タグ別アーカイブ: #英語学習のアドバイス

学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – Word Families 、単語の家族??

Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons
Word families

Hey guys,

English can be a tricky language, and sometimes it doesn’t seem to make sense. But it also has little clues that – if you know how to identify them – can reveal meaning.

For example if a longer word ends in ‘ing’ (exciting, eating), then it probably can also function as a verb if you remove the ‘ing’ (excite, eat). Though, you might have to modify it a little bit, like adding the ‘e’ in ‘excite’, as I did.

Word families such as these can really help you get at the meaning of a word, even if you’ve never heard of it before. If you learn some word families yourself it can help you in many ways: understanding, pronunciation and spelling, to name a few.

Be careful though, guys. English has a complex History and some rules don’t always hold up in every situation. We gotta stay flexible! 🙂



学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす
Word Families 



例えば「ing」で終わる長めの単語( exitingやeating )は、「 ing 」を取る( excite,eat )とおそらく動詞として働くでしょう。私が「excite」に「 e 」を付け足した様に、少し修正しなくてはいけないかもしれませんが。

この様な「Word Family (品詞が違う単語のグループ)」は、例えあなたがその単語を以前に聞いた事が無かったとしても、その意味を知る為にとても役に立ちます。もしあなたがいくつかのWord Familyを学習すれば、少し例を挙げると、理解、発音、記述など、多くの面で助けになります。

でも皆さん、気を付けて下さい。英語は複雑な歴史を持っていて、いくつかのルールはどんな場合でも有効とは限りません。私達は柔軟に対応していかなければいけませんね! 🙂


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学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす – 学習を前向きに振り返る

 Study Advice / How to make most of your lessons
Positive reflection

Hey guys, 

I’m here with another study tip. It’s super helpful to look back sometimes so that you can gauge how far you’ve come, and it helps to analyse what has worked well for you in building up your knowledge. And after that, you can start to focus on key areas of improvement in the future, making a goal is a good way to stay motivated. I recommend anyone who sets a big goal to also establish little ‘checkpoints’ along the way.

I’m always impressed with the progression that students demonstrate, especially if I haven’t seen them for a few weeks. Take that time now and then, if you can, to recognise your own brilliance!

Keep up the great work guys.



学習アドバイス / 最大限にレッスンを活かす






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Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

Facebook : @kensingtoneikaiwa


