タグ別アーカイブ: #イディオム・フレーズ

「That would be great!」の使い方【福岡市英会話】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:That would be great



「That would (that’d) be great」 は、日常会話で非常に汎用性の高い表現です。






申し出を受け入れる / 感謝を伝える

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:That would be great

「Would you like…? / Shall I…?(~はいかがですか? / ~しましょうか?)」といった申し出に対して、以下のように返答すると、受け入れつつ感謝の気持ちを伝えることができます。

That would be great, thank you!

That would be great, I appreciate it!

Yes, that would be great, if it’s not too much trouble.

Sure, that would be great, thanks for offering!

If you could do that, that would be great.



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:That would be great

誰かが楽しいことや興味深いことを提案した際に、「That would be great!」を使うと、熱意を伝えることができます。

Oh, that would be great! I’m really looking forward to it.

That would be absolutely great!

That would be great; I’ve been hoping for something like this.

Wow, that would be great! I can’t wait.

That would be so great; I’m excited about it!



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:That would be great


That would be great, as long as it fits your schedule.

That would be great, but let me know if it’s inconvenient for you.

That would be great, especially if it’s not too much work.

That would be great, as long as you’re okay with it.



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:That would be great


Yeah, that’d be great!

Sure thing, that’d be great!

Sounds good, that’d be great.

Cool, that’d be great!

Awesome! that’d be great.



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:That would be great


That would be great, and I’m truly grateful for your help.

That would be great; I can’t thank you enough.

That would be great, thanks a million!

That would be great; you’re a lifesaver!

That would be great; I owe you one!



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:That would be great

良い上司やリーダーは直接的に命令するのではなく、「(名前), if you could…, that would be great.」 というパターンを使って丁寧に依頼をすることがよくあります。

Steven, if you could start making the marketing materials this afternoon, that would be great.

Alison, if you could help David with the translations, that would be great.

Robert, if you could find a good quote for the repairs, that would be great.



「That would be great!」は、申し出を受け入れるとき、感謝を伝えるとき、期待を表すとき、条件をつけるとき、また人に丁寧に依頼するときに幅広く使える便利な表現です。


「if you could…, that would be great.」を使うことで、より丁寧な依頼ができ、カジュアルな場面では「That’d be great!」もよく使われます。


「That’d be great」というフレーズを使った有名なミーム(meme) もインターネット上でよく見かけるので、気になる方は検索してみてください。





こんにちは、私はウォーレンです。イギリス出身です。 日本には「Donkeys’ years」と言えるほど、かなり長い間住んでいます。福岡は15年以上も私の居住地となっています。











That would be great!

Today, I’m going to introduce a very natural way to express accepting offers with gratitude, enthusiasm, adding conditions, and politely ordering people to do things. 

‘That would (that’d) be great’ is a very versatile expression that you can use in everyday conversation.

Accepting offers / expressing gratitude

If an offer begins with “would you like…? / Shall I…?” then you can accept and show gratitude in the following ways.

  1. “That would be great, thank you!”
  2. “That would be great, I appreciate it!”
  3. “Yes, that would be great, if it’s not too much trouble.”
  4. “Sure, that would be great, thanks for offering!”
  5. “If you could do that, that would be great.”

Expressing Enthusiasm

Someone suggests doing something fun / exciting, etc.

  1. “Oh, that would be great! I’m really looking forward to it.”
  2. “That would be absolutely great!”
  3. “That would be great; I’ve been hoping for something like this.”
  4. “Wow, that would be great! I can’t wait.”
  5. “That would be so great; I’m excited about it!”

Adding Conditions

This is usually for accepting offers for assistance that may take the person offering some time or effort. 

  1. “That would be great, as long as it fits your schedule.”
  2. “That would be great, but let me know if it’s inconvenient for you.”
  3. “That would be great, especially if it’s not too much work.”
  4. “That would be great, as long as you’re okay with it.”

Casual Variations

  1. “Yeah, that’d be great!”
  2. “Sure thing, that’d be great!”
  3. “Sounds good, that’d be great.”
  4. “Cool, that’d be great!”
  5. “Awesome! that’d be great.”

Casual ways to express gratitude

  1. “That would be great, and I’m truly grateful for your help.”
  2. “That would be great; I can’t thank you enough.”
  3. “That would be great, thanks a million!”
  4. “That would be great; you’re a lifesaver!”
  5. “That would be great; I owe you one!”

Politely ordering people to do things

A nice supervisor / boss / manager / leader, etc. won’t directly order someone to do something. Instead, they’ll often use a pattern that begins with “(name), if you could…, that would be great”.

  1. Steven, if you could start making the marketing materials this afternoon, that would be great.
  2. Alison, if you could help David with the translations, that would be great.
  3. Robert, if you could find a good quote for the repairs, that would be great.

Extra cultural note:

There is a very popular meme that uses ‘that’d be great’. You can find it all over the internet.

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1. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Mom! I hope you have a wonderful holiday.



2. Wishing you a Christmas full of love and laughter.
Wishing you a Christmas full of love and laughter, my dear friend.



3. May your Christmas wishes come true!
May your Christmas wishes come true, and may your New Year be full of blessings!




1. Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays, everyone! Thank you for your hard work this year.



2. Season’s Greetings!
Season’s Greetings from all of us at Kensington Eikaiwa.



3. Thank you for your support this year. Have a joyful Christmas!
Thank you for your support this year. Have a joyful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.




1. Have you been good this year? Santa might visit you!

2. Let’s decorate the Christmas tree together!

3. Santa is coming soon!

4. Have you written your letter to Santa?

5. Let’s hang the stockings for Santa!

6. Do you hear the jingle bells?





How many reindeer does Santa have? (サンタのトナカイの数は?) [答え:9匹]
What’s the name of Santa’s most popular reindeer? (一番有名なサンタのトナカイの名前は?) [答え:ルドルフ]
What is Santa’s favorite phrase (サンタのお気に入りのフレーズは?) [答え:HO! HO! HO!]

特に思い出深かったのは、子どもたちが英語でクリスマスカードを書くお手伝いをしたことです。子どもたちはカラフルなクリスマスツリーを描き、「Dear Santa」や「I hope you visit my house!」といったフレーズを練習しながら楽しんでいました。




Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!






(4つの大陸の)いろいろな国で暮らしたことがあります。 異なる文化圏の人々に会うのが大好きです。日本女性と結婚し、4人の素晴らしい娘がいます。時間のあるときは、本を読んだり、短編を書いたり、テレビでサッカー観戦をしたりしています。もし私の短編を読んでみたい方がいらっしゃれば、お知らせ下さいね 😉








Spreading Holiday Cheer: Essential English Phrases for Christmas

Christmas is a happy time to be with family, friends, and coworkers. You might give gifts, go to parties, or send good wishes. Knowing the right English words can help you share the Christmas spirit. I will teach you some useful and kind phrases to use during this joyful season. These phrases will help you talk to English-speaking friends or coworkers.

Festive Phrases to Brighten Your Christmas Conversations

Here are some common and cheerful English phrases you can use this Christmas, along with explanations:

With Friends and Family:

1. Merry Christmas!
The classic holiday greeting used to wish someone a joyful Christmas. “Merry” means cheerful or happy.

Example: Merry Christmas, Mom! I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

2. Wishing you a Christmas full of love and laughter.
A warm and personal phrase to show you care about the person’s happiness.

Example: Wishing you a Christmas full of love and laughter, my dear friend.

3. May your Christmas wishes come true!
This phrase uses “may” to express hope or good wishes.

Example: May your Christmas wishes come true, and may your New Year be full of blessings!

With Colleagues:

1. Happy Holidays!
A greeting that is good to use at work or with different kinds of people.

Example: Happy Holidays, everyone! Thank you for your hard work this year.

2. Season’s Greetings!
A formal way to convey good wishes during the holiday season.

Example: Season’s Greetings from all of us at Kensington Eikaiwa.

3. Thank you for your support this year. Have a joyful Christmas!
Adding gratitude to your holiday wishes is a great way to strengthen professional relationships.

Example: Thank you for your support this year. Have a joyful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

With Children:

1. Have you been good this year? Santa might visit you!
A fun way to talk to kids about the tradition of Santa Claus bringing gifts to well-behaved children.

2. Let’s decorate the Christmas tree together!
A phrase to invite kids to participate in festive activities.

3. Santa is coming soon!
A great way to build excitement about Christmas Day.

4. Have you written your letter to Santa?
A fun question to encourage kids to share their wishes.

5. Let’s hang the stockings for Santa!
A playful phrase for preparing for Santa’s visit.

6. Do you hear the jingle bells?
This phrase brings excitement and magic into the holiday mood.

My Christmas Experience in Japan

Last Christmas, I joined a cultural exchange event at a local community center in Nakagawa city Fukuoka, where we shared holiday traditions. It was fascinating to see how Japanese families add their unique touches to Christmas, like enjoying a Christmas cake or KFC for dinner! We sang some popular English Christmas carols like Jingle Bells, played games and had a Xmas quiz. I asked them questions like “How many reindeer does Santa have?” (Ans: 9)  “ What’s the name of Santa’s most popular reindeer?” (Ans: Rudolph) “What is Santa’s favorite phrase” (Ans: HO! HO! HO!) One special memory was helping children write Christmas cards in English. They enjoyed drawing colorful Christmas trees and practicing phrases like “Dear Santa” and “I hope you visit my house!”

Learning and using English phrases during Christmas is a wonderful way to embrace the holiday spirit while improving language skills. Whether you’re wishing friends and family well or building stronger relationships with colleagues, these phrases will help you express your joy and gratitude this season. Try using some of them in your conversations or messages and spread the holiday cheer!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Twitter : @Kensington_Eng

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「Expand horizon」ってどういう意味? – 視野を広げる【日常英会話】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Expand horizon」ってどういう意味? - 視野を広げる【日常英会話】


expanding someone’s horizon」(直訳:地平線を広げる)を思い出すことがあります。






「Expand horizon」の意味と由来

「Expand horizon」ってどういう意味? - 視野を広げる【日常英会話】

では、「Expand horizon」の意味を推測できるでしょうか?


「Expand horizon」の例文をちょうだい!

「Expand horizon」ってどういう意味? - 視野を広げる【日常英会話】


「Reading books of various genres is a great way to expand your horizons!」


「Traveling to new countries can really help expand your horizons and give you a fresh perspective on the world.」


「Step out of your daily routine and give yourself a chance to expand your horizons and discover new interests.」


「Studying English idioms and expressions can expand your horizons and make your conversations more engaging.」



「Expand horizon」の類似表現は?

「Expand horizon」ってどういう意味? - 視野を広げる【日常英会話】

Expanding one’s horizons」を理解したところで、似た表現も見てみましょう。

Broadening one’s horizons」や「Widening one’s perspective」は、ほとんど同じ意味合いです。
Exploring new avenues」(新しい道を探る)や「Thinking outside the box」(固定概念にとらわれない考え方をする)も、確立された世界観から一歩踏み出し、新しい知識や視点を得る努力を示唆しています。


「Expand horizon」に関する私の経験談

「Expand horizon」ってどういう意味? - 視野を広げる【日常英会話】

さて、私の expand my horizons した経験も気になるかもしれませんね。


「Expand horizon」ってどういう意味? - 視野を広げる【日常英会話】


「Expand horizon」ってどういう意味? - 視野を広げる【日常英会話】



expanding one’s horizons」を理解する手助けとなり、英語でのコミュニケーションに役立ててもらえることを願っています!







Expanding our English Horizons. 

Hi everyone! It’s been much cooler recently and I’m sure you have been enjoying the beautiful Japanese Autumn. In Fukuoka, Autumn brings beautiful sunsets – even more scenic than during other seasons. Watching the sun hiding below the horizon makes me sometimes think about an interesting idiom we will talk about today: expanding someone’s horizons.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

We’ve said previously that all idioms have their origins and so does today’s one. However, in this case, the origins are more intuitive than other idioms. So, let’s go back to our beautiful Fukuoka sunsets for a second. Have you ever watched a sunset and wondered where the sun was “going”? Obviously, it sounds trivial nowadays as we know quite well what’s “behind the horizon” but that knowledge wasn’t readily available in the past, hence people’s desire to expand the horizon, go beyond it, and know more. So, can you already deduce the meaning of our idiom? Sure, you can! It means to open up and expand one’s knowledge, perspective, and understanding! It implies effort and willingness to change one’s current ways. To go beyond. 

Examples, please!

“Great”, you’ll think, “but can I see some example sentences with this idiom?” Absolutely! Here you are! 

“Reading books of various genres is a great way to expand your horizons!” I think we can all agree! The time and effort are all worth the knowledge and new perspectives books give us!

Another idea: “Traveling to new countries can really help expand your horizons and give you a fresh perspective on the world.” Isn’t it true?

And what about this: “Step out of your daily routine and give yourself a chance to expand your horizons and discover new interests.” 

Of course, we can and should include your efforts and say “Studying English idioms and expressions can expand your horizons and make your conversations more engaging.” That’s what you’ve been doing all the time! You’ve been expanding your horizons! 

Synonyms? Similar expressions?

Once we understand the meaning and use of “Expanding one’s horizons,” it will be quite easy to look at some similar expressions. The first that comes to mind is nearly identical “Broadening one’s horizons.” Another one would be “Widening one’s perspective,” which conveys pretty much the same meaning. Also, “Exploring new avenues” or “Thinking outside the box” both imply stepping out of our well-established worldview, and making an effort to gain new knowledge and perspective.

Personal experiences

Now, you may be curious and want to ask about my experiences expanding my horizons. Well, I think I have many and the first one would be coming to Japan! Leaving Europe was definitely stepping outside of my box and it broadened my horizons immensely. The same, I would say was changing my professions and becoming an English teacher. I’ve been exploring that new avenue and every day my horizons expand as I teach and learn from my students!


We started this post with the image of a beautiful sunset in Fukuoka. As a matter of fact, one of my favorite pastimes is watching sunsets whenever I am, and while doing that I often remind myself about our today’s idiom. I hope that this blog entry will help you understand its meaning and will encourage you to use it in your English communication! Enjoy your Autumn and until the next time!

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「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? – 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】



Knuckle down」という表現は、何かに対して一生懸命に取り組むことを意味します。「Knuckle down」する時は、集中して本腰を入れて作業に取り組むことを表します。







ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「If we just knuckle down today, we can finish up painting the kitchen.」

「Please knuckle down and finish cleaning up your room so you can play with your friends tomorrow.」

「I have to knuckle down and address 100 New Year’s cards tonight so I can mail them in time for them to arrive on new year’s day!」



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「It’s final exam week so I’ve got to knuckle down and finally start studying.」

「Sorry, I can’t talk now. I’ve got to knuckle down and do my homework.」

「I’m going to the library. Every time I try to knuckle down and study one of my flatmates interrupts me.」



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「Are you serious about finishing that ABC project by tomorrow? Then you’ll have to knuckle down for the rest of the day!」

「All right, quit joking around. We need to knuckle down and finish this report.」



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「Knuckle Down」ってどういう意味? - 真剣に取り組む【ビジネス・日常英会話】

「The Biden administration appears to be playing at war rather than knuckling down and winning it.」 —-Washington Examiner, 11 Jan. 2024

「But as the United Nations conference enters its second week and negotiators from 197 countries knuckle down to finalize a new agreement to tackle global warming, attendees were sharply divided over how much progress is being made.」—-New York TImes, 8 Nov. 2021



個人生活でも仕事でも、あるいは学業でも、成功の鍵はやはり決意と努力にあります。だからこそ、集中して取り組み、「Knuckle Down」の心構えを大切にしていきましょう!







knuckle (noun) is a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface, especially where the finger joins the hand.

Knuckle (verb) means to rub or press (something, especially the eyes) with the knuckles.

knuckle down means to  begin to work hard at something or apply oneself seriously to a task. When you knuckle down, you really focus and get to work. 

at home

“If we just knuckle down today, we can finish up painting the kitchen.”

“ Please knuckle down and finish cleaning up your room so you can play with your friends tomorrow.”

“I have to knuckle down and address 100 New Year’s cards tonight so I can mail them in time for them to arrive on new year’s day!”

with friends

“It’s final exam week so I’ve got to knuckle down and finally start studying.”

“Sorry, I can’t talk now. I’ve got to knuckle down and do my homework.”

“I’m going to the library. Every time I try to knuckle down and study one of my flatmates interrupts me.”

at work

“Are you serious about finishing that ABC project by tomorrow? Then you’ll have to knuckle down for the rest of the day!”

“All right, quit joking around. We need to knuckle down and finish this report.”

on the news

The Biden administration appears to be playing at war rather than knuckling down and winning it. — Washington Examiner, 11 Jan. 2024 

But as the United Nations conference enters its second week and negotiators from 197 countries knuckle down to finalize a new agreement to tackle global warming, attendees were sharply divided over how much progress is being made. — New York Times, 8 Nov. 2021 

Conclusion: The ‘Knuckle Down’ Mindset

It is clear that determination and commitment are the keys for success whether in personal or professional life, not to mention academically! So let’s stay focus! Let’s embrace the ‘Knuckle Down’ Mindset.

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「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 – 大成功する【日常・ビジネス英会話】

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】


hit it out of the park」があります。






「Hit it Out of the Park」の意味

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】

Hit it out of the park」というイディオムは野球が由来の表現で、試合中にホームランを打つこと、つまりボールをスタジアムの外まで飛ばすことをさします。


「Her presentation was amazing! She really hit it out of the park.」

「They hit it out of the park with their new product launch.」



「Hit it Out of the Park」と似た表現

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】

Hit it out of the park」と同じ意味を持つ英語の表現は他にもいくつかあります。

Nail it

「I was nervous about the test, but I nailed it!」

Crush it

「You crushed your interview! I’m sure you’ll get the job.」

Knock it out of the park
大成功を収める、「Hit it out of the park」とほぼ同じ意味

He knocked it out of the park with his performance on stage.」



私の「Hit it Out of the Park」の体験

「Hit it out of the park」ホームランから来るもう一つの意味 - 大成功する【ビジネス英会話】

私は日本で英語の教師をしていますが、生徒たちがプレゼンテーションやスピーチコンテスト、クラスでのロールプレイやテストで「hit it out of the park」する姿をよく目にします。
hit it out of the park」したのです!

Hit it out of the park」は、誰かの素晴らしいパフォーマンスを称える際に使える強力なイディオムです。
hit it out of the park」できる日がきっと来ますよ!







In English, idioms are commonly used in both casual conversations and formal situations. One idiom that often confuses students is “hit it out of the park.” This phrase is especially popular in American culture and is frequently used in business, sports, and everyday life. In the next few paragraphs, I’ll explain the meaning and usage of this idiom, along with examples and similar expressions.

What Does “Hit it Out of the Park” Mean?
The idiom “hit it out of the park” comes from baseball, where it refers to hitting a home run—a ball that flies over the fence and out of the field. In everyday language, it means to do something extremely well or to achieve great success. For example:

– Her presentation was amazing! She really hit it out of the park.
– They hit it out of the park with their new product launch.

In both examples, this phrase describes someone performing exceptionally well in a task.

Similar Expressions to “Hit it Out of the Park”
There are several phrases in English that have a similar meaning to “hit it out of the park.” Here are a few:

1. Nail it

  • Meaning: To do something perfectly or successfully.
  • Example: I was nervous about the test, but I nailed it!

2. Crush it

  • Meaning: To perform very well or succeed at something.
  • Example: You crushed your interview! I’m sure you’ll get the job.

3. Knock it out of the park

  • Meaning: Similar to “hit it out of the park,” this phrase also means doing something with great success.
  • Example: He knocked it out of the park with his performance on stage.

These phrases are great alternatives to use in various situations where someone excels at something.

My Experience with “Hitting it Out of the Park”
As an English teacher in Japan, I often see students “hit it out of the park” during presentations, speech contests, class role plays or tests. I remember one student, Yuki, who was nervous several days before the English speech contest she was going to take part in. She practiced hard, and when the day came, she delivered (gave) her speech perfectly, with clear pronunciation and confidence. She won second prize! She knocked it out of the park!

“Hit it out of the park” is a powerful idiom to describe someone’s excellent performance. Whether you’re in school, at work, or even in daily conversations, using this idiom can help you express praise or admiration for someone’s hard work and success. Next time you or someone around you does something impressive, try using this phrase! Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be hitting it out of the park with your English skills too!

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間違えやすい言葉「doing good」と「doing well」を解説【日常英会話】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:間違えやすい言葉「doing good」と「doing well」を解説【日常英会話】


英語を勉強している人の多くが「doing good」と「doing well」を混同してしまいがちです。






doing good」と「doing well」の違いは?

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:間違えやすい言葉「doing good」と「doing well」を解説【日常英会話】


Doing good」は、親切な行いをすることや慈善活動に従事することを指します。


「She spends her weekends volunteering at the animal shelter. She’s really doing good.」

「He’s spent his life doing good by working for various non-profit organizations.」

このように「doing good」は他者に対して良い影響を与えること、または社会に貢献することを意味しています。

一方「doing well」は、個人の成功や幸福を指します。
「How are you?」と尋ねられたときを考えてみてください。「
Doing well」は主に健康、進捗、または達成度について話すときに使います。


「I’m doing well, thanks for asking!」

「Despite the Yen being weak, their business is doing well.」

ここで、「doing well」は個人や職業における成功、または良い状態や気分を表しており、自分の行動や感情を伝えるときに役立ちます。

doing good」を本来「doing well」を使うべき場面で使用しています。
例えば、「How are you?」と聞かれて「I’m
doing good」と答える人がほとんどです。
doing good」の方が自然に感じることもあります。


Doing good」と「Doing well」に関する私の経験

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:間違えやすい言葉「doing good」と「doing well」を解説【日常英会話】

数年前、私は「doing good」と「doing well」の違いを実感する出来事がありました。
doing good」という感覚を覚えました。

doing well」な状態にあり、事業も着実に進展していました。
doing good」で社会貢献をしながら、仕事も「doing well」な状態でした。



Doing good」は他者を助けたり、社会にポジティブな影響を与えることを指し、「Doing well」は個人の達成、成功、または幸福を表します。

最後に、以前別のブログでDennyが言っていた言葉を引用すると、スーパーマンは「doing good」だけど、あなたは「doing well」な状態です。
でも、「Hey! How are you doing?」と聞かれたときの「I’m
doing good」はカジュアルな表現として問題ないことも覚えておきましょう。







Understanding the Difference Between “Doing Good” and “Doing Well” in English

Many English learners confuse “doing good” and “doing well.” While these phrases sound similar, they carry different meanings and are used in different contexts. Understanding this difference is important for improving your communication skills in both casual and formal settings, to sound more like a native speaker. In this blog post, we will explore the meanings of these expressions, provide examples of how to correctly use them, and I’ll share some personal experiences to help clarify when to use each phrase.

What’s the Difference Between “Doing Good” and “Doing Well”?

Let’s start with the basic meanings. “Doing good” refers to doing something kind or charitable. It’s about making a positive impact on the world around you, whether through helping others, contributing to society, or engaging in acts of kindness. For example:

  • – “She spends her weekends volunteering at the animal shelter. She’s really doing good.”
  • – “He’s spent his life doing good by working for various non-profit organizations.”

In these examples, “doing good” means making a difference or helping others.

“Doing well” refers to someone’s personal success or well-being. Simply put, it’s how you’re feeling or how you’re doing. Think about the question “how are you?” It’s often used when talking about someone’s health, progress, or achievements. For example:

  • – “I’m doing well, thanks for asking!”
  • – “Despite the Yen being weak, their business is doing well.”

Here, “doing well” focuses on personal or professional success, or simply being in a good state or mood.  Understanding these two phrases will help you communicate more clearly, especially when describing your own actions or how you feel in English.

One thing to note, however, is that many native speakers will use the phrase “doing good” in the way that “doing well” should be used. In other words, many people will say things like “I’m doing good” when asked how they’re doing or how they’re feeling. While this won’t score you any grammar points when writing an essay, it’s generally accepted as a more casual response when compared to using “doing well.”

My Personal Experience with “Doing Good” and “Doing Well”

A few years ago, I had a meaningful experience that really highlighted the difference between “doing good” and “doing well.” I volunteered at a local community event, where I helped distribute food and groceries to the homes of the elderly. I remember the feeling of satisfaction that came from “doing good,” knowing I was helping to make a difference in people’s lives.

At the same time, I was also working on growing my own business. That was a period when I was “doing well” in terms of my career, as things were improving steadily. Looking back, I was both “doing good” by contributing to my community and “doing well” professionally. These phrases perfectly capture how our lives can have different types of success.


In conclusion, while “doing good” refers to helping others or making a positive impact on society, “doing well” focuses on personal achievements, success, or well-being. These phrases might seem confusing at first, but with a little practice, you’ll be able to use them naturally in your conversations. Keep this distinction in mind, and soon, you’ll be more confident in your English communication. As Denny said in a previous blog post, Superman does good, you’re doing well. But, remember, “I’m doing good” is okay to use in a casual sense, when people ask “Hey! How are you doing?”

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イギリスのスラング 「dodgy」を解説【例文つき】

イギリスのスラング 「dodgy」を解説【例文つき】









イギリスのスラング 「dodgy」を解説【例文つき】

1. 怪しい・信頼できない


例:「That salesman seemed dodgy; I wouldn’t trust a word he says.」


2. リスキー・危険


例:「We had to walk through a dodgy part of town to get to the hotel.」


3. 質が悪い・不安定に動作する


例:「The car engine sounds a bit dodgy; we might need to get it checked out.」


4. ごまかしがうまい・巧みに不正直


例:「His dodgy response made me think he was hiding something.」



イギリスのスラング 「dodgy」を解説【例文つき】











“Dodgy” is a British slang term and is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is suspicious, unreliable, or potentially dangerous; i.e., describing a risky situation or characterizing a person who seems untrustworthy.

Meanings of “Dodgy”

1. Suspicious or Untrustworthy: When someone or something seems unreliable or untrustworthy, they can be described as dodgy. This meaning often applies to people, business deals, or activities that appear deceitful or dishonest.

Example: “That salesman seemed dodgy; I wouldn’t trust a word he says.”

2. Risky or Dangerous: The term can also describe something that feels unsafe or precarious, such as a situation or physical environment that might cause harm.

Example: “We had to walk through a dodgy part of town to get to the hotel.”

3. Of Poor Quality or Functioning Erratically: It can refer to objects or systems that are of low quality, unreliable, or prone to breaking / malfunction.

Example: “The car engine sounds a bit dodgy; we might need to get it checked out.”

4. Evasive or Cleverly Dishonest: Sometimes, “dodgy” can describe someone who avoids direct answers, often in a way that suggests they are trying to hide something.

Example: “His dodgy response made me think he was hiding something.” We don’t use this meaning so often.

Usage in Everyday Conversation

“Dodgy” is often used in casual conversation, especially in the UK, Australia, and other English-speaking countries. It is informal and can carry a negative connotation, so it’s best used when you want to express skepticism or caution.

In summary, “dodgy” is a versatile term that captures the essence of suspicion, risk, and unreliability. Whether you’re talking about a dubious business deal, a potentially dangerous neighborhood, or an unreliable gadget, “dodgy” is the perfect word to convey your wariness.

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Where is the station?

Where can I find souvenir shops?

How can we get to the ABC hotel?

しかし「Do you know…(ご存知ですか)」「Can/Could you tell me…(教えていただけますか)」などを使って丁寧に伝えたいときがあります。

Can you tell me where the station is?

Do you know where I can find souvenir shops?

Could you tell me how I can get to the ABC hotel?







Go/Walk straight for about 200 meters(約200メートルまっすぐ進んでください)」や「Turn right/left(右/左に曲がってください)」といった表現を使います。
また、目的地がどこにあるかを伝えるために、「in front of A(Aの前)」「across from A(Aの向かい)「next to A(Aの隣)」「between A and B(AとBの間)」など、場所の前置詞を使うこともいいでしょう。

It’s on Watanabe Street.

It’s between Seven-Eleven and Starbucks.

It’s across from Mitukoshi.

It’s next to the Mizuho Bank.

It’s in front of the city hall.

It’s on Watanabe Street next to the Fukuoka Bank.



A: Excuse me! Can you tell me where the bakery shop is?

B: Sure! Go straight, turn left, and the bakery shop will be between the souvenir shop and Seven-Eleven!

A: Thanks!

B: No worries!


公共交通機関を使って目的地に行く場合はどうでしょうか?「take 〇〇 line(〇〇線に乗る)」「get on/off at the 〇〇 station(〇〇駅から乗る/〇〇駅で降りる)」「Ride for 7 stops(7駅先まで乗る)」などの表現が使えます。


A: Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to Nakasu-Kawabata?

B: Yeah! Take the Kuko Subway Line. Ride for 4 stops and get off at Nakasu-Kawabata station






Excuse me! How do I get to the departures!?


Don’t worry! It’s just a 3-minute walk! Go straight there (指をさしながら), turn right and you will see the airport entrance. Take the escalator to the 3rd floor. That’s the departures floor!

お礼を言って急いで向かう私に、最後に「Take care! Have a safe flight!」(お気をつけて!)と声をかけてくれました。










How to ask for and give directions in English.

Hello again everyone! Bartek here. I’ve recently had a chance to go to my country, Poland, and on my way there and back to Japan I needed to ask for directions many times. I bet many of you will travel in the near future so today we will talk a little bit about asking for and giving directions in English. We will go over asking direct and indirect questions, using them to ask for directions, and finally we’ll take a look at some example sentences asking for and giving directions to some popular spots in Fukuoka City. That last part is an added benefit as these example sentences may be very useful when you are asked for directions on the streets. So, without much ado, let’s get into it!

Asking for directions. 

It is obvious that asking for directions must involve questions. However, questions can be asked in a direct or indirect way and the latter requires some focus to be spot on grammatically. I guess we all know direct questions:

Where is the station?

Where can I find souvenir shops?

How can we get to the ABC hotel?

That’s all simple, isn’t it? Now, quite often we want to begin our questions with some polite phrases, such as “Do you know…” or “Can/Could you tell me…” Using such phrases makes a question an indirect one and requires a little tweak in grammar. Let’s take a look at the above direct questions in indirect forms:

Can you tell me where the station is?

Do you know where I can find souvenir shops?

Could you tell me how I can get to the ABC hotel?

Can you see what happened? Of course, you can! The question changed its syntax into that of a statement! And that’s the trick to remember and use. 

Giving directions.

Okay, we know how to ask a casual direct question or a more polite indirect one but how do we give directions? Let’s start with simple directions that only involve walking. We may use expressions such as: “Go/walk straight for about 200 meters” or “Turn right/left.” It is also a good idea to say where the destination will be. For that, we will use prepositions of place: “in front of A”, “across from A”, “next to A”, or “between A and B.” 

Here are examples of using the prepositions:

It’s on Watanabe Street.

It’s between Seven-Eleven and Starbucks.

It’s across from Mitsukoshi.

It’s next to the Mizuho Bank.

It’s in front of the city hall.

It’s on Watanabe Street next to the Fukuoka Bank.

Let’s see how we can use all those expressions in a conversation! Imagine you are at a place like a train station and someone asks you: “Excuse me! Can you tell me where the bakery shop is?” “Sure!” you’ll say, “Go straight (you can point with your hand!), turn left, and the bakery shop will be between the souvenir shop and Seven-Eleven!” They’ll likely say “Thanks!” to which you can respond with “No worries!” 

Now, think about a situation when getting somewhere involves using public transport. We’ll need some more expressions such as: “take X line”, “get on/off at the Y station”, or “ride for 7 stops.” 

How can we use that? Here’s an example! Imagine you are at Fukuoka Domestic Terminal and someone asks you: “Excuse me, can you tell me how I can get to Nakasu-Kawabata?” You can answer: “Yeah! Take the Kuko Subway Line. Ride for 4 stops and get off at Nakasu-Kawabata station!”

Do you really use that language nowadays? 

You may wonder “Is that language worth learning in the 21st century when we all have our smartphones and maps apps with navigation?” Well, I understand that question and would probably ask it myself but I have a really recent and relevant experience to share that may convince you that those expressions are still very useful! A couple of weeks ago I was on my way back to Japan from Europe. I had to go to the airport in Berlin and I took a highway bus that was supposed to take me straight to the departures. The bus was stuck in traffic and there was less and less time until my departure. Then finally we got to the airport but the bus stop was far away from the airport building! I was a bit worried as my departure was in 90 minutes and I could not afford to miss the flight! I pulled my phone and tried to find the way to the departures but my phone just couldn’t connect to the internet! I needed to get directions fast so I asked the first person at the bus stop: “Excuse me! How do I get to the departures?!” I must have looked panicked cause that person replied “Don’t worry! It’s just a 3-minute walk! Go straight there (he pointed with his finger), turn right and you will see the airport entrance. Take the escalator to the 3rd floor. That’s the departures floor!” “Thanks a lot!” I shouted and went straight ahead. “No worries! Have a safe flight!” the person replied to which I showed a thumb up as I was already speedwalking.


So, you can see that the expressions we learned today can be pretty useful and we may not even know when! I hope you won’t have to use them in a situation like mine but make sure you learn and practice them! Good luck and have a great late summer time!

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Bounce backってどういう意味?【ビジネス英語・例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:Bounce backってどういう意味?【ビジネス英語・例文つき】



例:A basketball player bounces a ball on the floor and it springs back into her/his hand.

Bounce back」は困難な状況や出来事のあとすぐに通常の状態に戻る、または失敗や自信喪失、病気、不幸を経験した後に再び成功し始める、という意味があります。これは日常会話(ニュースやスポーツ)、ビジネスシーン、さらにはITの場面でも使われます。「メールがbounce backする」と言ったら、メールアドレスが間違っているなどの理由で送信者に返送されたという意味になります。






「Bounce back」の例文



He bounced back easily from his surgery.

After losing the first two games of the league, they bounced back to win their next three and become the top team.

According to the UN, many countries are bouncing back from the pandemic but the poorest are still struggling economically.




Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week.

Profits are expected to bounce back in the new financial year.

European markets bounced back after U.S. markets recouped early losses


形容詞の「bounce back」

Bounce backは形容詞としても使えます。

Bounce back message / E-mail bounce(送信者に返送されたメッセージ)



立ち直る(Bounce back from


Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do.

Prices have bounced back strongly from the bottom a year ago.



bounce back」する力とはつまり回復力です。パンデミックの間に、私たちは回復力を発展させたり強化したりすることを学びました。重要なポイントは、社会的繋がり、自己管理、行動に意味を見出すこと、恐怖に向き合うこと、そして最後に、学び続けることです。これからも学び続けてください。







bounce back

To bounce is a word for an up and down movement or recovery — like a ball’s bounce on the pavement or the stock market’s rise after a crash. Bounce can be a noun or a verb. 

A basketball player bounces a ball on the floor and it springs back into her/his hand.

To bounce back means to return quickly to a normal condition after a difficult situation or event or to start to be successful again after a difficult period, for example after experiencing failure, loss of confidence, illness, or unhappiness. 

It that can be used in several situations from everyday life (on the news and sports), business situation and even in IT.

In IT if an email bounces back, it is returned to the person sending it because the address is wrong or the user is not known.


daily life (on the news and sports) 

He bounced back easily from his surgery.

After losing the first two games of the league, they bounced back to win their next three and become the top team.

According to the UN, many countries are bouncing back from the pandemic but the poorest are still struggling economically.



Stock prices bounced back after a steep plunge earlier this week.

Profits are expected to bounce back in the new financial year.

European markets bounced back after U.S. markets recouped early losses


IT (communication)

“Bounce back” can sometimes be use as adjective:

The most common types of bounce back messages (or e-mail bounce) is “Delivery to the following recipient failed temporarily: [email protected] Reason: Mailbox full.”


bounce back from 

Children often seem to bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do.

Prices have bounced back strongly from the bottom a year ago.


Conclusion: Resilience is the ability to bounce back. During the pandemic we have learnt to develop or strengthen our resilience. The key takeaways are: social connectivity, self-care, finding meaning, facing your fears, and, the last but not least, continuing to learn. Yes, keep studying and learning.

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“After all”の意味と使い方【例文つき】

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「After all」ってどういう意味?使い方は?【例文つき】


After all”もその一つです。
このフレーズは、日常会話や仕事、ビジネスの場面でよく使われます。このブログでは”After all”の意味を説明し、様々なケースで正しく使う方法を紹介します。






“After all”の意味

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「After all」ってどういう意味?使い方は?【例文つき】

After all”は、何かの説明をしたり理由を述べる時、または重要なことや明らかなことを改めて強調する時に使うことが多いです。



この場合の”after all”は、自分の意見を根拠づける主張さらに自分の意見を強調する際に使います。

Of course I love Yumi. After all, she’s my sister.

I thought you may have a friend in the neighborhood, after all you grew up in this town.


この場合の”after all”は、予想が変わったり、予期しない結果を示す場合に使われます。

I thought it was going to rain, but it stayed sunny after all.

A: You’re going to Kyoto with the team Kohei, after all?
B: Yeah, I’ve been told that they have a room for an extra person on the bus!


“After all”に似たフレーズ

ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「After all」ってどういう意味?使い方は?【例文つき】

After all”と似た意味を持つフレーズはいくつかあり、場合によっては代わりに使えることもあります。いくつか紹介します。

In the end


We didn’t plan to go out, but in the end, we went to a nice restaurant and had a delicious meal.

When all is said and done


When all is said done, it was a good decision to move abroad. We’re much happier.

At the end of the day


At the end of the day, what matters the most is that everyone is happy.



ケンジントン英会話ブログ:「After all」ってどういう意味?使い方は?【例文つき】

私も、仕事や他の場面で”After all”を使うときがあります。

“He could attend the class, after all.



主張を説明したり、決定を正当化したり、予想外の結果を表現したりする際に、”after all”やそれに類似する表現を理解し、適切に使うことができれば、コミュニケーションがより明確になります。







“After all” meaning and usage 


In English, many common phrases can be hard to understand, especially when they have more than one meaning depending on the situation. One example is “after all,” which people often use in everyday talk, at work or business. In this blog, I  will explain what “after all” means and show how to use it correctly in different cases.

The meaning of “After all”

The phrase “after all” is used to explain or give a reason for something. It often highlights a point, as if the speaker is reminding someone of something important or clear.

Here are two main ways it is used:

Explaining or justifying something
In this case, “after all” is used to remind others of something that supports or strengthens an argument.

Of Course I love Yumi, after all she’s my sister.
I thought you may have a friend in the neighborhood, after all you grew up in this town.

In spite of what was expected (an unexpected outcome)
This use of “after all”  indicates a change in expectation or an unexpected outcome.

I thought it was going to rain, but it stayed sunny after all.

A: You’re going to Kyoto with the team  Kohei, after all?
B: Yeah, I’ve been told that they have room for an extra person on the team bus!

Similar Phrases to “After All”

There are several phrases in English that have similar meanings to “after all” and can be used interchangeably in certain cases. Here are a few:

“In the end”
This phrase is often used to describe the final result or outcome of something, especially when there’s a change in expectation.

We didn’t plan to go out, but in the end, we went to a nice restaurant and had a delicious meal.

“When all is said and done”
This is a more idiomatic expression and means that after everything has been considered, the conclusion is clear. 

When all is said and done, it was a good decision to move abroad. We’re much happier.

“At the end of the day”
This phrase is commonly used in casual speech and means the final or most important consideration.

At the end of the day, what matters most is that everyone is happy.

My own experiences using this expression

I use “after all” from time to time in communication at work and in other settings.

For instance, a few weeks ago, a student messaged us, saying he’d probably cancel his class due to lateness. Later, he confirmed the cancellation. But then a few minutes later, our secretary text me to let me know that  Mr. A could actually attend the class, after all.


 Whether you are explaining a point, justifying a decision, or expressing an unexpected result, understanding when and how to use “after all” and similar expressions will make your communication clearer. So next time you’re having a conversation in English, try using this phrase to show your reasoning or to summarize a conclusion.

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