or “you don’t look well”. That’s efficient and easy English!

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【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? – “make your blood run cold”の使い方

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方





ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方



「ゾッとさせる (make your blood run cold)」の例文

英語には何かが怖い、または怖かったという表現がたくさんありますが、私のお気に入りの一つは「make your blood run cold」です。

The shower scene from “Psycho” always makes my blood run cold.

I almost stood on very large snake in Nishi Koen a few years ago. the thought of it still makes my blood run cold.

No matter how long I stay in Japan, even the smallest of earthquakes makes my blood run cold.


「make your blood run cold」と類似したフレーズ

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方

Send Shivers Down Your Spine

My mum hates spiders. She can’t even see pictures of them without getting shivers down her spine.

Scare You to Death

I almost got hit by a truck last night at the traffic lights. I’m fine but it was a really close shave and nearly scared me to death.

Chill You to the Bone

I used to live in a haunted house when I was a kid. I can’t forget what it was like living there and every time I walk past it still chills me to the bone.




ケンジントン英会話ブログ:【ハロウィンでつかえる英語】「ゾッとさせる」は英語でなに? - “make your blood run cold”の使い方










Hello there everyone, 

As I’m sure you are all aware, this month it is Halloween and if you have been in Kensington for a while you know some of our discussion will be Halloween themed and we will be talking about Halloween traditions, what scary movies, books, and experiences you have had, and some of your deepest darkest fears!

Halloween’s Origins

You all know Halloween as it is now with people dressing up and going to Halloween parties and parades, trick or treating and generally having a fun time, but did you know that Halloween is actually around 2000 years and originates in Europe? In those days it was similar in some ways to Obon in that people believed that on that day it was possible to be closer to the dead and communicate with spirits. Of course not all spirits had good intentions so a number of practices were put in place to drive evil ones away. People also used to wear animal heads and skins to these ceremonies too and this may be the origin of the modern day “cosplay” theme of Halloween.


Make your Blood Run Cold

There are many ways to say something scares or scared you in English and here is one of my favourites. “make your blood run cold”

“Make your blood run cold” means to feel extreme fear. Here are a couple of examples.

“The shower scene from “Psycho” always makes my blood run cold”.

“ I almost stood on very large snake in Nishi Koen a few years ago. the thought of it still makes my blood run cold” ( true story)

“No matter how long I stay in Japan, even the smallest of earthquakes makes my blood run cold.”

Similar Phrases

Send Shivers Down Your Spine. 

“My mum hates spiders. She can’t even see pictures of them without getting shivers down her spine.”

Scare You to Death

“I almost got hit by a truck last night at the traffic lights. I’m fine but it was a really close shave and nearly scared me to death.”

Chill You to the Bone

“I used to live in a haunted house when I was a kid. I can’t forget what it was like living there and every time I walk past it still chills me to the bone.”

P.S This one is also a true story! If you get the chance, ask me about it in class. It’ll give you goosebumps!

Halloween in Scotland

Halloween in Scotland is slightly different to what you see in American films but the idea is pretty similar. Firstly, Scottish kids will dress up and go out but we don’t use “trick or treat”. In Scotland it is called “guising” and the main difference is that when we visit a home we are invited in and have to perform a “party piece” before we are given any candy.  The party piece can be a joke, riddle, song, poem, or anything at all. On one memorable occasion when I was about twenty years old, a couple of kids came and performed a ballroom dance in my living room! 

So there you go everyone. As you can say there are some really nice colourful expressions we can use to talk about our fears. I hope these come in handy and a very happy Halloween to all of you. 


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「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】


今日のブログでは、英会話でときどき耳にする「It feels like home」という言葉について具体的に話していきます。
この表現は、カジュアルな会話での「nostalgia (ノスタルジア、郷愁、過去を懐かしむ心)」という感情を特に指しているので、知っておくと便利です。


「it feels like home」の意味

「it feels like home」は、あなたや他の誰かが経験する、懐かしい感覚を表現する言葉です。

ある日、一般的な日本のサービス、匂い、音、スタッフ全員が日本語を話す本物の日本のレストランに行くと、あなたの母国を思い出させ、「feel like home (故郷のように感じる)」でしょう。

例えば、「it tastes just like home (それはまるで故郷の味だ)」のように、あなたの母国や子どもの頃の料理に対する懐かしさを感じさせる何かを味わった時にも使えます。


「it feels like home」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】

「it feels like home」を使った例文をご紹介します。

Oh wow, this restaurant feels like home. It’s so similar!

I went to my friend’s house and they cooked some Japanese dishes. It felt just like home

I set up my room here so it feels just like home back in Japan.


「it feels like home」の類似フレーズと単語

「It feels like home」に似たフレーズと単語には以下のようなものがあります。


I’m very nostalgic when I go there.


reminds me of home

This place reminds me of my home



This music is very homely, and makes me nostalgic.



特にトルココーヒーは素晴らしく、「spring in my step 」(元気) をもらえました。

「spring in my step」についての記事はこちらから→「have a spring in your step」ってどういう意味?バネがある?!- 元気な足取り・元気いっぱい

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「It Feels Like Home」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】







Today’s blog post will specifically be talking about the term that is sometimes heard in the English language, “It feels like home”. It’s not as commonplace as it used to be as English is a constantly evolving language with new idioms produced year by year, however it may still be heard within certain cultures and is a useful one to know, as it specifically refers to the concept of nostalgia in a casual conversation.

What Does It Mean?

“It feels like home” is a term to describe a nostalgic sensation from an experience that you or someone is having. An example of this would be living in another country, and one day you go to an authentic Japanese restaurant which welcomes you in a typical Japanese service fashion, has similar smells, sounds and the staff all speak Japanese. In this case, you’d be reminded of your home country and thus it would “feel like home”. It can also be used within smaller contexts and with minor shifts in the sentence, such as “it tastes just like home” when you try something that brings about nostalgia for your home country or maybe even cooking from your childhood.

Use Case Examples

Some examples of how to use the phrase are below:

“Oh wow, this restaurant feels like home. It’s so similar!”

“I went to my friend’s house and they cooked some Japanese dishes. It felt just like home”

“I set up my room here so it feels just like home back in Japan.”

Similar Phrases and Words

Some phrases and words that are similar to “It feels like home” include:

  • Nostalgia i.e “I’m very nostalgic when I go there.”
  • “reminds me of home” i.e. “This place reminds me of my home”
  • “Homely” i.e. “This music is very homely, and makes me nostalgic.”

Times When I Felt Nostalgic

A specific time I felt rather nostalgic and felt like I was at home was when I went to a Turkish restaurant in Japan. While I am not Turkish, the food is extremely similar to the food I ate when I was a child, which was of a Serbian variety. The tastes, atmosphere and music all made it feel like home. It was very nostalgic. The Turkish Coffee in particular was wonderful, and put a “spring in my step.”

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「私の好きな食べ物は…」を英語で言う方法【food I like】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like


今日は、日常生活でよく使われるフレーズ、会話で頻繁に出てくる「私の好きな食べ物 (food I like)」について深く掘り下げていきます。







これは、特に初級レベルの生徒さんが間違えることが多いのですが、「好きな食べ物」を直訳して「like food」と言うことがあります。
例えば「I like food is curry」と言うことがあります。

これは英語では間違っていて、「好きな食べ物」は英語では「food I like」や「my favourite foods」となります。

「food I like」と「my favourite foods」の意味はわずかに異なりますが、どちらも「好きな食べ物」を表すのに使うことができるので、頭に入れておいてください。


「food I like」と「my favourite foods」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like

「food I like」と「my favourite foods」を自然に使用した例文をご紹介します。

My favourite food in Fukuoka is motsunabe. It’s delicious!

One of my favourite foods in Japan is tempura. It goes well with beer!

A food I like to eat in the morning is yesterday’s pizza paired with some coffee.

What are some foods you like?


「favorite food」と「food I like」の違いと例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like



My favourite city in Japan is Fukuoka.



One of my favourite foods is pizza.


food I like」の使い方は、特に英語初心者の生徒さんには少し難しいでしょう。


Pizza is a food I like.

多くの人は上記の言い方の代わりに単に「I like pizza」と言うかと思います。




ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「私の好きな食べ物は...」を英語で言う方法 - food I like




「私の好きな食べ物」を英語で簡単に表現する方法は「My favorite food」です。
例えば、favourite song(お気に入りの歌)、favourite day(お気に入りの日)、favourite drink(お気に入りの飲み物)、あるいはfavourite English school (お気に入りの英語学校)など。







Hello there,Enlglish language enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to be diving into a common phrase used in daily life, one that often pops up in conversations about personal preferences: “私の好きな食べ物” in Japanese. We’ll explore how to express this phrase in English, its relevance in various situations, and why mastering it is essential for effective communication.

How to Say “私の好きな食べ物” in English

This is something many of my students get wrong especially in lower levels. They sometimes translate 好き な 食べ物 directly from Japanese as “like food”. For example, they would say “I like food is curry”.

That is of course wrong in English. In English 好き な 食べ物 is “ food I like” or “my favourite foods”. Please keep in mind that the meaning of “my favourite foods” and “ food I like” is slightly different but both can be used to translate 好き な 食べ物.

Example Sentences

Here are some natural example sentences using both expressions above.

  1. My favourite food in Fukuoka is motsunabe. It’s delicious!
  2. One of my favourite foods in Japan is tempura. It goes well with beer!
  3. A food I like to eat in the morning is yesterday’s pizza paired with some coffee. 
  4. What are some foods you like?

Difference between “favorite food” and “food I like,” and Some Example Sentences

When we use the word “favourite” we mean that it’s something that we like best. 

Ex. My favourite city in Japan is Fukuoka. 

In the above example we don’t only convey that we like Fukuoka but we also convey that we like it more than any other city we know of in Japan. 

Another example would be

Ex. One of my favourite foods is pizza. 

In the above example we convey that we have some different foods we like best and one of them is pizza.

The use of “food I like” is a little bit harder especially for beginner students, and the meaning slightly differs from “favourite”. 

Ex. Pizza is a food I like. 

In the above example we don’t know if pizza is one of the speaker’s favourite foods. We just know that they like it. I need to say that the above sentence wouldn’t be very common. I think most people would just instead say “I like pizza”. 

My Family’s Favorite Food

I think with the exception of my son, the rest of my family are foodies and there are many foods we like. I think my family’s favourite food is probably lasagna. My wife cooks it very nicely and all of us are very glad when it’s on the menu! 


There you have it, the easiest way to express “私の好きな食べ物” in English is “My favorite food.” Of course using the same grammar you could talk about any other thing you like best. Ex. Your favourite song, your favourite day, your favourite drink or even your favourite English school which I hope is ours!

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「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】



どちらであっても、あなたは旅行する際は「travel light」が多いですか、それとも旅行の際にたくさんの荷物を持っていくタイプですか?

このブログでは、この旅行に関連する表現「travel light」の意味と使い方について説明していきます。


「travel light」の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】

travel light」とは、旅行する際にわずかな荷物しか持たず、重いあるいは不必要なアイテムをたくさん持たないことを意味します。



「travel light」を使った例文

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】


My sister prefers to travel light, especially on business trips because it makes getting around airports and public transportation much easier.

Before the hiking trip, I always make sure to travel light by packing only the essentials like water, snacks, and a first aid kit.



Have you started packing for the camping trip yet, Rita?

Yeah, I started gathering my stuff, but I’m trying to travel light this time.

That’s a good idea, because we’re going to carry everything on our backs during the hike to the campsite.

Exactly. I’m just bringing the basics like a sleeping bag, some food, and a small tent.


「travel light」の反対の言葉は?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】

「travel light」の直接的な反対の表現は実際には存在しませんが、「pack heavy (重い荷物を詰める)」、「overpack (過剰に荷造りする)」、「pack too much (荷物を多く詰めすぎる)」や「come prepared (しっかりと準備して行く)」などと言うことができます。



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「身軽に旅行」は英語で?- travel light【例文つきで意味を解説】

「travel light」は、快適で迅速な旅行の方法であるだけでなく、環境にやさしい方法でもあります。







Travel Light

Hello there, thanks for stopping by and I hope all is good in your life.
Are you a frequent traveler or an occasional one like me?
Whichever you are, do you often “travel light” or carry a lot of luggage on your trips?
In the following few paragraphs I explain the meaning and usage of this travel related expression.


To travel light means to pack only a small amount of things when going on a trip, without bringing a lot of heavy or unnecessary items. It’s about not carrying too much luggage so that you can move around easily and comfortably.

Usage examples

My sister prefers to travel light, especially on business trips because it makes getting around airports and public transportation much easier.

Before the hiking trip, I always make sure to travel light by packing only the essentials like water, snacks, and a first aid kit.

In a dialogue:
Yumi:  Have you started packing  for the camping trip yet, Rita?

Rita: Yeah, I started gathering my stuff, but I’m trying to travel light this time.

Yumi: That’s a good idea, because we’re going to carry everything on our backs during the hike to the campsite.

Rita: Exactly. I’m just bringing the basics like a sleeping bag, some food, and a small tent.

Opposite of “travel light”?

There is no real straight forward opposite expression for “travel light”, but we can say something like pack heavy, overpack, pack too much or come prepared…

How do I prefer to travel?

Like a backpacker, I prefer to travel light unlike my wife who has a habit of overpacking. I think we can now buy some of the stuff we need like toiletries,  at the destination. So we don’t need to pack them.  Plus, a heavy  airplane uses more fuel than a lighter one. If more travelers traveled light, planes would burn less fuel and cut Co2 emissions.

All in all, traveling light is not only a comfortable and quick way to travel, but  it’s also environmentally friendly.

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「local delicacy」ってどういう意味? – ご当地グルメ・地元の名物【例文つきで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「local delicacy」ってどういう意味? - ご当地グルメ・地元の名物【例文つきで解説】

そこで今日は、食べ物好きのみなさんにとって必須の言葉の一つ「local delicacy」について深く掘り下げてお話します。


「local delicacy」の意味

私たちが「local delicacy」という言葉を使うとき、特定の料理や食品が文化的または地域的に重要であることを強調しています。


「local delicacy」を使った例文

「local delicacy」の使い方の例をいくつかご紹介します。


Fukuoka is renowned for its local delicacies, such as Hakata ramen and mentaiko (spicy cod roe).
(福岡は博多ラーメンや明太子 [辛いたらこ] などのご当時グルメで有名です。)

When visiting Fukuoka, make sure to try motsunabe, a famous local delicacy consisting of offal, leek and cabbage cooked in a flavorful broth.

The street stalls (yatai) in Fukuoka offer a variety of delicious local delicacies, including yakitori (grilled skewered chicken) and Tonkotsu ramen.
(福岡の屋台には、焼き鳥 [鶏の串焼き] や豚骨ラーメンなど、美味しいご当地グルメがたくさんあります。)



「local delicacy」の他にご紹介したい食に関連する便利な単語は、「cuisine」、「culinary」、「foodie」です。
例えば、日本食のすべてについて話すとき、私たちは「the Japanese cuisine」と言います。
同様に、福岡の食べ物について話すとき、私たちは「the Fukuoka cuisine」と言います。


I really love the Kyushu cuisine, it’s simple, cheap and delicious.

This restaurant is famous for its creative cuisine.




Motsunabe is a culinary delight!

Hakata is a culinary paradise.

That chef is a culinary genius!!!


英語では通常、食べ物が大好きな人を「a foodie」と呼びます。


私のお気に入りの「local delicacy」








Conversing about food, cultural experiences, and exploring local cuisines is something most people enjoy doing and as such learning useful English expressions to be able to better communicate about these topics is really important for us here in Kensington Eikaiwa. Today we will talk in depth about one such expression which should be in every foodie’s lingo. 

Meaning of “local delicacy”

When we refer to a “local delicacy,” we are highlighting a specific dish or food item that holds significant cultural or regional importance. It usually would represent the authentic flavors, traditions, and culinary heritage of a particular place and would be cherished and celebrated by locals and tourists alike for their unique tastes and cultural significance.

Example sentences with “local delicacy” 

Here are some examples of how to use “local delicacy” in a sentence. 

  • Ex. Fukuoka is renowned for its local delicacies, such as Hakata ramen and mentaiko (spicy cod roe).
  • Ex. When visiting Fukuoka, make sure to try motsunabe, a famous local delicacy consisting of offal, leek and cabbage cooked in a flavorful broth.
  • Ex. The street stalls (yatai) in Fukuoka offer a variety of delicious local delicacies, including yakitori (grilled skewered chicken) and Tonkotsu ramen.

Other useful words and expressions related to food

Some other useful words related to food that I would like to introduce are “cuisine”, “culinary” and “foodie”. Cuisine means food particular to a country, region, establishment or style. For example when we talk about all Japanese food, we can say “the Japanese cuisine”. Similarly when we talk about Fukuoka food we can say “The Fukuoka cuisine”. 

  • Ex. I really love the Kyushu cuisine, it’s simple, cheap and delicious. 
  • Ex. This restaurant is famous for its creative cuisine. 

Another word we use a lot when talking about food is “culinary” which basically is the adjective of “food” or “cooking”

  • Ex. Motsunabe is a culinary delight!
  • Ex. Hakata is a culinary paradise.  
  • Ex. That chef is a culinary genius!!!

One word that we don’t use so much in English is “gourmet”. While it can be used in English, it’s not used anywhere nearly as commonly as it’s used in Japanese. In English we would usually call someone that really loves food “a foodie”.

My favourite local delicacy

It’s really hard for me to pick one Kyushu food I like the most as in my opinion the Kyushu cuisine is amazing and filled with delicious local delicacies. If I had to pick one food then I would probably pick the raw fish (sashimi) which is delicious across the whole island of Kyushu. 

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「shake things up」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「shake things up」ってどういう意味?【例文つきで解説】


「Who will shake things up in Washington, DonaldTrump or Hillary Clinton?」

この「Shake things up」とは何でしょうか?


「shake things up」の意味と例文

「shake things up」とは、状況や組織、システムなどに変更を加えたり、導入したりして、物事をより興味深くしたり、パフォーマンスを向上させることを意味します。


The fashion industry is always looking for ways to shake things up and set new trends.

We expect the new management team to shake things up by introducing new ideas and strategies to improve the company’s business performance.

I think it’s time to shake things up and try new activities to make our weekends more exciting.


「shake things up」の類義語

⚫️Reorganize (再編成)
⚫️Rearrange (再配置)
⚫️Restructure (再構築)


Our sales have risen dramatically in the last three or four months, Yumi.

Yes, the numbers are looking better since the sales team was reorganized a couple of months ago.


We’ve rearranged the furniture in our office. It looks nicer!


⚫️shake someone up (感情を揺さぶる)

関連する表現に「shake someone up」があります。


The news of the death of former Prime minister Abe, shook up the entire nation of Japan.

The horror movie shook my daughter up. She didn’t sleep well for several nights.


私の私生活での「shake things up」




「shake things up」というイディオムは、物事をより活動的に、興味深く、または挑戦的にする行為を表すために使われます。そしてこれはしばしば素早く行われます。

いかがでしたか?ここまでお読みいただいた方は、私が冒頭にお話した、2016年のアメリカ人に対する質問「Who will shake things up in Washington, D Trump or H Clinton?」の意味が理解できたのではないでしょうか。







Hello there, I hope you’re all doing well at work, home, school and wherever you’re. In 2016, Americans were asked a question;  “Who will shake things up in Washington, DonaldTrump or Hillary Clinton?”
Well, what is to shake things up?
In a few paragraphs, I’ll explain the meaning and usage of this idiom that is used in many aspects of life.


To shake things up means to make  or introduce changes to a situation, organization, system etc, to make things more interesting or improve performance. It’s like vigorously shaking a jar full of different colored jelly beans. The colors will mix up differently after the shaking. This idiom can be used in various aspects of life such as business or work, relationships, personal development and others.


The fashion industry is always looking for ways to shake things up and set new trends. 

We expect the new management team to shake things up by introducing new ideas and strategies to improve the company’s business performance.

I think it’s time to shake things up and try new activities to make our weekends more exciting.

Similar words 

Jane: Our sales have risen dramatically in the last three or four months, Yumi.
Yumi: Yes, the numbers are looking better since the sales team was reorganized a couple of months ago.

We’ve rearranged the furniture in our office. It looks nicer!

Shake someone up

Another related expression is “shake someone up” which means to disturb, upset or shock someone emotionally or mentally. It often implies shocking or surprising someone in a way that makes them have a strong reaction.
The news of the death of former Prime minister Abe, shook up the entire  nation of Japan.

The horror movie shook my daughter up. She didn’t sleep well for several nights.

 Shaking things up in my personal life:

I wouldn’t say big shake ups in my personal life lately but, I’m helping with the house chores more often than I used to do, I exercise almost everyday and I have been meditating for 10-15 minutes twice a day for about two months. I feel those changes have made my life better.

Overall, the idiom shake things up is used to describe the act of making things more dynamic, interesting or even challenging, often very quickly.
I’m sure now the 2016 question to Americans  “Who will shake things up in Washington, D Trump or H Clinton?” makes sense, doesn’t it?

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「Catch a Movie」の意味と使い方【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Catch a Movie」の意味と使い方【例文つき】

今日のブログでは、「Catch a Movie」というよく耳にするイディオムについて詳しく説明します。


「catch a movie」の意味

「catch a movie」の意味は非常にシンプルで、誰かと近い将来映画を観ることを指します。
基本的に、誰かがあなたに「catch a movie」と言ったとき、あなたと一緒に映画館に行って何かを観たいという意味を含んでいます。
watch a movie」というフレーズと基本的にほとんど違いはありませんので、どちらを使っても同じ意味になります。
「catch」は「take hold of (掴む)」や「to get and hold (手に入れて保持する)」などの意味を持つ動詞ですが、視覚的なものに対して使われる場合は意味が変わります。


「catch a …」を使った例文

「catch a movie」の基本的な意味は「watch a movie」と同じですが、「catch a」は他のいくつかのフレーズとも置き換えることができ、何かを見たり観察したりするプロセスを表します。


Let’s catch the fireworks at the park tomorrow

Let’s catch a musical at the theatre

Let’s catch a live performance



「catch a movie」の別の言い方

「catch a movie」はとても一般的でよく使われるフレーズですが、英語は非常に柔軟な言語であるため、同じことを言い表す他の方法もいくつかあります。


Let’s go see a film

I wanna check out a movie tonight

How about we have a movie night?












Today’s blog post is all about the commonly heard idiom of “Catch a Movie”, which is a phrase that’s very useful in social circumstances, whether it be among friends, relatives and colleagues. It’s most often used in the social realm so understanding what exactly it means and how to use it is quite handy.

The Meaning of “Catch a Movie”

The meaning of “catch a movie” is actually very simple – it means to watch a movie in the near future with someone. Essentially, when someone says to you that they’d like to “catch a movie”, it’s an implication that they’d like to go to the cinema with you to see something. There is fundamentally little difference between it and the phrase “watch a movie”, so if you were to say either of them in the same sentence, it’d mean the same thing. The verb is different in separate circumstances – the word “catch” means to “take hold of” or “to get and hold” something, but its meaning shifts when it refers to something that we see or look at.

Example Sentences Using “Catch a …”

While the fundamental meaning of “catch a movie” is the same as “watch a movie”, the term “catch a” is interchangeable with several other phrases that involve the process of seeing or watching something. For example:

“Let’s catch the fireworks at the park tomorrow”

“Let’s catch a musical at the theatre”

“Let’s catch a live performance”

If you were to look at the above and change the word “catch” with “watch” or “see”, you would get exactly the same meaning.

Another Way to Say “Catch a Movie” with Examples

While “catch a movie” is a very common and popular phrase, there are a few other ways you can say the same thing due to English being such a flexible language, for example:

“Let’s go see a film”

“I wanna check out a movie tonight”

“How about we have a movie night?”

These three examples all share the same meaning barring the last one, which implies that there might be multiple movies that may be at a home or at a cinema.

Movies that I’ve caught and really enjoyed

Some recent movies that come to mind that have been really enjoyable have been the original Terminator movies – Terminator 1 and 2 – and a film released in 2022 called “Pig”, starring Nicholas Cage.

Terminator 1 and 2 are certified classics of the sci fi and action genre and still hold up extremely well today. On the other hand, Pig is a wonderful, slow film that deals with some heavier themes alongside some fantastic cinematography and great acting on the part of Nicholas Cage. It’s a movie that comes highly recommended.

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「Scared the Hell Out of Me」ってどういう意味?【例文付き】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Scared the Hell Out of Me」ってどういう意味?【例文付き】

この記事では、「scared the hell out of me」というフレーズを探求し、その意味と英語での使い方を深掘りしていきます。


「scared the hell out of me」の意味

私たちが「scared the hell out of me」と言ったときは、何かが私たちを強烈に怖がらせた、または極度の恐怖やショックを与えたことを意味します。


「scared the hell out of me」と「scared me」の違い

「scared the hell out of me」と「scared me」の両方のフレーズは私たちが恐怖を感じたことを伝えますが、この二つのフレーズの間には、私たちが感じた恐怖の度合いに違いがあります。
“the hell out of”という口語表現を用いることで、恐怖がより強烈に強調されます。


The earthquake in Fukuoka yesterday scared me.

The earthquake in Fukuoka yesterday scared the hell out of me.


「hell out of me」の他の使い方

さきほど言った通り、「the hell out of」は強調するための口語表現で、他の動詞、例えば「annoy(いらだたせる)」「beat(打う)」「get out(出る)」などと共に使うことができます。


Jim annoyed the hell out of me yesterday. Can you believe what he said?

Things got a little bit scary so I got the hell out of there as fast as I could.


「scared the hell out of me」を使った例文

以下に、「scared the hell out of me」をどのように文章で使用するかの例をいくつか挙げてみます。

That horror movie scared the hell out of me. I couldn’t sleep for days.

When the thunderstorm hit Fukuoka last week, the loud thunder scared the hell out of me.

On my way to Oita, because of slippery conditions, the car swerved unexpectedly. It really scared the hell out of me.

Seeing a snake slither across the path near the Fukuoka Zoo scared the hell out of me.


「scared the hell out of me」の他の言い方

極度の恐怖を表す表現は他にも、「terrify me(私を恐れさせる)」「send shivers down my spine(背筋をゾッとさせる)」「petrify me(恐怖で動けなくさせる)」などがあります。

または「scare the bejesus out of me」、「scare the heck out of me」といった「scared the hell out of me」と同じ表現のやや異なる使い方などがあります。文法的な使い方は「scared the hell out of me」と同じです。










Hello there! In this article, we will explore the phrase “scared the hell out of me” and delve into its meaning and usage in English. This expression is commonly used in various contexts in daily life though it’s important to remember that the word “hell” is quite strong and could be considered as offensive so it should be only used in very casual settings. 

Meaning of “Scared the Hell Out of Me” 

When we say that something “scared the hell out of me,” it means that something frightened us intensely or caused us extreme fear or shock. 

Difference between “Scared the Hell Out of Me” and “Scared Me” – 

While both phrases convey that we felt fear, there is a distinction between “scared the hell out of me” and “scared me.” in the degree of fear we felt. That higher degree of emotion is conveyed by the expression “the hell out of” which is a colloquial expression used to provide emphasis. Grammatical usage is the same for both expressions as we can see below. 

Ex: The earthquake in Fukuoka yesterday scared me.
Ex: The earthquake in Fukuoka yesterday scared the hell out of me. 

Other Usages of “Hell out of me”

As mentioned above “the hell out of” is a colloquial expression used to provide emphasis. It can be used with other verbs such as “annoy”, “beat”, “get out”, 

Ex. Jim annoyed the hell out of me yesterday. Can you believe what he said?
Ex. Things got a little bit scary so I got the hell out of there as fast as I could. 

Example sentences with “scared the hell out of me “

Here are some examples of how to use this expression in sentences.

Ex. That horror movie scared the hell out of me. I couldn’t sleep for days.
Ex. When the thunderstorm hit Fukuoka last week, the loud thunder scared the hell out of me.
Ex. On my way to Oita, because of slippery conditions, the car swerved unexpectedly. It really scared the hell out of me.
Ex. Seeing a snake slither across the path near the Fukuoka Zoo scared the hell out of me.

Other ways to say “scared the hell out of me” 

As mentioned above, the word “hell” is only suitable in very casual situations when talking with friends and shouldn’t be used in more formal settings or settings where we need to be a little more careful of what words we should use. Alternate expressions to convey extreme fear include “terrify me”, “send shivers down my spine”, “petrify me” or using the same expression slightly differently as in “scare the bejesus out of me”, “scare the heck out of me”. Grammatical usage is similar. 

Something that scared the hell out of me is…….

Thankfully I haven’t had many scary experiences in my life, maybe one that stands out is the Fukuoka earthquake in 2007. The tremors lasted for I think 15 or 30 seconds or something and our house was located on the Kego underground fault so things were falling on me from all directions. My initial thought was that it was a nuclear attack by Korea somehow so yeah it’s fair to say that it scared the hell out of me.

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