タグ別アーカイブ: # ビジネス英語

「Bottom line」意味がわかりますか?

Business English
What is the Bottom line?

Hey everyone,

Today’s Business English expression is the “bottom line” and it means the end result of the accounts of the company, how much profit or loss a company has made. As is easy to guess, it’s a very important thing for every company in any sector if any industry.

Ex. How does the minimum salary raise in Fukuoka affect our bottom line?

Ex. The consumption tax increase a while back really hurt our bottom line.


「Bottom line」意味がわかりますか?

今日のビジネス英語の表現は「bottom line」、いくらの利益または損失を出したか、企業の最終損益という意味です。

例  How does the minimum salary raise in Fukuoka affect our bottom line?

例 The consumption tax increase a while back really hurt our bottom line.


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ビジネス英会話 - “Corner the market – 市場を独占する ”

 Business English
“Corner the market.” 

When we’re talking about our own possessions, there’s a good chance we’re often talking about products that come from world famous companies, dominating their markets. As I write this blog on my iPad, I notice that this device has helped Apple to corner the market in mobile devices and tablets. Of course, many other companies produce tablets, but Apple has a very big share of this market compared to the other companies – and this situation doesn’t look like it’s changing any time soon. If a company has such a large control of a particular market, it can also mean higher prices due to a lack of competition – so while it’s good for the company, it’s not necessarily a good thing for consumers.

Cornering a market can also be said of a company that provides service, rather than products. For example, perhaps we could say that Uber Eats has cornered the market in the food delivery sector.

Next time you see me in class, remember to tell me about some companies that have cornered some markets that you’re interested in!



“Corner the market – 市場を独占する ”


Cornering a Market(市場を独占すること)は、製品よりもむしろ、サービスにおいてよく見られます。例えば、フードデリバリーのジャンルでは、Uber Eatsが市場を独占していると言えるかもしれません。



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